Hashtag: #DrRyanAnderson

Preserve Marriage: Hotel Was “Clearly Informed”
The Preserve Marriage/Concerned Citizens of Bermuda group have released a statement saying that at the time of the booking for the same sex marriage forums held last last year, the Hamilton Princess “was clearly informed that the booking was for Preserve Marriage.” In November of last year the Concerned Citizens of Bermuda released a statement... Read more of this article

Video: Dr Ryan Anderson On Same Sex Marriage
American Dr. Ryan Anderson delivered two presentations on same sex marriage this week, having been brought to the island by the “Concerned Citizens of Bermuda” group, who said it was part of their “initiative to ensure that marriage in Bermuda remains defined.” Hamilton Princess’ Decision When asked about the decision by Hamilton... Read more of this article

Live Video Replay: Same Sex Marriage Forum
[Updated] The “Concerned Citizens of Bermuda” are holding a public forum this evening [Dec 2] at the New Testament Church of God, Heritage Worship Center on Dundonald Street, with overseas speaker Dr Ryan Anderson delivering a presentation to the attendees. In announcing the forums, the group said it was part “of their ongoing initiative... Read more of this article

Column: Who Is Dr Ryan T Anderson?
[Opinion column written by Quinton B. Butterfield] Who is Dr Ryan T. Anderson? There is a saying that goes, “there are three sides to every story, your side, my side and the truth.” Ok, so I got that from a movie, but it is true. Once again, Bermuda is at a divided crossroad thanks to same-sex marriage. And this time it is because there is a new... Read more of this article

Hamilton Princess: “We Cannot Accept Booking”
[Updated with group's response] The Hamilton Princess has confirmed that they will not be accepting the booking for the forums on same sex marriage held by the “Concerned Citizens of Bermuda” group, saying that the hotel’s policy is “to celebrate diversity in all its forms.” Allan Federer, General Manager of the Hamilton... Read more of this article

Group To Host Two Public Forums On Marriage
[Updated] Saying it is part of “their ongoing initiative to ensure that marriage in Bermuda remains defined and upheld as a special union between a man and a woman,” the Concerned Citizens of Bermuda group announced today that Dr. Ryan T. Anderson will present two free public forums on marriage. The group said, “As part of their ongoing... Read more of this article