Race For Last: Gary Moreno & Magistrate Wolfe

April 18, 2010

Well known ZBM senior journalist Gary Moreno and Magistrate Juan Wolfe came out in support of the community at the Rise Above Family Fun Day today. Both gentlemen were surprise late entries in the adult tie-your-shoe race, and ended up in a fierce battle for last place.

Both of them started off strong, holding in their own in the field [which also included two female entrants not pictured]
rab adult race
When the runners reached the half way point and had to put on their shoes and tie them, things began to go awry for both Mr Moreno and Magistrate Wolfe.

Mr Moreno had what we can only describe as severe technical difficulties with his shoe tying. At this risk of appearing biased towards a media colleague, we must point out that he was not wearing traditional running sneakers, putting him at a distinct disadvantage.
rab adult race 2
Pictured below [green shirt] crouching down working vigilantly on tying his shoes is Magistrate Wolfe. As you can see, most the other entrants [including the two females] were almost at the finish line at this point.
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Gary Moreno and Magistrate Wolfe sprinting down the finish line, while the other entrants celebrate finishing:
rab adult race 3
Both gentleman congratulate each other post race:
rab adult race 4

Despite their less then stellar race performance, both gentlemen are to be commended for not only attending the event, butĀ participatingĀ in great spirit in an event which was greatly enjoyed by all in attendance.

For more photo galleries from the Family Fun Day click here.

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  1. Photos: Rise Above Family Fun Day | Bernews.com | April 19, 2010