Low Rainfall Causes Water Shortage

June 25, 2010

1062312_water___4As noted by the Bermuda Weather Service, the current amount of rainfall in Bermuda is well below normal. The amount of rainfall to date has been recorded at 17.49 inches, whereas the normal is 25.41 inches. This decrease in the amount of rainfall has caused a high demand for water across the Island and, with it, restricted hours at the Government water trucker outlets.

The restricted hours have been implemented to allow consistent daily access for water truckers while ensuring that customers like the King Edward Memorial VII Hospital, Cedar Park and Marie Victoria Estates, all of which are solely reliant on the piped water supply.

The Ministry of Works and Engineering is asking the public to make every effort to conserve water at this time, and also says that residents should monitor tank levels regularly to determine if and when they will require water. Regular monitoring will ensure that water can be ordered and received before the tank runs dry.

The Ministry have said they are grateful for the public’s understanding and cooperation during this particularly challenging period

Water Conservation tips from Government include:

  • Install low water-use fixtures
  • Inspect water tanks and plumbing fixtures regularly
  • Repair leaks quickly
  • Use a bucket, not a hose, to wash cars
  • Take quick showers, not full baths
  • Minimize lawn and garden watering
  • Do not let water overflow or run after use
  • Wash full laundry loads or set the washer to appropriate load size
  • Do not order more water than is necessary

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  1. In Awe says:

    we live on an island, SURROUNDED by WATER!! …this is the 21st century!! need i say more?!

  2. Phillip Wells says:

    Last time we had a water shortage (which was nowhere near as bad as this one), the Government ordered a tanker of water from overseas to help.

    Have they done the same this time, do you know?

    • bernews says:

      To our knowledge…..no. That said, we will check on Monday to see if that is, or will be happening…