Premier’s Roundtable With “Most Vocal Critics”

October 7, 2010

from wiki Ewart_BrownOutgoing Premier Dr Ewart Brown will be hosting a Media Roundtable this coming Monday allowing members of the media to question him on issues related to his tenure, with the general public also invited to attend.

The Premier said “Many of the representatives selected to participate in the panel are among some of my loudest and most vocal critics. I am excited to be in a position to give them have one final opportunity to raise tough, probing and pointed questions before completing my tenure in office.”

Representatives from the Royal Gazette, Bermuda Broadcasting Company, VSB, The Bermuda Sun, The Worker’s Voice, Bernews and columnist Stuart Hayward have been invited to participate.

The event is free, open to the general public and will be held this coming Monday [Oct 11] at the Berkeley Cafeterium starting at 8pm.

The Premier said, “When I first assumed the office of the Premier, I was determined to increase access to both the media and the public. Whether through the Thursday Meetings, the Brown Bag Lunches or the Open Mic Nights we have granted unprecedented access and have been very pleased with the response. By allowing key members of the media to engage in an unrestricted question and answer session with me, I believe that I am completing this marathon the way I began it; with openness and a willingness to engage with all sectors of the community.”

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Comments (16)

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  1. reason says:

    It’s a nice thought but isn’t it a little too late? Don’t know if you’re taking audience questions but I can’t be there that night anyway. I think Dr. Brown did a lot of important and useful things regarding our infrastructure whilst Premier like updating the Police and Magistrates Court buildings, TCD, Buses, Ferries, and also granting tuition free access to Bermuda College, that’s about it, but despite his argument that the government has been transparent I think this where he let everyone down. The RG has been effectively censored on numerous occasions and the manner in which Dr. Brown conducted himself was opaque at best with many questionable expenses that have left Bermuda almost a billion dollars in debt and our taxes as high as they’ve ever been. When asked questions about such expenses the usual response is “I won’t dignify that with a response”, evasive to say the least. Give’m hell BerNews.

  2. bob todd says:

    It’s a non event. This radical in capitalist clothing will never admit that he has done anything wrong and those that oppose him can’t prove it. Although something wreaks in the state of Denmark, this would be king ain’t about to admit his work is the source…

    I truly wish he would just go quickly and quietly..Just go!!!

    Starting to think his skin is a tad thin.. Go figure!!!

  3. Malcolm says:

    Antique cedar closet panels for sale, owner (sic) leaving island. Great provenance, same wood used as beams in historic St. Georges building for several centuries until looted. Contact me after I’ve dished it one more time (see above) to those who dare question my infallibility…

  4. Tired of nonsense says:

    What’s the point of this exercise? More attempts to improve the legacy he will leave. You are not any of those traits that you listed above and neither has your administration.

    You had four years of ducking and refusing to acknowlegde questions from both the public and the media. Now that you are on your way out you want to put on a facade and act like some sort of leader that upholds democratic values and is in touch with the people. Jokes.

    This is the same man that gushed at the demise of one news medium while abusing his political power in an attempt to crush another. You have been a terrible example of what a democratically elected representative should stand for and how they should act. So don’t in your last 3 weeks in office act as if you have been some sort of transparent and accountable leader.

    I don’t condsider the Uighur scenario, your “tendering” methods, plantation question retort, “secret agenda” claim, use of bodyguards to shield you from the public, and the downright refusal to answer questions related to the people’s business and/or finances to be the signs of an open, honest, transparent and accountable leader.

    You have been quite the opposite which has led you to be nothing but a detriment to our democratic society. You are everything that you have claimed that the Opposition was. You are the modern day version of what you persistently claimed the UBP was and still is.

  5. Bye Bye says:

    I agree with Bob – please just go Doc – we are all tired of your spin and your inability to admit that you have brought our Island to its knees. Crime is up, International Business is fleeing, unemployment has risen dramatically, outright racism is worse now than ever before in my lifetime, respect for eachother as residents of the Island is non-existent, and education is no better now than it was ten years ago. So he can tell us about all the good he’s done, and yes, having ferries and courthouses are helpful, but where it really counts, he has failed. Miserably. I will not be at Berkley – I have no desire to see him again. Hopefully he can run away with all the money he has “earned” while in office and set his life up in T&C or some other Island where he can strut around like King Tut and we can put the pieces of our fractured Island back together in peace. So long Doc.. don’t let the door hit you on your way out!

  6. observer says:

    I’d laugh if the man didn’t anger me so much. His reign (and it was a reign, there was no democracy except for cronyism) was the very opposite of transparent and communicative.
    He’s leaving the way he began — lying through his teeth. Good riddance.

    • Logic76 says:

      We have to be factually correct, his reign was democratic. The question is, what is democracy without a bill of rights that is strictly followed?

  7. Truth is killin' me says:

    The sad thing is how many of his jumpups are still here that did the same as him due to fear of retribution by him while he was holding the reigns and in power. They will all be kissing ass to the public again to gain our confidence back and act as if it’s business as usual. Meanwhile the island has been stained and will take a while to get back on it’s feet.

  8. Rockfish and Rockfish#2 says:

    This in nothing but a pathetic attempt to rewrite history, and presents an opportunity to stick his thumb in his critic’s eyes.
    Additionally, it reeks of his usual arrogance. The above posts represent our feelings, so there is no point in repeating them.

  9. Todd says:

    What happens to all the security features added to his home at our expense, now that he is no longer Premier? Do we get compensated for that?

  10. Phillip Wells says:

    The media should boycott this. It’s an insult given the way he’s treated them over the last four years.

  11. True dat ... says:

    Absolutely Phil .. Nail on the head .


    Good point Todd .

  12. Dragging A Lure says:

    I’m pretty sure that all of the bigots will say the same trash as above regarding the new leader of the PLP Government. They have a great opportunity to face and question Dr. Brown but will not because they keep themselves happy with their pathatic and hateful views on every blog available.


    • Interesting says:

      Show one “bigoted” comment from above Lure.

      Just because these people don’t agree with your position does not turn them into bigots. Actually such intolerance makes you more of a bigot than any of the commentators above.

      So can you show me one bigoted comment or rebut any of the criticisms above? Or is the new game where any time a black person is crticized, despite how valid the criticism may be, is automatically a bigot or racist?

      Is is individuals such as yourself who seek to silence any opposition through such labels that is more of a detriment to our society as a whole than any crooked politician.

      Grow up!

      • Dragging A Lure says:

        check my name ha ha ha. Where are the facts that form yours and the other’s trash talk of our Premier and other PLP leaders. You will be saying the same about the next leader of the PLP. It is genetic. HA HA HA gone fishing, trolling with excellent bait. Also I’ll be at the round table event tonight. See you haters there with your lap tops, ipods etc. I’m smiling. Love my bait.


  13. Malcolm says:

    Pathetic – you should edit your work, especially if you still find yourself spelling phonetically. You’ll find that people will take you more seriously if you get the basics right.