Man Robs Dollar Depot at Knifepoint

December 5, 2010

Around 7:25pm last night [Dec 4] a man robbed The Dollar Depot in Pembroke, making away with a quantity of cash.

The Police say that the man entered the store brandishing what they term a “bladed article” and demanded money before fleeing the scene with a quantity of cash. Fortunately, the employee working in the store at the time was not injured.

The suspect is described as a light skinned black man, approximately 5’5” tall wearing a grey hooded top and dark coloured pants or jeans. He is believed to be 30 – 40 years old.

Police are appealing for any witnesses or anyone with any information to contact the Hamilton Criminal Investigation Unit on 295-0011.

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  1. terry says:

    Even Bernews bringing race into it. Shame.

    • confused says:

      so are they not supposed to give a description of the perp?

      • Call as it is says:

        terry needs to get a life…
        the ONLY lifeline he has is Bermews

        • Brasco says:

          I think he was TRYING to be funny but ya I agree with you there

    • John says:

      Racism is not the problem,,, the rising crime in Bermuda is serious and getting out of hand

    • Ian says:

      Terry = stupid.

    • Black Snow says:

      Yeah…and ‘age ain’t nothing but a number’ right?

  2. Ab'ny an Irie says:

    Light skinned black man. Sounds like an oxymoron. Or maybe just a moron. Racism everywhere you look.

    Remember Snow White? Why wasn’t she Snow Black? Its racism every where you go. Racism racsim…. blah blah blah

    • Fed Up Bermudian says:

      Please tell me you’re being sarcastic. That clearly wasn’t the intent of the description. It is possible that the description could have been more politically correct, by what- saying a light-skinned man of African descent? It’s more appropriate to call whites caucasians too, but…for the sake of expediency, isn’t it just easier to say, ‘white’? And, within ‘black’ and ‘white’ descriptors, there are any number of nuances of difference. Not all white people are the same colour, nor are of the same ethic background, and so it is with- can I say black without being called a racist?? Is there anything anyone can say without that accusation any longer??? Can we please look forward to a day when we celebrate our mutual differences with pride and mutual acceptance and appreciation?

      • Ab'ny an Irie says:

        Yes I was being sarcastic. It was joke – as is the fact that people seem to be able to connect everything on this island to race.

        Comedy – nothing more – nothing less.

        Sadly, I’m sure there really are people who think Snow White is racist.

        Sorry you didn’t get the joke – but there’s always one in every audience I guess.

  3. terry says:

    Thanks Smokes……………Bwahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  4. CB says:

    Its the DOLLAR store you idiot. How much did you think you were gonna get?

  5. terry says:

    As for Ian’s reply. Why can’t we stick to the subject. Frustration is a beach but there is no need for name calling and getting personal.

    The irony of all this is the fact that people won’t say it to your face and if you disagree with them they use a forum et al to demise you and seek refuge with other persons in an attempt to be the vocal point of all and all.

    As for Life line”…I would’nt stand too close to the bollard when taking strain.

    As for the subject, I hope they get the guy.

  6. White Jesus says:

    Description spectrum; on the far right we have Ribena Berry and on the far left we have Yoghurt, in between there is skin the color of fried chicken or boiled chicken. That would be far less offensive than saying “white” “black” or light-skinned black man. You could even use styles of carpet to describe hair. You have short and brown carpet hair or black. And you have shaggy sheep skin rug hair. Hair like a mop-stick and hair like barbie. Hot-dog bun lips and burger-bun lips. Yeah, that’ll solve the race problem