Video: Military Jets Land in Bermuda

April 8, 2011

Yesterday afternoon [Apr.7] shortly after the inaugural AirTran flight from Baltimore-Washington International arrived in Bermuda, what appeared to be two Air Force fighter jets were seen approaching the runway at the LF Wade International Airport. The two jets landed, and were followed by a larger aircraft, also military.

Although not confirmed by official sources, we understand the smaller planes may have been Tornados, with the larger aircraft a VC10. We hope to get official clarification later today. All three airplanes appeared to leave Bermuda this morning.

Aircraft Jets Bermuda Airport April 7 2011-1

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  1. Reality Check says:

    They were RAF Typhoons accompanied by a VC10 tanker

    • itwasn'tme says:

      jeeze I wasn’t sure what they were but I knew they weren’t Tornados….but they are RAF…..miss the ‘show’ again….oh well

      • itwasn'tme says:

        yep I just checked JANES…’re right they are EuroFighter EF2000 Typhoons….the little stabilizer wings are a dead give away.

  2. W.T.F.??? says:

    and as usual they buzzed the Island and made buildings shook!

  3. Terry says:

    Just another Yankee F16 in disguise. On their way to Caymans and then back again to pick up bodies……don’t get excited. Jigus…..

    When you see tanks, call me.

  4. Matthew D says:

    They were RAF Eurofighter Typhoons from 6 Squadron (RAF Leuchars).