Prescription Drugs From India, Brazil, Israel

June 17, 2011

prescription drugs generic healthFollowing a change in the Pharmacy and Poisons Act, prescription drugs from Brazil, India and Israel can be imported into Bermuda

Health Minister Zane Desilva said, “Today I am pleased to announce that Brazil, India and Israel will be added to the list of countries from which prescription drugs can be imported into Bermuda.”

“The Ministry of Health believes these three additions will expand local options available to hospitals, pharmacies and local importers to ensure a wider range of therapeutic agents and wholesalers.”

“This follows the amendment of the Designated Countries Order in the Pharmacy and Poisons Act of 1979. Currently prescription drugs, known in legislation as ‘Schedule 3 Drugs’, can only be imported from a handful of countries that exclude the leading manufacturers in quality generic drugs.”

“Generic medications are produced and sold when the patent protection for a brand name drug expires, and are usually cheaper than brand name drugs. With the patents of the most popular brand-name drugs expiring over the next few years, access to key generic manufacturing markets will increase options for local importers. ”

“India, Brazil and Israel are leaders in the manufacturing of generic drugs. Indian pharmaceutical companies produce 20 to 22% of the generic drugs globally. Brazil has the largest generic manufacturing sector in Latin America.”

“And Israel’s Teva Pharmaceuticals Inc is the largest generic drug manufacturer in the world. Accordingly, allowing access to these producers will increase the range of options for Bermudian suppliers.”

“The Ministry of Health recognizes that expanding the importation market must be accompanied with protective measures as a fundamental component of prescription drug importation is the assurance of quality.”

“That is why, along with the addition of these countries to the designated countries order, amendments to the Pharmacy and Poisons Act will be made with regard to importation.”

“Changes to the Act will include requiring all importers of Schedule 3 drugs to be registered with the Department of Health. Also, prescription drug importation will become dependent on if the specific manufacturing plant meets best practice standards and its products are approved by the drug regulatory authority of the US, Canada or a European Union member state.”

Pharmacy and Poisons [Designated of Approved Countries] Order 2011:

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