Happy Hour For Christian Young Adults

August 11, 2011

Tomorrow evening [Aug.12]  the next Fusion Happy Hour will take place at the Plaza Café on Walker Arcade, Reid Street – with the organizers aiming to “present Christian young adults with an alternative to the worldly leisure activities that take place on Friday nights.”

A spokesperson said, “On Friday, July 15th 2011, we launched “FUSION”, the newest Happy Hour! FUSION seeks to present Christian young adults with an alternative to the worldly leisure activities that take place on Friday nights, and to provide an outlet to express their creativity via a series of after-work summer socials”.


“The concept of FUSION is to provide a place to unwind after work, interact with like-minded individuals, have fun, encourage each other in our faith, and enjoy good music, fellowship and food in a wholesome and relaxing environment.”

“Each event has a different theme featuring live performances, spoken word, games, music, etc. These events are free and there will be food and non-alcoholic drinks available at special prices. We encourage all to come together for the sole purpose of giving glory to God with their gifts and talents!”

The event is open to young adults, aged 18 and over. The next Happy Hour events are on Sept. 2nd, 16th and 30th

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Category: All, Entertainment

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  1. Organic Bermudian says:

    Tha’s an oxymoron!!

  2. Stop Pointing ya Fingers says:

    HUH??!! WTF??!!! Happy hour for Christians??!!!! What is this world coming to. Might as well break out the sun block and get ya marshmellows on a stick, because everyone at this event is on express train to hell!!

    • Itcouldhappen says:

      Oh Please! Christians can be just as ‘happy’ on a Friday evening as you without the traditional club scene fare – alcohol, foul language and smoking. Hats off to Fusion for providing a venue for those of us who live in this world but are not of this world.

      • Organic Bermudian says:

        The problem with being IN and NOT OF this WORLD is “Happy Hour” IS WORLDY Could you not fine a better slogo??? For real!!

  3. J says:

    First round on me!!!

  4. Shut Yo Mouth... says:

    WWJD at a set like this ? Obvious , He would turn the water into Wine , and flog the money changers .

    • OMFING (oh my effin God) says:

      water into wine!! loving the satire!

  5. freddyg says:

    Negative comments – keep them to yourselves !!!

  6. Rockfish#2 says:

    I realize this is a controversial question but must ask. Why do these people isolate themselves when they are commanded to spread the gospel?
    The people in their age group who could use advice/guidance from them are not likely to attend these types of events. They seem very elitist and pompous to me, and are simply preaching to the converted!

  7. OMFING (oh my effin God) says:

    HA!!! they want to be like us now… first of all why the age limit if its not going to be any alcohol served, do they check for i.d also like in a REAL happy hour? I am part owner of a company and i defiantly applaud the company that puts this on… they have realized what most of us in business already know… seventy percent of this retarded country (Bermuda) claim to be Christians in one way or the other. My company has a saying that goes kinda like this “GET THAT CHURCH MONEY” if a fraction of 70% of the island consumes your goods, your straight for LIFE! but anyway I’m just a logical atheist trying to make sense out of a totally illogical group of people who still believe in fairy tales and only do good because of a “reward” promised in their afterlife!

  8. Kennette Burgess says:

    Enjoy your evening, wish I was there.

  9. Lawless says:

    This is an awesome idea.. There are so many young/older people seeking a place to gather and meet others in christ…. And yes, It is HAPPY HOUR, especially when you are doing it in the name of jesus….be blessed everyone!!