Minister Wayne Perinchief On Police Budget

August 5, 2011

Wayne Perinchief  May 20 2011-1-2Minister Wayne Perinchief yesterday [Aug.4] termed his Shadow’s recent statements about the police budget as “misinformed”.

Shadow Minister of National Security Senator Michael Dunkley told The Royal Gazette, “This is a very unfortunate situation. You cannot make that much of a cut when we are trying to fight gang and gun violence.

“For Government to come up with this budget was just wishful thinking that it was actually going to work.”

I wouldn’t be at all surprised if more funds need to be given before the end of the financial year to allow the police to continue with the same level of service,” continued Senator Dunkley.

Minister Perinchief said: “I regularly meet with the Commissioner and his senior team to discuss budgetary matters. The Commissioner has undertaken to reduce expenditure where necessary without compromising core policing and in this he has my full support.”

“Already in the course of this fiscal year unanticipated initiatives which were not budgeted have been funded without any need for overspending.”

“Every Ministry has the ability to shift its funding based upon its continuing priorities. The Shadow Minister’s bottom-line approach ignores the realities of managing a significant budget and the activities performed internally every day to get the best bang for the buck.”

The Minister continued: “I don’t understand how the Shadow Minister can take a fortnight of positive news….significant drug busts, firearms seizures, positive public perception results and a well-managed Cup Match holiday……and transform all of that into an ill-informed series of statements about money.”

In conclusion the Minister remarked: “This Government resolved long standing pay issues for the Police, this Government funded its additional, successful operations and this Government will continue to work with the Commissioner to keep Bermuda’s communities safe.”

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  1. Reality Check Time says:

    I agree with the Minister. I’ve traditionally been more on the the opposite side of the fence from the PLP and think E. Brown should be in jail for his actions against our people, but Cox is doing the best she can given the political climate and the opposition needs to stop belittling every move the current government makes, good or bad. It makes them look petty and desperate.

    • Cleancut says:

      Did Cox do “the best she can” when Brown was in power? explain political climate.

  2. Classic says:

    Perhaps Minister Perinchief and the Commissioner should talk about how they can figure out how to stop paying for Police Officers who are suppose to be on long term sick leave but have part time some full time employment else where. Let them go and you will come into a few million to close the gap.

  3. Rockfish#1 says:

    It is widely believed that if a police officer receives less than 8 days notice to work overtime, he/she must be paid either double or triple time. Is this correct Minister Perinchief?

  4. Will says:

    shutting down most events over cup match so the rest/majority of the public suffer is not well managed nor good policing, its lazy and total control over the sovereignty of each citizen

  5. Whatever says:

    If you are referring to the Beach (Peace) Fest, Police didn’t shut the event down, the event organizers did!