Reports: Corrections/COH Consider Strike Action

August 16, 2011

westgate prison bermuda generic (1)Prison officers are reported to be considering strike action due to discontent with pay, working standards and other matters.

Prison officers are said to be concerned about the new hardened breed of criminals, with correctional facilities seeing a greater rise in hardcore gang members being incarcerated in recent times.

The Bermuda Sun reported that, “The decision was taken by unanimous vote late last week and the officers are expected to hand in their 21-day strike notice to Government sometime this week.”

In addition ZBM also reported that prison officers voted to strike “in another pay dispute coupled with mounting concerns for their own safety with the new breed of prisoners.”

Official sources declined to comment to Bernews, however one official did state that they expect to issue a formal statement in the near future.

Prison officers are not the only ones said to be considering action, as ZBM reports that Corporation of Hamilton workers are said to be unhappy due to the dismissal of their colleague Michael Pond, who slapped a 16-year-old girl, and are contemplating industrial action.

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  1. haha says:

    the new breed of prisoners???

    are we for real???

    prison officers don’t get to choose what type of prisoners they will look after.

    what is really going on??

    • really? says:

      I totally agree with you. The whole purpose of the Corrections Officer is to be able to keep those men in line. If they are so scared for their lives, I suggest they seek other employment or get better training to handle situations presented them. I mean from what I have seen in other prisons, the officers in bda prisons deal with more “civil” prisoners compared to those in other countries. They dont have to deal with prison riots on a daily basis or so much gang related fights or other issues. And if they do and are worried that it might escalate again I say ask for better training if the training they have is insufficient but dont just run like a coward and go on strike.

      • Portia says:

        I think the prison officers have every right to be concerned for their safety and the safety of their families. I read a lot on here about people making judgments about the prison officers, when they don’t even know what’s going on. My brother is a prison officer and my father was a prison officer for many years…you have no idea what these men go through. Most of you who throw stones could not handle those types of work situations yourself.

        And yes, we do have a “new breed” of criminal in Bermuda. We have prisoners who have no compulsion about robbing, shooting and killing people in the light of day. The types of crimes that have been happening recently in Bermuda, were unheard of a generation ago. We have the type of prisoners who don’t respect authority and don’t fear anyone. They are bolder and more violent. Our Corrections Dept needs to help its officers to deal with these type of criminals.

        • Pastor Syl says:

          @ Portia: “Our Corrections Dept needs to help its officers to deal with these type of criminals”
          I agree entirely. The ‘new breed’ are a risk not only to the staff, but also to other prisoners. These are the one who don’t learn from and couldn’t care less about consequences; who have no conscience; who would, in any other jurisdiction, probably be labeled “sociopathic.”
          Specialized training is definitely called for.
          Prisons is the one govt. dept whose budget didn’t get cut. Some restructuring of their spending to include training would seem to be in order, sooner rather than later before we have a major tragedy on our hands

        • really? says:

          @ Portia, I think you may have misinterpreted what I was saying. I wasn’t at all saying that the officers shouldnt be concerned for their safety. I was saying that if they are so concerned, they NEED to stress for BETTER TRAINING. Rather than go on strike and cause more of an issue. I agree that things are getting worse in Bermuda, however, prepare ourselves for the worse, dont just cry out and not fight. Thats all I was saying. And yes I am young and not able to fulfill their job requirements, but I do know that in order to face a situation you MUST be prepared especially if its life threatening and “anything” could happen.

        • Cleancut says:

          Moral, Training, and Discipline are low, well, change the Colonel in Chief.

      • tradition says:

        It is really sad that you are comfortable judging the prison officers. As a retired officer I wish to let the public know, that job is not the easiest to do. There are dozens and dozens of habits and personalities they must learn. Inmates become agitated just from being LOCKED UP so, much like children they act out. Keep this in your mind when you judge, that you get a meal break that you are not required to stay on the job. Officers are locked in the jail from 8 to 10 hours and sometimes longers. This is strssful. So no, they don’t get to choose the kind of prisoner but they don’t get properly compensated for PROTECTING YOU FROM THE CRIMINALS.


  2. liars says:

    This has to be a joke right? Everyone else is out of work, downsizing, some even totally crippled living with there relatives. And the only people complaining about not making enough money is the Bermuda Government Workers! Votes!

    They will give in again and we will be disgusted, and thats all.

    Just a minute…didn’t we just give these moronic bus drivers a raise with money we don’t have?

    In the meantime our old age pensioners are suffering more than anyone, why don’t you moronic Government Workers fight for them?

  3. understanding says:

    are they serious?

  4. liars says:

    Whats going on? Is the prison under BIU or the other Public service Union?

    If its the other one, then this is just a political joist between two powers struggling to gain ground over there useless followers. Thus crippling our economy and our Tourism and our Hope.

  5. YEA! says:

    One thing I hate is when people just talk to hear themselves. You don’t even know what you’re talking about. We deserve the right to work in a safe environment just like everyone else. Its not about who we choose to take care of. If you don’t know what its like working in our jails, than SHUT UP! Get your facts straight before you get on bernews and run your mouths. If you can do the job batter, than come join the team and see how long you last in the conditions that we work in.

    • the truth says:

      Can you define what you mean by ‘safe’ environment, within the context of working in a prison?

    • Thank says:

      lol. you sound like the kind of idiot who applies for the role of say… a garbage truck worker, yet complains he has to deal with garbage all day. Quit your job and don’t apply to be a prison worker if you are too scared to do so.

  6. liars says:

    The conditions you work in, my Brother, are the conditions you and your peers from the Union voted for. Now because the other guys get to take a few breaks during the summer heat, you want them too!

    You are only fooling yourselves…..What do you think you are, a doctor?

    Just because the Bus Drivers are driving around littered in gold and acting like the Pharaoh’s apprentice, you are jealous!

    They look stupid with all that Bling on Brother, besides, you can’t wear that crap to work anyways.

    • Thank says:

      I never thought of that. Why exactly DO bus drivers all wear so much bling. Its really tacky and quite frankly shouldn;t be allowed as it looks stupid.

  7. Tickled Pink ( & Blue) says:

    Funny I don’t recall the Bermuda Police Service striking when this “new breed of criminals” rose their ugly head.
    Maybe it’s a “new breed of correctional officers”, complaining about the conditions they work in!!
    I could understand it if they were still toiling away in the old Casemates. They are working in arguably the best correctional facility in the Western Hemisphere overseeing unruly “naughty boys”.

    Let’s get real here as it’s not the working conditions, it’s the money that’s the issue. Just say it as it is.

    So lets just jump on the band wagon and bring the whole island to it’s knees.

    Gimme a break.

    • can you where those shoes says:

      Realy. They Just wanted guns. What a great job that has done.

  8. liars says:

    Batter Batter Then you says; you don’t even know how to spell and you want more money? Typical ridiculous Bermudian attitude.

    • smith says:

      Easy there with the Bermuda bashing—Bermuda, the US, Canada, Europe, England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, the West Indies and every other country have their share of people that fall into this category. Is complaining about working conditions a Bermudian ‘thing’? Of course it isn’t. All of the countries listed above have had and continue to have their fair share of labour disputes over similar issues.For some reason it has become vogue again to bash Bermudians. Bash them for the way they speak as if folks from Manchester, Liverpool, Dublin, Glasgow, New Foundland,Baton Rouge, Houston, Brooklyn and many other English speaking cities around the world don’t also destroy the english language. Bash them for a spelling error as if these countries don’t have their fair share of folk that can’t spell. Please -enough already!!

  9. can you where those shoes says:

    oooo That shut them up.
    Teachers are fed up too with the new breed of disrespect coming from Bermuda changing culture to suit the USA. It is only a matter of time before they strike. Return Bermuda back to how it used to be. The Church and the Rod need to be put back in place where they used to be. I went Dellwood primary school Northlands the Cedar Bridge. I watch how Bermuda changed firsthand. A big part of that was the removal of the Rod, the lack of church attendance and Cedar Bridge pushed it over the edge.

  10. YEA! says:

    I just say, if you can’t do the job better, than SHUT UP! Stop always running down government workers. IT PEOPLE LIKE YOU THAT MAKE THINGS THE WAY THEY ARE NOW. We have all had enough.

    • TruthBeTold says:

      Quit your job and find employment elsewhere that is safer. There are a lot of guys out here waiting for an opportunity to make the money you prison officers are making working the long hours racking in sometimes $10000 a month. Yes most comes from overtime but the opportunity is there for you. You leave and convince the others to leave too and give others a chance to get there foot in the door the do the job. Construction is being cut back, there are real fathers out there looking to do whatever it takes to support their family. Think about others before you boast about self with all your greedy antics. This world is falling to its knees and not just in Bermuda but everywhere because people are just plain ol’GREEDY and out for self. That prison is like a hotel filled with rude men. Cant handle being called names. GROW UP PUNKS. It has never been reported that inmates are killing or shanking prison officers. Too my knowledge they don’t even fight you punks. I think you should pat what between your legs and keep it moving ladies!

  11. S Brown says:

    Bermuda is 21 sq miles almost anyone can find out who you are, who is in your family and where they live. So if you were a prison officer (P.O), and lets say one of these new breed of criminals threaten you and/or your family… you have a right to be extremely worried. And suppose you report this to your superiors and they give the inmate mild punishment for threatening an P.O and his/her family, wouldnt you be pissed off??

    Unlike other juristrictions, in which other prisoners come from other states, provinces, counties etc 000s of miles away.. chances are after that violent prisoner gets released you will never come in contact with them again.. whereas in Bermuda, in which a murderer gets 10 yrs or a perpetrater of a gun crime gets a couple of years, chances are a P.O (who is in contact with this person on a daily basis) can bump into them in a grocery store or on the street etc… I recall a P.O getting beaten very badly on front street one time.. the person who ordered the beating.. a former inmate’s brother.

    So I dont think it is far fetched that they are asking for better conditions regarding their employment. No I am not a prison officer, but I understand their issues.

    Name any other job apart from a lawyer, judge, or police officer that have to worry about their lives or family lives being threatened… All three of those occupations get more money than a P.O whom deal with such offenders on a daily basis. yes, they are paid to be prison officers, but nowadays they have to think that their occupation are putting their families at risk, we have people murdered based on their relative’s association with “gangs”

    • TruthBeTold says:

      Better conditions and being given protective devices such as stun guns taser guns is one thing but to take the same crap for more money is unjust and GREED

    • Truth be Told (Regularly) says:

      S Brown I agree with you 100%. To often people judge what they do not know or understand. I feel that this is a legitimate call and I am hopeful that both party’s can find common ground on this issue. I wouldn’t bash them because they are fighting for what they feel is needed. They are the best able to inform their employers of what change is needed as they are front line.
      I hope it doesn’t have to go as far as a strike and wish them all the best in getting what is needed.

      Added regularly to my name because once again someone has used the pin name I regularly use when posting and would hate to be mistaken for the due to th content of there post.

    • KARMA says:

      So you feel that by getting a raise this will justify your arguement? How? By paying off the inmates that you perceive will threaten you or your family? And while we’re at it, lets keep it real and talk about the prison officers that order hits on inmates by other officers…

  12. joonya says:

    More strikes…. COH threatening too?!
    This is gone beyond embarrassing. Its becoming a joke.

    Bermuda has become a nation of spoiled little children.

    How bout we all stop working, sit around and drink elaphants all day, and pray (yah thats it pray, being that we have so many churches here) that God/Allah/Buddah/etc will in devine justice give everyone just what they want to keep them happy.

    All you striking gobmint workers are pathetic!!!! I renounce my citizenship.

    • smith says:

      Bermuda has joined the rest of the world!!!!

    • Its all in the Os says:

      FYI Sitting around and drinking elaphants all day, and praing dont mix. If your so quick to say you renounce my citizenship. that means it means very little to you. Bermuda needs to stand soid as a rock. and stop following the USA. There system breeds slackness. teachers and perents getting killed by kids. It will be here soon if we dont stand.

  13. Sunshine says:

    I’m not very impressed to hear about the potential strikes but I will say this, WE, who are not prison officers, do not know what their job entails so why bash them??!!It just sounds pretty ignorant which is what a lot of the comments on this site tend to be – just ignorant. I’m sure it’s not a piece of cake or the hardest job on Earth either but stop being so damn judgmental all the time!!! We’re all overworked and under-friggin-paid but some of us choose to fight for it and other choose to just sit back and complain. Hope it all works out!

  14. Truth (Original) says:

    I think what we are seeing is the inevitable “pre-election positioning”. If there ever was a time to squeeze Government for extra money, it would be before an election. The Government is vulnerable and I believe that many of these govt employees are exploiting that fact. To negotiate your salary right before the Government is going to call on your vote is the most opportune time because after they get in, you can forget it. I am not in support of these actions but it is what it is.

  15. Informed Opinion says:

    When you don’t know, don’t comment. If you think you can walk in a PO’s shoes, then please do so. I give you less than 2 hours before you bang on the gate screaming to be let out afraid for your life.
    These officers have husbands, wives and children. Have you ever had a pedophile threaten to attack your child while you were at work? Have you ever been threatened to be stabbed while working? Have you ever had feces and urine thrown in your face? Do you work with the threat of being stabbed and you’re only help is another officer, if that, and a “panic button”(if it’s working) to summon help against hundreds of inmates?
    Our prison system doesn’t offer our officers a quarter of the protection, safety protocols, equipment or security that other prisons around the world have, even in the Czech Republic. Ever watch the National Geographic channel, check it out one day and see for yourselves. If you know an ex-inmate, they’ll tell you, they have more rights than you think in our prisons. Before you comment, be informed and ask a PO just how dangerous it is and then ask how much he or she is paid. Would you work under those conditions and be paid less than the people who work in the Gov. Admin. Building as Secretaries?

    Yeah I didn’t think so……

    • Thank says:

      Did you apply for the job? Then quit or quit complaining. No one applies to be a prison officer without knowing the kinda crap you gotta deal with. Apart from idiots I guess.

      • Informed Opinion says:

        I didn’t need to apply for the job but I am “in the know”. This is not a complaint but pure facts, obviously you wouldn’t know and you don’t care because it doesn’t directly affect you, selfish much? Everyone has the right to a secure work environment even PO’s, thus lessening PO’s on leave due to work place injuries, and NO ONE should have to face harassment even PO’s. Get a clue idiot!

      • can you where those shoes says:

        Wow I can so tell the people that are all mouth.
        Let me put it in terms you can understand.
        Say you get a job eating ants.
        From 9 to 5 you and your 5 co-workers have to eat about 100 ants for $5/hour
        You say: ok that’s not so bad that 10 ants each if one co- worker can gets sick or is unable to eat his full share of ants the others can eat the extra share of ants.
        Now later on the number of ants doubles.
        Not just that, there are now solder ants that burn more went eat them because they don’t get their way.
        And the ants or some of the ant’s buddies have a higher chance of showing up at your house While you’re in your bed sleeping or even at work. Keep in mind that you’re only allow to eat the ants, you cannot step on any of them or their buddies or you might find yourself as an ant.
        Don’t you think I should have the right to talk about that $5/hour?

    • the truth says:

      But at the end of the day, does getting paid more make the issue of ‘safety’ go away? Because even if the officers’ salaries are raised, all those things you describe above will still be in effect. The threats, urine thrown in your face etc etc don’t go away because the salary is raised. What then? It would seem that in response to issues of safety and dealing with a ‘new breed of criminal’, better security protocols are needed to protect the officers, not fatten the wallet with more money.

      And for the record, I agree that Prison, Fire, Customs, Police should be on a similar pay-scale/ benefits, but the issues of dealing with a new breed of criminals isn’t going to be solved by giving the officers more money.

  16. Thank says:

    The UK has laws in place so that important services to everyone’s safety such as prison officers cannot strike.

    • Portia says:

      The UK also has a better prison system and better safeguards for its prison officers. More money is invested in this infrastruture. Maximum security? Not Westgate.

  17. Real Talk says:

    As the wife of somebody who works with offenders on a daily basis (although not a prison officer), the threat posed to my husband (and our family) and his co-workers is real and has increased with this new breed of criminal. I often worry whether my husband will be the victim of a beating (there have been a number of serious incidents over the past couple of years) or worse. He does what he does becuase he wants to help people… and… well… at the end of the day somebody has to do it.

    I know for a fact that I would not want to be subjected to the threats, physical violence and psychological mindgames that some of these sick individuals engage in. Most of us wouldn’t. While it’s easy to say that people should know what they’re getting into, we should be grateful to those who have chosen to undertake a task that many of us would balk at and be willing to provide a safe working environment for those workers in our community.

    This country is so full of hypocrits. We want tougher laws to incarcerate individuals who have committed heinous crimes, particularly gun crimes, yet chastise the people who are responsible for babysitting these individuals on a daily basis upon conviction. Dangerous criminals. They type who have killed, will kill and have nothing to lose… would think nothing of seeing harm done to you and your family.

    We can’t have it both ways Bermuda. Hats off to the Prison Officers. Lord knows most of us could never fill your shoes.

  18. Original (Original) says:

    I say let the b#stards strike. COH, Prisons officers, b#stard bus drivers, effing dock workers. Let’em all walk out. The BIU will have to pay them. Stand firm and let the bastards strike. Tourist season is almost over, Bermuda is in the sh%t – let the b#stards strike.

    But you won’t cos you’ll roll over like the sissies that you are and you’ll let the union walk all over Bermuda yet again. Such is the pathetic sissified Government that Bermuda’s idiot voting population voted for.

    • can you where those shoes says:

      What you fail to understand is that unions are Bermuda. That is one of the last safgards Bermuda has left protect it self from globalization.

    • Scott says:

      how many of them are BIU though? i thought at least CoH had a different union…

  19. joonya says:

    Everyone’s crying more money, more money…. Have you all forgotten that the good Dr. Brown and his Finance Minister spent it all and put us in massive debt.
    But hey, election coming soon, PLP all de way…………

  20. Wife says:

    These prison officers work under staffed many times a day. They deal with the disrespectful, dirty men and women that your people have chose to lock up.
    They were locked up by you because they were abusing there freedom.
    Many prison officers have been attacked (many) but you dont see that in the news because whats the point in them complaining about being abused RIGHT?
    Prison Officers get Sh!t thrown at them Urinated at and sometimes on. When a dirty prisoner clogs his toilet on purpose with feces in it,they don’t get to call a plumber the officers clean it up. THE PRISON OFFICERS
    No none of them signed up for that, neither would you be if you joined the staff there, but it comes with the job. They deserve every penny they work for. Some of you parents complain cause your kid wont give you 5 min break well imagine going to work being locked in the facility like your a prisoner and having to hear 30-40 grown men fussing at you for this and that. They have to be let out to pee, escorted to bathrooms,food and recreation. Watched 24/7. They dont get a break.
    They are not only asking for more money, they also asked for more SECURITY AND SAFER ENVIRONMENT..
    So dont’ talk about them unless you know one of them personally.

    • Let's Talk Some Sense says:

      To Bermudians,

      Some of the comments posted on this website are truly outlandish and ignorant, especially since they coming from some individuals that have never even been associated with any prison officer and has no understanding of what these officers deal with on a regular basis.

      Many of these comments take away from the real issue. The main concern for our island’s prison officers is safety, secondly pay. In my opinion, what truly differentiates a police officer from a prison officer, not much really. The police arrest these criminals but it is the prison officer that deals with these criminals for the entirety of his sentence! As we all know this could be anywhere from three months to twenty years.

      We say hats of to the prison officers for fighting for the same benefits that the Bermuda’s police service get. Their pay “should” be more in line with the police. In the chain of salaries, first comes Bermuda’s Police, then comes Bermuda Service and lastly Bermuda Prison Officers. What a slap in the face!!

      There are many pressures to being a prison officer on this very tiny island, where everyone knows everyone. Most Bermudians wouldn’t even take the job and the ones that do rarely last five minutes because they can’t handle the stress.

      We all understand that we are in the midst of a recession but people please remember that prison officers have being fighting for theses same rights and benefits prior to the AIG collapse in 2008, prior to this recession. On average it takes any prison officer approximately four years to see any raise, which is quite possibly still behind four more years, yet the Bermuda police service have received theirs and government have still vowed to find more money to keep the Bermuda Police happy!

      I say to Bermuda prison officers, since government won’t listen, strike and let Bermuda see how Westgate, Co-Ed, The Farm and the court runs without you! I bet it wouldn’t last a week!

      Please people remember although the police have a very important job to keep our streets safe, they are not equipped with the mental strength and endurance to deal with these criminals on a regular daily basis. These prison officers are in contact with these criminals through breakfast, lunch and dinner, morning, noon and night, through every tantrum, crying bout and anger outburst. It is the prison officer that is seasoned to do this job. How can you say they shouldn’t fight for a more adequate salary???

      We say strike since the Bermuda government won’t listen. They will simply have to find the money to pay Bermuda’s Prison Officers, like they have vowed to find it for the Bermuda Police, recession or no recession!

      • the truth says:

        So the issue then is… let’s hypothesize and say the officers get a raise. Those ‘horrible’ working conditions will still be in place. What’s the next step? The whole ‘new breed of criminal’ would suggest that steps need to be taken to shore up prison security and not have the officers so vulnerable? It seems some tougher policies are needed to discourage the wayward prisoners, for one thing…..

        For the record, I agree that Prison Officers pay should be in line with Police.

  21. liars says:

    @who can where these shoes….and “that treally shut them up”

    Firstly, “where” was not the right spelling, is should have been wear.

    Secondly, who are you calling “them”?

    • can you where those shoes says:

      Firstly: Not going to even entertain this.

      Secondly: It is all in context. If the shoe fits WHERE it.

      • liars says:

        WTF kind of reply was that? It is not in context when you are one of the people l am complaining about brotherman.
        Just look at it from the otherside of the fence for a minute….you know your wrong, so admit it.

        • can you where those shoes says:

          Mate.. you and people with your mind set are the ones that needs to put yourselves in the next man’s shoes. I am a consultant in the area of insurance/reinsurance application development. I consider myself to be way over the other side of the fence. I am a programmer so I have been trained to think in abstract. So putting myself in someone else’s shoes is easier for me. What you need to do is practice look at people around you .keeps asking yourself why and find out more information until it all makes logical sense.

          • liars says:

            that was a much better reply, thank you

            • YES MATE! says:

              Where are my shoes? I want to wear them. Are you wearing my shoes? Where are you going while wearing my shoes? To the warehouse?

  22. liars says:

    @wife…….Safer envirnment!…..they work at a prison system that has been running since the Hulk days.

    I have been up there to do some things in the past and its a joke. It takes forever to get a job done because your husband isn’t where he is supposed to be…ever, thus costing the consumer(us) way more money than what its worth…..l say send em all to Florida or Virginia corrections….Sub it out too! it would save us millions a year in revenue…….$80K per inmate here……23K per year there, and they would love our business.

    Get real PLP and for that matter all of you economic morons that are causing all this constant mayhem….

  23. Original (Original) says:

    Basically the PLP can’t organize sh*t. They’ve blamed everything on the white man for so long, spent money like drunken sailors and now there ain’t nuthin left. its you effing morons who have spent it all and ruined Bda. Now all the natives are getting restless and there’s nothing you can give them to shut them up. You fools ignored all the warnings from whitey. Called us racist.

    Best of luck sorting this out. Give them all a raise with the money that we no longer have because you pissed it away living large.

    Great time for an election by the way. Unfortunately, you will be voted in again because you have successfully dumbed down the population. Most voters are simply too stupid to know what you’ve done. Too stupid to realize that they are the people you harmed the most.

  24. liars says:

    haha the former premiers son has just been convicted of a large number of discusting criminal offenses.
    Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

  25. YES MATE! says:

    Here’s an idea. Lock them in their cells and leave them there. No outside time and recreation and socializing, that stuff is for free people who have chosen not to break the law. Stay in your cell for twenty years and see how much you like jail then. If they clog their toilet up with crap, leave it that way for a few days and I bet it’ll be a long time before he does that again and he might even clean it up himself.

  26. KARMA says:

    Prison Officers have to have one of the easiest, best paid friggin jobs for UNEDUCATED PEOPLE in Bermuda. The ONLY requirements are that you don’t have a criminal record and have your hig school diploma. They go to work n sit on their asses all day in an airconditioned office watchin those incarcerated through plexi-glass. NOW because they actually have to get up off their asses and genuinely keep an eye on inmates they think they are underpaid???? Where else can an uneducated person show up on thier job all day, sit in an airconditioned room doing jack all, and make over $80K a year???? YOU choose the profession based on knowing all the reprocussions of it, and now stupid ass people will back you in your half ass compaint that you now don’t feel safe. Prison officers have had numerous hours in self defense and their are way more officers to inmates per ratio than they want to really tell you. Plus the fact that most inmates (besides those at the Farm) are locked down for the majority of the day. Shut up, stop whining and do ya damn jobs! I am so sick of all the BS with the Government blue collar workers who have been so damn spoiled crying and complaining over having to do what they were hired to do….

    • Wife of a PO says:

      Ok so it’s safe to assume that you have been in the jails??? Who are you to tell someone about the job they do when you don’t do it. Everybody is entitled to safe working conditions. I was going to type more but you’re ignorance isn’t worth it. Keep being stupid.

  27. liars says:

    prisons are yet another one that should be sub-ed out! pay off the debt!!!!

  28. Here’s a suggestion. Stop letting all these new breed of violent psychopathic crimals spend their days in prison pumping weight, putting on muscle mass and then threatening the PO’s. Just saw a picture today of a “Prince” of an inmate and his fellow inmate buddy boy posing in a photo up West”gayt”…all pumped up and flexin their new found biceps…in prison. What…they ain’t got nothing better to do all day but push big weight?? These guys go in thugs and “graduate” from prison supa-thugs. Something is wrong with this picture.

  29. Angry Tax Payer says:

    To be honest, I would agree that working in the police and prisons line of work is extremely difficult. But we must look as to the reasons why, my PO brethren, more money at this point will not save you from threats or unsanitary objects thrown at you. It will not deter the criminals from seeking to add more stress to you by speaking ill words to your families. Instead your management team should assist you by providing more safety equipment, training, and giving the damn prisoner less oppurtunities. To those that dont know, dealing with these criminals isnt like a movie, its real and its dangerous. These lil b#stards are like roaches, they know so many people young and old, who are willing to assist them like slaves, in any way.

    If the rest of Bermuda would grow the heck up and recognize that criminals incarcerated or not do what they like. The majority of us allow them and complain under our breaths, if there is anything we should strike about, it should be for the ability to have more rights then a criminal. I thought thats why I paid taxes.

    If anything we should be spending less on the legal aide fund, less on prisoner comforts, less on their expensive medical bill, and let their families who always beleive they are so innocent continue to support them.

  30. Liars says:

    The judges are to blame with there arrogant, self centered, discusting attitudes… trickles down from there dinners at the ministers houses after work. From there it makes its way to us, the little guy. thus destroying everything the UBP built up over the last several decades with regards to business/tourism oppertunaties.

    So in the meantime, we pay taxes so the bus drivers,Dock workers and everyone else for that matter, can walk around with BLING at work all day, with no regard to any dress codes or disiplinary actions because they are the voters that got us here and it is a losing battle. People won’t believe it till its gone to 1.6BN….that, at the rate the previous budgets have skyrocketed, will be in 2 more years, so hold on to that US bank account (and make sure the monies actually there, in the U.S.) because the way the PLP has been taxing money leaving the country is quite alarming too!

  31. Robin Baster says:

    These government workers are getting too big for their boots. Payrises.. Get a grip. Let me explain something to you. International business generates the taxes which pays your wages and the expats are not getting a payrise so neither should your greedy little belly.

  32. Face the Nation says:

    Prison Officers need to become a gang unto themselves . Prisoners who insist on the gang mentality need to be woken at 4 a.m. to a cut a$$ to remember . Unlock their door ,drag the rude little b@st@rds out where the rest of the inmates can see the silhouettes and hear the earsplitting pleas of a punk being worked over till he begs for mercy . Thats the only type of control these punks will understand .

  33. Maddy says:

    Wow, people are so judgemental and yet uninformed. Unsurprising, but sad all the same. As someone “in the know” (close friends with a prison officer), I feel compelled to say that their concerns are valid. And these concerns are NOT new, they’re years old. The “powers that be” just continue to do absolutely NOTHING. They can’t even be bothered to show up to the meetings and listen to officers’ concerns. They just don’t care. If you really knew what goes on inside those walls you’d be appalled.

    • liars says:

      you say we are misinformed….you say they dont show up for meetings…who do you think we are talking about?

  34. Its all in the Os says:

    Well I know I could not be PO no matter how much you paid me.
    I could not see my self playing by the rules once some disrespects me in there.
    Im just not the guy.
    I would have to make an example out of guys and would probly find myself behind bars.

  35. SB says:

    I would like to address the lack of respect shown on this site for correctional officers. First of all I am a correctional officer, not a prison guard as the news media lead the public to believe.

    A guard is someone who stands watch over an inanimate object. I interact with human beings. I must be a counselor and a mentor, as well as surrogate parent to society’s worst. This must be done while also maintaining law and order with people not accustomed to either.

    No mention is made by the news media when one of my fellow correctional officers is assaulted or threatened. I accept this, as this is the career I chose. Correctional officers are not asking for sympathy, just the respect and tools that we are due for walking one of the toughest beat in law enforcement.

    The issue of pay was never a high priority item but yet it is out in the public domain. The biggest crux of our concerns is the Health & Safety of our Officers and those in our custody.

    It is my hope that one day the public recognizes the contribution that correctional officers make toward making our society a better place to live. We are tasked with grooming offenders for re-entry into society. It is my belief that our success is a major factor in the lowering of the crime rate in our Country.

    • liars says:

      ya and it is my hope that one day there will be global peace…dude wake up, it is your job so do it. l shouldnt have to explain that EVERYONE feels the same about work and pay. Nobody complains more than a spoiled Bermudian….Furthermore, you now want recognition+pay raise+more, dude get real, just listen to yourself, you sound like a f$%king baby!

      • yes I says:

        @liars, stop being a d!#*. Keep it in perspective and keep it civil. Nobody complains more than a spoiled Bermudian???? I’m sure you’re just acting out because you’ve had a bad morning so we’ll ignore your ignorant statement.

        Back to the topic at hand. Correctional Officers have every right to be concerned and therefore bring their concerns to light. How many “office junkies” complain that the coffee machine broke down, that the fridge needs to be cleaned out, that bathrooms are dirty and yadda yadda yadda?! Meanwhile these officers deal with threats on a daily basis. Eventually every human has a breaking point and we should respect and appreciate the inherent stresses that these men and women have to endure in order to feed their families. They’ve recognized and identified key issues and hazards that if addressed would make life a bit more manageable. Stop bashing them and actually listen!!

    • Let's Talk Some Sense says:

      Well said SB…..

  36. Think about it says:

    You all knew what you were signing up for when you started the job. Don’t like it? Leave. There are more and more unemployed Bermudians that I’m sure wouldn’t mind doing the job.

    You all complaining about a “new breed of prisoner” is like a U.S. soldier complaining that terrorists have newer model assualt rifles.

    • yes I says:

      And the U.S. soldier would have every right to complain about the newer model assault rifles. The gov’t should give them “newer model assault rifle shields and armor”.

      Times are changing and therefore lets equip our employees/civil servants with the tools necessary to keep up with the changes.

    • can you where those shoes says:

      Very uninformed. The U.S. soldiers have complaining that terrorists are using more advansed IEDs. The would like more Armor. do a quick google and stop runing up.

      • yes I says:

        Good post @can you

      • Think about it says:

        The point is ass, they wouldn’t go on strike because of it. Do you see them telling the government that they are gonna drop their weapons and go home? NO! Why? Because they know they have a job to do and they do it.

        Want a better analogy? Do you see the police ANYWHERE complaining or planning a strike because criminals have faster cars then theirs or newer guns or more numbers? NO!

        It is Bermudian nature to want, want, want and complain, complain, complain.

        • Think about it says:

          The only reason they are talking about a strike is because everyone else is doing it right now and getting what they want, so they figure “Why not us?”

  37. Wife of a PO says:

    Some of the comments that I have read on this topic are disgusting and a lot of you need to be given the facts. First off when west gate was built the gentlemen that designed it did not design it to hold hardened criminals. Also unlike all jails stateside bermudian prison officers are only armed with a Billy club and a duress device. The maximum capacity of west gate is about 210 and currently it houses roughly 190 inmates. Westgate is not equipped with a tower dock to monitor weapons and drugs that are often thrown over the wall. Everyone praises the cops that arrest the cold blooded killers but the prison offers are the ones who have to babysit them once incarcerated. The jail is also not equipped to separate the gangs hence fights. Mental unstable inmates are also housed at west gate. Could you imagine trying to tell a cold blooded killer to clean his cell while only armed with a Billy club. The corrections facility needs to be upgraded not just for the safety of the po but for the inmates as well. Everyone says how west gate is a hotel well that’s exactly what needs to change.

    • BUBBA says:

      Please let your husband know there is a job opening at Busy Bees Nursery in Warwick .

      • The Facts says:

        You people are crazy…you still don’t get the bg picture it’s not a matter of not being capable of doing the job its the fact that it is becoming a safety hazard because of the conditions.

        • BUBBA says:

          Much like the the conditions at H.W.P last week . Deal with It .