Videos: CedarBridge Peace Assembly

September 22, 2011

Yesterday morning [Sept.21] CedarBridge Academy hosted their ‘International Day of Peace Assembly’ and ‘Flag Raising Ceremony’ to officially commemorate their membership with Peaceful Schools International [PSI]. Faculty and staff gathered outside as the flag was raised, and also participated in the special assembly later that morning.

Flag raising, and speech by Education Minister Dame Jennifer Smith:

PSI is a Canadian non-profit, charitable organization founded in 2001, which provides support to schools around the world that have declared a commitment to creating and maintaining a culture of peace.

CedarBridge student Leanna Hall:

Founded by Canadian educator Hetty van Gurp, the organization has its roots in personal tragedy. In 1991, her 14-year-old son Ben died after being assaulted by another student who had been bullying him at school.

CedarBridge Principal Kalmar Richards:

Schools from around the world participate in the programme, including Canada, Cameroon, Dubai, Ireland, India, Jamaica, New Zealand, Serbia, Sierra Leone, Pakistan, Philippines, Turkey, Qatar, Wales and the United States.


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  1. Photos: CedarBridge Peace Assembly | | September 23, 2011