Kiera Aitken Aims For Pan Am Finals

October 4, 2011

kiera aitken bermuda swimmer june 11Kiera Aitken, one of Bermuda’s top international swimmers, is training intensely for the upcoming Pan Am Games, as well as her journey to the 2012 Olympics.

Ms Aitken said, “Training has been going well since I came back from my break after the World Championships at the end of last season. I am feeling confident with my stroke technique and I have been working hard to build up my strength and endurance in a short period of time.

“Swimming fast so early in the season will be a challenge for me, especially since this will be my first competition, but I am feeling motivated to get a good start to the season and to see how well I can perform at this point. I will then have something to build on throughout the year and leading up to the London Olympics.”

Talking specifically about the Pan Am Games she said, “My main goal for this competition is to swim in the final of the 100 backstroke. I will have to swim very close to my best time to place in the top eight.”

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