New Public Works Minister: Michael Weeks

November 18, 2011

Premier Paula Cox announced this morning [Nov.18] that Michael Weeks will take over the Ministry of Public Works, following the Cabinet resignation of Walter Roban last night.

In June of this year, Minister Weeks was appointed Minister of Community Development, a portfolio which previously came under Minister Glenn Blakeney’s responsibilities.

The re-assignments of portfolios announced this morning affect three Government Ministers, and reduces the size of the Cabinet by one Minister.

Minister of Economy Trade and Industry Patrice Minors has been given the additional responsibility for the portfolio of Community Development with the exception of charities, which has been assigned to the Ministry of Government Estates and Information Services under Minister Michael Scott.

Mr Roban resigned after criticism for allowing Planning appeals by fellow Cabinet Ministers Zane DeSilva and Wayne Furbert.

The full statement from Government follows below:

Following the resignation from the Cabinet of Minister Walter Roban, the Honourable Premier Paula Cox, JP, MP announced the re-assignment of portfolios affecting three Ministers of Government.

Premier Cox stated: “Minister Michael Weeks has been assigned to the Ministry of Public Works which includes the responsibility for the Departments of Works and Engineering, Parks and Conservation Services as well as the Bermuda Housing Corporation, the West End Development Corporation and the Bermuda Land Development Company.

“The Minister of Economy Trade and Industry has been given the additional responsibility for the portfolio of Community Development with the exception of charities. Minister Minors now will have responsibility for the Libraries and the Department of Community and Cultural Affairs and oversight of the Parish Councils.

“The responsibility for charities has been assigned to the Ministry of Government Estates and Information Services under Minister Michael Scott.

“At this time there will no additional Cabinet appointments. Your Government will be doing more with fewer Ministers while at the same time providing opportunities for Junior Ministers to shoulder a little more responsibility.”

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Articles that link to this one:

  1. Video: Roban Speaks On Resignation : | November 18, 2011
  1. Hail our Queen says:

    great job madame premier. show the oba you are fiscally responsible! Great job. Minister Weeks will do a good job. and I am not PLP

    • Yup says:

      All the best to Mike. Now when will Paula find a replacement for Zane!!

      • tradition says:

        It was be so nice for the people of this country to address our Premier as Madame or Ms. Cox. I believe that our country will make major a step toward progress and growth if we would learn to respect our leaders. Our number one lady in our country should never be referred to as Paula. If she was your playmate in the 60′s she is no longer that little girl. She sits with WORLD LEADERS on your behalf.

        Think about that.

  2. Hail our Queen says:

    just a blind supporter of the OBA and never will be. good candidates. Vince and Arnold and Jonathan Smith. Now working with one less to show you can save money. I will not vote for Sir John and Sir David Gibbons reincarnated.

  3. Debbie Smith says:

    Well Done Cousin Mike. Proud of you. Show them that you are an honorable man and will do what is right for the people of Bermuda. You have broad shoulders and lots of family support so let the haters come and trust me they will.

    Cousin Debbie Smith

  4. Cancer says:

    Obviously the premier has a lack of quality people to chose from. Once again the Backbech is a lackbench !