Minister: No Tolerance For Gun Crimes

December 22, 2011

National Security Minister  Wayne Perinchief today [Dec. 22] said gang-related gun violence “will be met with strong enforcement and the full weight of the criminal justice system” in the wake of  another shooting.

The Minister  indicated that early in 2012 he will renew discussion with Cabinet about a proposal which would see additional time in prison for “offenders whose crimes have been committed as part of gang activity.”

There have been five firearm incidents so far this month, with two people injured. Last night [Dec.21] a 38-year-old man was shot in Southampton, and as of noon today is listed in stable condition on a general ward.

On Saturday [Dec.17] a 24-year-old man was shot multiple times in his upper body, with his injuries requiring him to be airlifted overseas for medical treatment.

No one was injured in the first three firearm incidents this month, which occurred in the Border Lane East, Devonshire area on December 11th, Cambridge Road, Somerset area on December 10th, and the St. John’s Road, Pembroke area on December 8th.

Minister Perinchief said, “The behaviour of these few individuals is not in keeping with the spirit of this Season and our traditions as a people. At a time when we should be embracing and helping our fellow man, the community is confronted with acts of selfishness and wanton violence. This will not be tolerated.”

Minister Perinchief also suggested that early in the New Year he will renew a discussion with his Cabinet colleagues on additional sentencing tariffs: “I have floated this proposal already and will press my colleagues for their support.

“Essentially, I propose to add a period of imprisonment to the sentences of those offenders whose crimes have been committed as part of gang activity…..that is the proposal in a broad sense and it will be refined before becoming a draft Bill.”

An additional tariff for offences committed under the Misuse of Drugs Act is already in place and imposes additional sentences for offences committed in increased penalty zones.

The Minister’s proposal would use “unlawful gang activity as the means to ensure that offenders were sentenced based on the crimes committed in furtherance of this destructive lifestyle.”

The Minister continued: “My information is that many of the young men involved in these gangs want to get out. Those that are involved seem to have no real reason for the rifts between them. Relatives are divided by place of residence and in such a small country this is untenable.”

Following his recent visit to Boston, Minister Perinchief advised that potential gang mediators have been identified and that a means by which to bring willing players to the table will be in train early next month.

“The first step is to devise a clear path to positive lifestyle choices for those caught up in this destructive cycle. We want our young men engaged, working and contributing to this community; but the choice must be theirs.

“Successful mediation efforts are best led through private sector activity and not necessarily through Government sponsored programmes, but this Government cannot wait for that leadership to start this important work.

“Concurrently we will pursue a non-Government entity to support the gang mediation activity but in the meantime we are committed to action.”

He concluded: “In this season of good will I appeal to everyone to spare a thought for those less fortunate; to recall the community spirit that is uniquely Bermudian and to take to heart the greeting ‘peace on earth, goodwill towards men’.”

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Comments (22)

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  1. Proud to be Bermudian says:


    I hope that you and the government get the support of the opposition and people of Bermuda.

    We’ve turned a blind eye for too long, and we need to start prosecuting parents for being accesories to this madness.

    • Same S*** Different Day says:

      You are one A** how can you prosecute the parents for what our children get into when i am out busting my A** to try and keep a roof over my house. We can only do our best with our kid’s. Maybe if we did not have to pay two arm’s and a leg for these rents that people charge we could put more time with our childern.

    • united says:

      The parents?! The parents?! These young MEN are adults. When I was growing up 16 was when a young man slipped into manhood. Stop with the stupidity of blaming the parents. People have got to take PERSONAL responsibility. What Bermuda does need is good, old fashioned hard labor time in prison, bustin’ rocks.

    • united says:

      The people need to look at GOVERNMENT and ask what have THEY done to make it better. The Bermuda government is quickly becoming one of self interest. I’m goping to get mine and screw the rest of you. Bermudians need to come to their senses and get back to good, old fashioned ways of raising children to be polite and respective of self and others. I remember tourist used to love to take the bus to see the kids in uniform and everybody stood up when a woman or elderly people came onto the bus. Everyone acknowledged the next by saying hello and good morning. It seems so long ago but Bermuda is small and can still be saved by this scourge of nonsensical violence. This rap music with all the gangsta wording and videos demeaning women and the such. WAKE UP!

    • LOL(original) says:

      Maybe some money to gain from the parents? Or is this a they’ll lock us all up thing…………….


  2. New Bermuda says:

    Minister Perinchief said, “The behaviour of these few individuals is not in keeping with the spirit of this Season and our traditions as a people.”

    Seriously??? Wasn’t there a shooting on Boxing Day a few years ago, another shooting on Good Friday while flying traditional kites… seems to me this IS becoming “our tradition as a people.” (And I know I’ve forgotten a few incidences but sadly, these shootings are so regular now, a whole lot of us have become desensitized to them. Very sad that it has come to that, by the way.)

    I truly hope that these new measures get enacted, but sadly, I will have to “believe it when I see it.” Sorry for the negativity there but how is this going to deter future violence when 17 year olds have no fear of running down a Policeman with a motor bike in the Arboretum? There’s just no respect for Police and this gover(n)ment. I wish you luck and pray for the best.

  3. George Courtney says:

    The gun violence problem in Bermuda can be cleaned up if the police & government do the same thing that was done in Los Angeles & conduct an immediate “operation hammer” assignment. Until then, this madness will continue

  4. Towhereas says:

    “take to heart the greeting ‘peace on earth, goodwill towards men’.” – Pretty sure those shooting the guns aren’t listening to the radio, watching the news, or reading Bernews… Lets sort this crap out before an innocent bystander gets shot. Anyway, I could go on a glorious rant filled with a plethora of adjectives and the like, but really whats the point? Violence/crime is spiralling out of control, our standard of living is soley dependent on the business sector, and no matter what the issue Bermudian politics always comes down to race as the tipping point… how do you even begin to turn the ship around?!?!

    • PEPPER says:

      Bermuda has always been devided by race, it is sad but true.
      The ship my friend is sinking,and there is nothing we can do about it.

    • united says:

      Yes, there were some racial incidents in the past but for some reason it seems worse now days. I never was victim of racism on the island and NEVER witnessed racism growing up on the island. Stop with the race thing because that gets you nowhere.

  5. Real is Real says:


    They should be meeting tonight if not last night. In the “New Year” what when more ppl are DEAD, Shot or paralized.

    SMH @ Politics

    HELLOOOO this is not a video game this is real life.

    • PEPPER says:

      I hear you my friend this is not a game !!! it is reality…we pay a huge amount of money to our governor.. and to date he has remained very quiet about the crime in bda.
      I guess he is planning his Christmas dinner plans !!!! I hate to say it but this Governor does not impress me …..guess what he will come out and give us a Christmas speech along with our Premier and they will B.S. and tell us a bunch of lies…….and will wish us a happy new year !!!!! They will have a happy new year because they are being paid a lot of MONEY.
      Bermudians let us wake up and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH OF THE B.S.

  6. Whit Christ says:

    Do you all know who B.O.P.E. is? Look them up! THEY are the answer. Send a special squad of officers to get trained by these guys and I guarantee Bermuda will be free of gun crime.

    • united says:

      You know, that sort of justice is rather rough and harsh for Bermudian tastes but, it does get results. But you’re right if you really want to pull those weeds out with the full roots then maybe BOPE would be the real way to go , however, there will be blood in the streets.

  7. Towhereas says:

    well… if “Christ” guarantees it, then it must be so!!

  8. Triangle Drifter says:

    Here is an idea. Round up all the known gang leaders tomorrow. Throw them all in the pokey together till after Christmas. Don’y try to break up any fights. See who is left standing by next Wednesday for court appearances.

  9. Bookem Danno says:

    No Tolerance for gun crime…. really? Have the government of today not seen the same stories about gunman that have walked free…or received early parole? Oh , I forgot …former premier banned the delivery of the newspapers from all gov departments.

    We don’t want tough talking MP’s????? We want action.! As a Bermudian I beg you all, PLP, OBA, UBP…lead by example, not with words and a fancy ad campaign.. Bring back operation cleansweep! As someone that lived in the Ord Road area , I saw the benefits …immediately.

    • Bermudians jus Talk says:

      To hell with ur cleansweep talk. When Colin Coxall started 2 cleansweep Goverment they RAN him OUT!!

  10. Bermudians jus Talk says:

    Yeah Pass some more LAWS thats all u Jokers do Law 4 this Law 4 that, why is it u only want input from JOE PUBLIC When its ElECTion time????U jokers in Gov.and Police could have sorted things out long time AGO,but all u wanna do is pass laws!How many LAWS do we have on the Books that r not ENFORCED now!I waitin 4 the day these lil shottas get there mind right and turn there guns on the REAL ENEMEY!!!!!

  11. Watching says:

    Perinchief couldn’t find a lit flashlight in the dark when he was on the police force, don’t expect him to solve any problems with crime. His dumbness is a gangs best friend.

  12. navin johnson says:

    Mr. Perinchief… about shuting up for awhile go actually do something and then come back and tell us what you have done…..and I dont mean get on a plane to Boston have a good time and come back and tell us….just do something instead of saying you will…..