Police Appeal: Missing Teens [Found]

January 30, 2012

[Updated] The Bermuda Police Service is appealing for the public’s assistance in locating 17-year-old Santina Harvey [pictured] and 15-year-old Ashley Mussenden, who were last seen around 8pm on Friday [Jan.27].

A police spokesperson said, “Santina is described as dark skinned of slim build, approximately 5’7” tall weighing around 115 pounds with long black hair. She was last seen wearing a red pajama top, black sweat pants and purple ‘Crocs’ shoes.

“Ashley is described as light skinned of medium build, approximately 5’5” tall weighing around 148 pounds with short, curly hair. She was last seen wearing a pink T-shirt, blue football shorts, a blue jacket with yellow stripes on the sleeves and orange ‘Crocs’ shoes.”

“This is not the first time these young women have been reported missing,” said the spokesperson.

“Anyone with any information on the whereabouts of 17 year old Santina Harvey and 15 year old Ashley Mussenden is encouraged to contact the Vulnerable Persons Unit on 295-0011. The public is reminded that harbouring a juvenile is an offence punishable under the law.”

Update: Jan. 31: Police confirm the teenagers have been found, saying: “The Bermuda Police Service would like to thank the public for their assistance in locating 17 year old Santina Harvey and 15 year old Ashley Mussenden. They have returned safe and well.”

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  1. Family Man says:

    Again? Stop wasting the police’s time. Slap an ankle bracelet on them.

  2. TJ says:

    Wow she is “missing” again, something just isn’t right with this picture…

  3. Curious George says:

    Fantastic. ‘Missing’.. again. :\

    • Sinking feeling says:

      I am for going back to good old fashion Ass whopping, the kind that your granny use to give

  4. amen says:

    These two should be forced to do community service-pick up trash along the roads-something for wasting police time! You got issues then deal with them, get counseling and stop being brats wasting time and energy looking for your lil asses! Forget about embarrassing your parents have you no personal shame being splashed across the newspaper every other week as “missing”? What’s going on????

    Leave me hate replies all you like! #sayingitlikeimeanit

  5. TJ says:

    I agree with family man… these children need to understand that they cannot just keep going missing when they want. This is ridiculous and a waste of time. She needs her butt whooped!

  6. sharky says:

    Don’t cry wolf

  7. The Hell!! says:

    Where’s social or juvenile services? Are they still in existence?

  8. Greeeat says:

    Who cares… next.

    • MR. TALLYMAN says:

      Yeah!!!! Who cares? When it hits home, I want to hear a big ‘NEXT’

      • Let it says:

        You better believe if these were my daughters they might do this once. But, they sure wouldn’t do it twice or more. And if they did, they would find that they probably wouldn’t have a home to come back to.

  9. #don't matter says:

    attention seekers

  10. Jo Public says:

    Heres the problem, we hear and read time and time again the following…”The public is reminded that harbouring a juvenile is an offence punishable under the law”, …however nobody ever is punished for harbouring them. The individuals that are harbouring these girls MUST be prosecuted! This happens way to often and nothing ever happens.

    • Keepin' it Real...4Real! says:

      this is why i say make it public knowledge of the whereabouts of them when they surface….otherwise ….dont bother posting we dont care ok!

  11. Erica says:

    I’m with the ankle bracelet idea!

  12. Dave West says:

    ZZZZzzzzzzzz…….WHOOOOO CARES?????

    Bernews……STOP IT!

  13. thinkfirst says:

    there home needs to be checked maybe that’s why they running think people

    • nonya business says:

      thats true because noone knows what they are going through in the house hold

  14. THE VILLAGER. says:

    They say that it takes a village to raise a child. Are Villagers willing and able. The ankle bracelet does not fix the problem. Great, pray to God that when it hits home, you can still say “NEXT”

  15. tricks are for kids says:

    Santina is cleary trying to break the record for being ‘featured’ on Bernews the most times for something negative!!! Santina if you are still staying at home GO HOME and follow the rules put in place for you!! If you are in “care” YOU are there for a reason and if YOU keep running away from there you know that you will either be sent overseas to a facility or sent to “CoEd” like the rest of them that continue to “hid” (refuse to say missing). YOU are your own destiny..no one can do it for you! I know your tired of hering that rules are put in place for a reason but I am going to say it again Rules are put into place for a reason they are not put into place to spoil your fun, keep you “stuck up” or to make your life miserable. Rules are put into place to help you and to protect you…stop going against the grain and do the right thing!!!!!!!!

    • Honesty says:

      Lmao @ “Santina is clearly trying to break the record for being featured on Bernews”

  16. Krys says:

    We have no idea what’s going on in the home or personal lives of these girls. Everyone – even teenagers -make decision based on things they think are rational.

    Can we try having some compassion, and humility, not assume that we can make judgements, and just pray/ask the universe that peace enters whatever situation she finds herself in. We really need to stop breaking each other down with our judgement and assumptions.

  17. Summer Lover says:

    @Krys – Thank you for your comment. Finally someome with some sense! If these girls keep leaving home, then duh!, something is wrong. I hope and pray that they are not being taken advantage of and can find someone who honestly cares about their welfare… and NOT what other people think!

    • Young Bermudian says:

      It’s sad that when she first started to go missing everyone was Oh-so concerned about her, but now that its a constant thing you guys start to care less. Isn’t this when you should be more worried the fact that it keeps happening. The problem is she keeps trusting people to give her advice that’s really going to help her and in reality it backfires. I only know this Because I know her personally. I try to tell her all the time that running away from your problems isn’t going to help, but that’s all she knows and she continues to do so. We need to stop being so judgemental about everyone in Bermuda. So many of you sit here and say I would never do this, and I would never do that. But truthfully you don’t know what you would do until your in that situation. So please if you have nothing nice to say don’t say it all. Maybe being posted in Bernews every so often isn’t embarrassing her, But you peoples comments saying that “You don’t care. Stop wasting peoples time.” is uncalled for.

      You don’t care until its your own. So lets start Being considerate of Others.

      • nonya business says:

        @young bermudian i agree with you because i know her personally as well. and the rest of you that dont know her should come together and see what you can do to help her and not try and put her down

  18. Unkknwn says:

    This girl is always reported missing she isn’t missing. If you can update your facebook status your really not missing. You just don’t want to be found. And you was in contact with your mother come on like what the hell…

  19. Honesty says:

    Again? Still playing hide and seek at 17?

  20. wandering says:

    Parents must get serious about parenting – problems start early, seek help…. there is help available to everyone all over this Island, Churches, Family Services, Youth programs and so on…DON”T BE SO DAMNED PROUD!!. Remember, what you do at the top, rolls on down to the bottom. Pleae people, be serious about your parenting – it is not about the material love, it’s about love from the heart – give this freely along with compassion, understanding, kindness, caring, availability to talk (not talk at but talk to) – all of this and more is called RELATIONSHP!!! Families, friends – everyone – you see a child heading for trouble – Many many many of us when when we were growing up in the Old Bermuda -were yanked away from it and we are so very appreciative for Ole Bermuda – Show your children/nieces,newphews, cousins, it is still available today, SHARE IT and SHARE IT WITH LOVE!!!

  21. nonya business says:

    look hardly anyone of you know what Santina is going through in her household so it dont make sense trying to bring her… unless you know what she is going through then stop complaining.. and if you have a problem hearing about her then dont click on her article and read it you make no sense.. thanks very much:D have a good day