Handbag Snatcher Chased & Arrested
The Bermuda Police Service has commended members of the public who stepped in and helped catch a man after he snatched a woman’s handbag on Reid Street yesterday [Feb.13]. The 35-year-old man was arrested, and the handbag was recovered.
A police spokesperson said, “Around 8:45pm on Monday February 13th, police responded to a report of a handbag snatch on Reid Street in the City of Hamilton.
“It appears that a 35 year old Sandys woman was standing in a cycle parking area near her motorcycle when she was approached by an unknown man who grabbed her bag from the motorcycle and ran off.
“The suspect was pursued by members of the public and initially managed to elude them. However, he was later located on Bermudiana Road by a member of the public, who contacted police.
“As a result, the 35 year old Southampton man was arrested and detained in police custody. The stolen bag and its contents were recovered. Inquiries into this matter are ongoing and a court appearance is anticipated.
“The Bermuda Police Service would like to commend the actions of those who came to the assistance of the victim in this matter.”
Well done.
Good stuff people! Good stuff!!! Now only if we can help catch these sickening thugs and get them off our streets.
Bravo! Albeit at personal risk, we can only take back Bermuda by getting involved. What’s the good saying about evil prevailing when good people do nothing??? Well done, members of the public!
National Heroes!
Great job to those who helped this lady!
Hope these heroes got a couple of shots at the thief’s gonads. I certainly would have.
Why don’t we cut his arms off – like they might do in other parts of the world for stealing. This would certainly deter!
Excellent citizen involvement. Bermuda needs more of this. Point out the crooks, the thugs and scum bags. Bermuda will regain her status as a friendly, vibrant and pleasant place to live and visit. Kudos to all involved.
** Bermuda will regain her status as a friendly, vibrant and pleasant place to live and visit.**
It took 350 years to earn that reputation. It will take about another 40 to earn it back . This will be no quick turn around. Don’t be fooled .
We’re suffering now from the stupidity of the later 70′s and early 80′s. The current crop of ignorance hasn’t even started to bite us yet .
When were you born because I think your only defining yourself. I know many Bermudians born in the 70′s – 80′s & they have jobs & families they put their hearts & souls into taking care of.
A court case for what? Save us tax payers money and just cut off his hands.
There are thugs,drug heads and hookers standing around the bus terminal every day of the week and no one seems to stop them from scaring the hell out of the seniors and tourists.I see the young ones dressed in their school uniforms watching these scum and even acting out like them by fighting and swearing.
There is a lost generation of Bermudians who have no understanding of right from wrong. This problem of drugs and guns and crime will be here long afetr we are gone.
Good Luck.
Why would hookers stand around the bus terminal? Is there a secret brothel up in the terminal office? I take a short cut through the terminal many times & don’t see any hookers.
Where are the thugs you talk about scaring seniors and tourists? I’ve seen a few raggedy homeless young men & women who travel together but there far from thugs. Just as hookers have more secluded areas to do their deeds in than the terminal so do thugs.
I see addicts waiting for the bus to go to MAWI for whatever help they provide. Maybe you should follow them there on the bus there to seek help for your delusions. The addicts only ask for change but they’re not harassing anyone.
The only thing I can partly agree on is the kids using bad language & getting into scuffles. This happens because many bus drivers seem to think its not there job to correct them. Also the public lets them get away with it also. These are kids so when I see them get out of hand I treat them like kids & take them down a peg or two. Let them tell mommy & daddy because I got something for them also. If you let kids intimidate you as an adult your part of the problem. This is not inner city LA & these are not the kids with the guns you just watch TOO MUCH TV. For those new to Bermuda or those who have forgotten Dale Butler has promoted & left corporal punishment for students in the school system. So if I see your kid act like a disrespectful mule in front of me I will may not beat them but I’ll certainly grip them by their ear & make them look like a right fool to there peers & say Dale told me I could.
This happens because many bus drivers seem to think its not there job to correct them. Also the public lets them get away with it also. These are kids so when I see them get out of hand I treat them like kids & take them down a peg or two.
If you let kids intimidate you as an adult your part of the problem.
Thank you thank you!!!!
In addition to the prostitutes at the bus station, there are those beggars all over town. I was approached twice within one minute last night outside Docksider and then Supermart. The guy outside supermart is in town every single day and has solicitored me at least fifty times. The other guy is a new one. Firstly he insulted me when he thought I was an expat – I am white and was dressed well. Then he talked about faith hope and charity and the most important one is charity. I work hard for what little money I have and I’m not going to give it up to any of these losers. What the hell are the police doing about this. It is nothing less than embarrassing. These people beg all day from everyone. Is there not a law against this. Why should we have to put up with this sh^t every last friggin day in Hamilton.
WHAT PROSTITUTES AT THE BUS STATION?!?!?!!? How can you tell who’s a prostitute in Bermuda. Are you a john & thats why you know or are you just making this stuff up?
As for beggars, their not harming you any & if you were straight up & told them to leave you alone they will remember you & do so. What place in the world do you not see beggars on the street except for some white picket fenced areas in north America?
Well Tommmy , it looks like you’ve defined YOURSELF … when I was defining Bermuda earlier .
See some of the above remarks ? Not all of us are willing to keep lowering the standards and calling it ‘normal’.
With people who think like you around , and there are plenty , this place will never again have the reputation it once did.
Your comments are very vague so I’ll have to guess what your getting at. It seems your trying to accuse me of saying handbag snatching is normal in Bermuda but I’ve typed no such thing. My comment to you was in regards to you disgusting fallacious remark towards parents & children of the later 70′s and early 80′s in Bermuda. I can tell when a child has been raised in Bermuda as soon as they greet me with good morning or good afternoon. I can’t even think of another place in the world where children show so much politeness. They even call me sir & I hate to be called sir but still respect them regarding me as an elder authority figure even as a complete stranger. In Bermuda we have a history of raising our children even in the later 70′s and early 80′s to hear our authority & if they don’t hear they will feel. The breakdown has only been in the recent millennium due to outside influences of the 1, 2, 3, method & time out method which has obviously not worked. 97% of our children are obedient & respectful. Our most heinous crime in Bermudian history wasn’t even committed by a Bermudian but by a Jamaican national but you sit & type insults about our culture.
Yes its a norm here to have beggars as its been since I was a child. There will always be those in a society who have problems adjusting to what someone may call a norm. These beggars are not the ones snatching handbags if all would take time to read the arrest reports. These beggars are the ones eating perfectly good food out of the trash that “NORMAL” people throw away. Most have some sort of sickness only harmful to them but society treats them like the plague instead of showing remorse. They are only doing what the red cross, leopards club or other organizations do stand on the street & ask for small change which anyone can simply say yes or no to. You & all others who go on about your farcical high standards that should be set are only planting poisonous seeds leading tourist away from Bermuda to far more dangerous & anti social places like jamaica, bahamas, mexico & florida.
Bermuda is still the gem of the atlantic & if we keep pushing our community to stand up to the handbag snatchers & other criminals we will keep our good reputation held high despite what naysayers think.
If you are really newly unemployed you should pray your situation doesn’t get as bad as you being on the street while others look down on you for “lowering the standards”
What a load of bull .. Are you capable of rational thought ?
I was referrng to the decline that set in during the late 70′s and 80′s , I was not referring to anyone’s parents .. where did you come up with that one . Mind you , it made more sense than the rest of what you typed.
Oh yeah , we’ve got the most polite , well raised children anywhere in the world .. The guy who broke into my place not so long ago smiles and treats seniors very well too .. butter doesn’t melt in his mouth even though he’s a snake . Yeah , you sure have a wrap on summing everything up .
Unlike yourself , many do not accept this massive downhill slide we’re in and do not consider themselves ‘elite’ or ‘snobs’ because they wish to keep standards high.
And btw , now that I’m unemployed I have a lot more time to help ny neighbours and others. Did you factor that in to your ridiculous remark relating unemployment to lowering standards ?
You accuse me of irrational thinking while pointing a finger at the youth of Bermuda because an individual robbed you. If I’ve got you wrong then you should only feel sure with the one who broke in not anyone else.
Usually when someone mentions a current crop & their not talking about farming their referencing a generation & the parents that spawned the generation. At this moment your typing in tongues to me because I’ve no clue where your getting this 70′s and 80′s decline from. The 70′s and 80′s in Bermuda were the UBP golden years where all was good with IB, tourist were still coming in big numbers & there was no TV or video games so children played nicely in the neighborhood. The decline only came in the 90′s with the introduction of cable & BET’s gangster rap tv, violent video games & plp dredging up slave man mentality to brainwash hate into locals & reap political gain.
I wouldn’t call the decline massive downhill slide. At least anyone can walk through 42nd & mob areas & make it out alive. Now try doing that in east LA. People need to just stop whining like its an impending apocalypse & take the bull by the horns like the ones who chased the handbag snatcher down & like locals did back in the day with close knit neighborhoods.
Its good your making the most out of your unemployment & maybe it will help you overcome your bitterness. Maybe you need to voice how you’ve become unemployed while others still work because there are many that feel the unemployed are unqualified. I don’t believe so but get lambaste for stating the real reason for the unemployed here. This is just as big of a problem as crime here & much of the crime here is spawned from this problem.
Sorry , I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with the unarmend .
Over and out .
AWWWW! You’re throwing the towel in already? To think I was just getting started. Your no fun! Come ooon! podem up! podem up! podem uuuup!
Oh no he didn’t!!!!!! He called you an EXPAT?? How dare he!!? An EXPAT??? OMG – he should have gotten a beat-down for being so offensive!!! Unbelievable!! Utter disgrace!
(Dude – you wish!!)
Excellent work! I’m very proud of these unnamed people.