Two Men Attempt To Rob 16-Yr-Old

February 17, 2012

Last night two men attempted to rob a 16 year old who was riding his bike along Middle Road in Devonshire.

A police spokesperson said, “Around 11pm on Thursday February 16th, police responded to a reported attempted robbery on Middle Road in Devonshire. It appears that a 16 year old male auxiliary cycle rider was accosted by two unknown males on a motorcycle as he travelled along Middle Road near the junction with Brighton Hill Road.

“As a result, the Devonshire teenager and the auxiliary cycle fell to the ground; however he sustained relatively minor injuries that did not require hospital treatment. Motorists travelling in the area at the time stopped to help the teen.

“Police are interested in speaking with anyone who may have seen two males dressed in dark coloured clothing and jackets, wearing dark coloured helmets with tinted visors travelling along Middle Road, Devonshire on a dark coloured motorcycle around the time of the incident.

“Any witnesses or anyone with any information is encouraged to contact Detective Constable Tiffany Caisey on 295-0011.”

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Comments (28)

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  1. Kim Smith says:

    So, please tell me what is a person to do in these situations which are becoming so common? The public needs suggestions! Perhaps the police service needs to set up some decoy situations and give these criminals a nice shock from a taser!

  2. ella says:

    UUGGGG I am so (explicit word i will not use to show respect to your site) angry!!! I have a 16 year old son. If only I could be a Robin Hood………………

    • Tommy Chong says:

      To heck with Robin Hood we need a Frank Castle type & I’ll happily be that if the regiment could provide me with equipment & the BPS provide the permission.

  3. Truth is. says:

    Had better sort this s&$t out and I hope for them I’m not behind them.
    Nearly time to go, election will determine my fate.

  4. Truth is. says:

    Wow let’s all keep a look out for two dark men on a dark cycle wearing dark cloths with tinted dark visors.
    Time to kill the liberals.
    Bring back the real Police FORCE.

    • Tommy Chong says:

      Liberal! Since when have police been liberal in Bermuda? Its not about police being liberal now its about them being incompetent when it comes to serious crime. The constable needs to get outward looking cameras installed on each police car so he can see all the times his officers are passed by riders fitting the same description at these culprits. I guarantee not once do the police spin around flash lights & pull these riders over.

  5. Asking says:

    BPS…..I just want to know who is going to get in trouble. Them for attempting to rob me…. or ME for beating the crap out of them.

    • Family Man says:

      If you were “beating the crap out of them”, you would be in trouble. If, however, they sustained their broken arm, cracked ribs, facial lacerations and severely bruised testicles when they slipped off the curb, that would be an unfortunate accident for which you can not be held responsible.

  6. Tommy Chong says:

    Except for the one incident on Harbor Road the others are always the same description. I don’t understand why there are no island wide nightly routine checks by BPS for all wearing dark coloured clothing and jackets, wearing dark coloured helmets with tinted visors. Take down the information of all checked. If something happens in that vicinity around the time before & after the checks are going bring up the list of people checked & see if they have priors. If any have priors find them & bring them in for search & questioning. I DON’T CARE IF PEOPLE THINK THIS IS PROFILING! It needs to happen & if you just like wearing dark clothing as a fashion you should have no worries because you not the guilty.

    I see police driving around like its date night chatting away. BPS need to keep eyes on the road because we don’t pay you to have conversations. Perps probably pass them daily & they have no clue. I bet police here cant even tell when some one’s carrying a concealed weapon.

    BTW what ever happened to the law about banning tinted visors? This needs to be administrated immediately.

    • bermyshotta says:

      Tinted visors won’t change nuffin!

      • Tommy Chong says:

        Except making it easier to identify the perpetrators which is quite a bit more than nuffin.

        • pfft says:

          The perps are not going to give a crap whether tinted visors are legal or not, if they have them, they’re going to use them! Heck, they have the balls to kick people off their bikes, shoot each other and ruin our island… you really think they’re going to care whether their tinted visor is illegal!?

          GIVE ME A BREAK.

    • One cent = A Dollar says:

      Amazing, that there are times when a law enforcement department can you profiling. Ops, Police are doing the profiling.

  7. Get Real says:

    maybe allow the public to carry hand guns gotta protect ourselves its all dark,dark visors ,dark clothing dark males mmm ?

    • Tommy Chong says:

      It would read better IMO if they did say dark males but BPS always reports them as BLACK males. REALY! Are they jet black or are they on the grayish side? I think neither & in fact I think they’re BROWN! They may be dark brown, reddish brown, yellowish brown or any other brown under the sun, moon & stars. I don’t know & neither do the witnesses or BPS because their wearing DARK VISORS. Black male is not a factual description & if they really want to know who they are than implement the visor law.

      • Armchair Psychologist says:

        Maybe I didn’t read this right but I don’t see where they said the males were ‘dark’:

        “Police are interested in speaking with anyone who may have seen TWO MALES dressed in dark coloured clothing and jackets, wearing dark coloured helmets with tinted visors travelling along Middle Road, Devonshire on a dark coloured motorcycle around the time of the incident.”

        Where does it say the men were ‘dark’? We’re ASSUMING they are black males. The description doesn’t imply that. Everything was described as ‘dark’ except the culprits but it doesn’t mean they were.

        With that said, that description stinks. Do the Police realize how many guys fit that description????

  8. smh says:

    Get your story straight BPS. He did require hospital treatment, but it wasn’t serious.

    Him and his bike didn’t just “fall to the ground”. He was kicked to the ground while riding.

  9. please wake me says:


    I think is sad but your the one that will end up in trouble!!!

  10. Denial says:

    And we complain when the police do stop and searches and stop all the black guys and girls. Guess the white boys and girls must be doing all the robbing and shooting. Truthfully though, I was hating the police for doing these searches until someone shot at a friend of mine. Now I want them to stop everybody and check cause you just never know who’s carrying what. 85% of the time its not going to be a white person though. I am not in denial!

    • Politely Pompous says:

      ‘…85% of the time its not going to be a white person though…

      Try 99.9% of the time its not going to be a white person.

      I’m black but I’m just keeping it real. White people aren’t out there carrying out these kinds of crimes and anyone who tries to say so needs to get their head out their butt.

      We as blacks really need to get our sh!t together. Our forefathers didn’t go through all the fights and struggles they did just for us to end up like this-robbing and killing each other.It’s sickening.

  11. Angry Mother says:

    How long are these two cowards going to be getting away with these crimes? Seems like this incident is similar to all the others! What happened to the dark visors being banned? Its like taking forever to happen! I’m constantly worrying about my teenage son on his bike! What does one do keep your child at home? My son travels in numbers to feel safe, sad isn’t it! Hope they catch these fools soon!

  12. Enough is enough says:

    Plain and simple “Cat O’Nine Tail, bring these culprits to City Hall and give them a good lashing in front of the victim.

    Sick and tired of being sick and tired :-(

    • Triangle Drifter says:

      Not a bad idea. I know capital punishment is a non starter but how about a good public lashing. It would sure get the message out to any who might consider robbery.

  13. Cedar Beams (Original) says:

    You Bermudians moan about dark men, on a dark motorcycle, with dark visors robbing your children. Yet when the Popo stop dark men, on a dark motorcycle, with dark visors – you call it harrassment, profiling & racism. Get a grip – you people are pathetic.

  14. Pre Madonna says:

    Ben de dark wisors an de problem sowled.

  15. Awake says:

    I like Kim Smith’s suggestion…what that I’ve been saying for a while. Set up decoys! There was a time when women and tourists kept getting robbed/assaulted in the area of Hamilton Princess and Pitts Bay Road. It seemed like it happened every week. If the police set up a decoy, they’d catch some of these perpetrators and maybe discourage others from doing it! My son weighs about 240 pounds! If anyone even attempts to rob him while he’s riding his bike, I can ASSURE you, he’s ready to kick THEIR butts to the ground. They wont be able to walk by the time he’s done with them! But no, those guys are cowards. They pick on 16 year olds, women, and any visitors that Wayne Furbert says are coming to our island! As for the dark visors: make them illegal…what’s taking so damned long! My car can’t have tinted windows, so why should someone’s helmet visor be permitted to be tinted? This island needs to get a grip…and FAST! VOTE OBA, and you’ll see the changes that we ALL need!

  16. trees says:

    Brighton Hill is a dangerous spot! I had a scary moment when riding along there the other week. I was riding along at night and I suddenly noticed a man dressed in black pointing a “gun” towards me off the side of the road.

    For a few seconds I couldn’t believe what I saw and didn’t know what to think. It wasn’t till I got further along that I realised it was the police doing radar traps.

    I would think in this day and age with gunmen around they shouldn’t be hiding like that. They should be making their presence known and wear bright clothing. It could have caused an accident if someone panicked or given someone a speeding ticket if they sped up under the fear they were about to be shot at!

  17. Razor Ramon says:

    Tinted visors should but won’t be banned. Jacking up those duties at the airport and trying to kick as many expats off the Island….now that’s much more important to government.