London Office Available For Emergency Support
“The Government of Bermuda London Office advised Bermudians visiting London for the 2012 Olympic Games that the London Office is able to assist Bermudians who require emergency support.
The London Office is located at 6 Arlington Street, London, SW1A 1RE; Tel: + 44 (0) 20 7518 9900; Fax: +44 (0) 20 7518 9901; Email:”
The 2012 Summer Olympic Games formally begins with the Opening Ceremony this evening [July 27] and runs until August 12, with over 10,000 athletes from some 200 countries expected to participate.
Bermuda’s Olympic team includes long jumpers Tyrone Smith and Arantxa King, triathletes Tyler Butterfield and Flora Duffy, sailors Jesse and Zander Kirkland, equestrian Jillian Terceria, and swimmer Roy Allan Burch.
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yes the office will be staffed by MP’s who will be flying over after the close of Parliament
London office? What is the purpose of the London office, what goes on there?
You mean like if we get um caught viff the weed??
Really, is this the best that they could come up with…Emergency Support! Have they even welcomed the Athletes to London? I’m watching this space for the news story on the Pomp and Pageantry of how they attended the games!