Video: Aquarium Shark Released Into The Wild
“Osbourne,” a 7-year-old Galapagos shark, was released into the wild in March of this year after spending the past 6 years at the Bermuda Aquarium.
Local filmmaker Milton Raposo captured the process:
The 6½ foot long shark was released back into the wild for “health reasons”. Last year Osbourne started developing a rubbed rostrum (nose) in the tank due to competition from the grouper.
Aquarium staff tried to reduce the aggression between the two through various training methods but were unsuccessful and as such plans were made to return the shark to the wild this summer. However, the hostility between the grouper and shark escalated and the shark’s condition deteriorated.
With assistance from Dr Neil Burnie and Mr. Choy Aming from the Bermuda Shark Project, Aquarium staff and volunteers moved the shark onto a fast boat using a specially made sling and placed it in a shark transport box.
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Category: All, Environment, News, Videos
This is a fantastic video! Great job guys!
Wow that was simply amazing! I hope we can be updated on his travels in the wild!
Wow, great video Milton!
This posting should be called “Documentary: Osbourne, Our Local BAMZ Shark, Released into the Wild”. Cuz this is a pretty epic piece.
This is an excellent “documentary” and should be shown in all the schools. It was very well done, and I can watch it again. I sent this video to my children in the US to show my grandchild. Love it.
good work ….. let’s hope BAMZ is around for a long long long time
This is awesome guys. great work!
Well done all.
Really a remarkable presentation and well thought out capture and release.
Made my day.
Excellent documentary! I will be sharing!
I must say that is probably of the of the best put together video’s I have seen produced locally. The script was relevant, the editing was brilliant, the soundtrack enhanced the pictures and generally everything was extremely professional and throughly entertaining to watch. Well done.
Great job Milton! Love the soundtrack.
Well done Milton!
Wonderful video! Looking forward to the updates on Osbourne!
Fantastic job! I hope they put off getting a new shark for captivity for awhile.
Really exciting and well produced video. Definitely all school kids should see it.
Clear and important reasons to protect sharks and educate people about their importance to the wild, and to civilization