Photos: 31st Annual Labour Day Banquet

September 1, 2012

[Updated] The annual Labour Day Banquet was held last night [Aug.31] at the Fairmont Southampton, starting off the 31th Anniversary of the celebration of Labour Day in Bermuda.

Those in attendance included the Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda Baldwin Spencer, Premier Paula Cox, Opposition Leader Craig Cannonier, BPSU President Kevin Grant, BTUC President Wendell “Shine” Hayward, City of Hamilton Mayor Graeme Outerbridge, and numerous others including MPs and Senators from both sides of the aisle.

The night started with a cocktail reception before guests were invited into the banquet hall to be seated. Master of Ceremonies Andre Rochester gave a welcome and introduced those at the head table.

BIU General Secretary Molly Burgess gave a welcome address before a prayer and blessing were given, and entertainers for the evening included Larrita Adderley and Wendell “Shine” Hayward.

Dinner for the event included a salad of mixed baby greens, breast of chicken, red snapper filet, herb mashed potato and apple crumble tart with cinnamon ice cream for dessert.

After dinner, remarks were given by Premier Paula Cox before former BIU President Ottiwell Simmons introduced the guest speaker. The invited guest speaker was Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda Baldwin Spencer who railed on Bernews comments [we left before his speech and so are trying to attain it now], and BIU President Chris Furbert delivered the closing remarks.

Click to enlarge images:

Update: We sent a photographer and were not present for the speeches, however the Prime Minister did talk about ‘vile’ online commentators specifically on Bernews website. You can read the Sun’s report here and the Royal Gazette’s report here, and we hope to obtain his full speech if possible.

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Comments (42)

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  1. Yada Yada Yada!! says:

    Just another show of grand standing for all the politicians and labor people. Just get on with it.

  2. Triangle Drifter says:

    So which one is Betty in those pics?

  3. Family Man says:

    I bet all the workers from Willowbank and Whites would love to have a meal like that.

  4. M.P.Mountbatten JP says:

    Still living large off the backs of past construction division workers .

  5. Victor says:

    Looks like it was a great evening. Great hair Mr. Mayor. Mr. Cannonier, looking very comfortable – must know everybody from union negotiations down at the Tiger Market?nInteresting smile on the bumble bee – what’s the joke?

    • Peace says:

      Bumble bee comment. Not nice.

      • it only hurts when i breathe........ says:

        Oh pleeeeze grow up!! Public office has it’s positive side – i.e. open for comment………….

  6. Oh Please..... says:

    SO who paid for this BULLSH*T? This is considered a necessity in these “TOUGH economic times” as is constantly repeated by the Government? OH OK!

  7. it only hurts when i breathe........ says:

    I understand Prime Minister Spencer berated blogers for what he considered racist and vile remarks. I wish he had done his homework properly and researched DREB and his toe stepping follower’s vile remarks – spewed forth IN THE HOUSE no less!!! Look around you Mr. Spencer and you will see the originators of such vile speak.

    BTW I DO AGREE that some of the blogs lately are absolutely off point and not necessary to the subject at hand. Unfortunately many of us are so very, very, very angry of what the PLP has done and BETRAYED their core principals and the trust of the people with it’s own version of vile governance filled with lies, deciet, missing monies, lack of transpareny, increase in crime (which they seemingly do nothing about), historical high unemployment, EXCESSIVE SPENDING AND OVERSPENDING, etc. etc. etc. we should remember that we can make a point withOUT being vile, personal or racist. DREB, DA KERNAL, Rolf, PLP, BIU, and the guilty bloggers that have overstepped the mark, hope you are taking note.
    Remember you catch more flies with honey………….

    • OG says:

      So which fool MP from the OBA are you….did you ask Bob’s permission to write? It’s going to get a great deal worst no matter which party runs this island.

      • broke all over again says:

        ^^It’s going to get a great deal worst no matter which party runs this island.^^

        True , because the damage done by the PLP is so rampant and extensive that the cleanup by any other party (and it wont be the PLP either) will be painfull and long but absolutely neccessary to get the island back on foot.

        So we’re all going to have to swallow some unpleasant medicine soon.

      • it only hurts when i breathe........ says:

        I REST MY CASE……..thanks for the perfect example…

      • LongBayTradingCo................. says:

        I am a grown up………..I don’t need to ask Bob……………..and you????

  8. Victor says:

    It’s a real shame Mr. Spencer is such a modest man and chose to direct his remarks at Bernews correspondents rather than focus on various astounding successes in his own country. The Bird family, Sir Allen Stafford, The Bank of Antigua and 20-20 cricket immediately or to mind; that we in Bermuda could have such uptanding examples to model ourselves on. Come to think of it, maybe we do in the PLP…

  9. LaVerne Furbert says:

    Prime Minister Baldwin Spencer said in his speech last evening “When I was doing my research prior to coming to Bermuda, I cam across a news website called Bernews. We have a similar site in Antigua & Barbuda . . . a place where anonymous commenters can spew some of the most vile rhetoric under a cloak of anonymity that affords them the ability to say what they really think.

    • Yada Yada Yada!! says:

      Its called freedom of speech. And democracy. If you don’t like it don’t read it.

      • LaVerne Furbert says:

        Vile rhetoric under a cloak of anonymity.

        • terry says:

          You have been reading the Royal Gazette too much LaVerne. Your becomming confused like Shawn Crockwell.
          Happy Birthday and may the Uighurs bee your neighbors forever.

        • Mad Dawg says:

          Are you talking about Betty Trump? Or are you referring to the famous “Bud”?

    • Yada Yada Yada!! says:

      So we are to assume that Prime Minister Baldwin Spencer and your mouth is a prayer book. We will all shut up and let you spew out your rhetoric. OMG!! Lord help us.

      • LaVerne Furbert says:

        Just as much as Kevin Comeau’s mouth is a prayer book. You decide which one you want to believe. As I always say, at least I have the courage of my convictions. I couldn’t say the same about you and you fellow bloggers who continue to post vile rhetoric under the cloak of anonymity.

        How can any of you criticise a speech that you have not heard or read?

        • terry says:

          It’s recorded. I heard it. It’s also written in the RG.
          And your point is?

        • Dr. The Hon. Sooper Trooper Pooper Scooper says:

          Pictures show a very sophisticated session for feeders at the trough.

          When’s the election?

        • Yada Yada Yada!! says:

          Can you please tell me what is more important the MESSAGE or the MESSENGER. I for one don’t give a rats a$$ who wrote what.

        • Free says:

          It’s called freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of choice, free country-whatever. You decided you want to put your real name and post comments under your real name. Everyone else decides to post under anonymity and you know what? We all have every right to. You posting under your real name does not make you better than anyone else, nor does it make your opinions have more “conviction” than others.

        • LongBayTradingCo................. says:

          Oh please LVF go away. You are sooooo yesteryear………..please please go away and take chris with you…… are dinosaurs and this is a new age in case u did not notice. The young are the next generation to be in charge NOT, NOT, NOT you or Chris. ……………give it to the young – they are far more insightful than you.

    • terry says:

      Absolute garbage LaVerne.
      Minister don’t read blogs to be up to date on where they go. People work for them and give them info. And many are up too date since we have such great ties with our Carribean neighbors and heritage; right?

      • Verbal Kint says:

        Did I miss something? I didn’t realize Kevin Comeau spoke at this function. I really need to try and keep up. It’s a new highlight for LF. LaVerne has killed the messenger and he didn’t even provide a message.

    • Kickin says:

      Hey Laverne… As far as recall, you became the queen of vile rhetoric during the last election… And your cartoonist from up north had his days as well….

  10. Shaking the Head says:

    I expect that politicians in Antigua and Barbuda are no different to politicians in Bermuda when they use House Privelege to say vile and and racial slurs. Oddly enough the complaints of vile comments have been directed against Bernews whose comments are moderated before being allowed to get posted.

    Why is there such a sudden outcry, when several years ago a PLP Senator (couldn’t get elected as an MP) made the classic comment that “we don’t care what you think”. In that case don’t care! Oh of course an election is looming and the PLP have an abyssmal track record and need something to deflect peoples’ attention.

  11. FrankTalk says:

    Does anyone have a vision for the role of Labour in Bermuda going forward?

    Would anyone like to comment on the fact that while Bermuda’s labour movement arguablely reached its zenith with the PLP election victory in the 1990s, the labour movement was being redefined (dismantled) elsewhere?

    For example the 1990s saw launch of “New Labour” in the UK and the deliberate weakening of German unions.

    Any thoughts?

    • terry says:

      Yeah…..there will be four buses left, two ferries and a taxi.
      knowone to represent.

      • FrankTalk says:

        well the new labor project preceded an period of unprecedented prosperity in the UK (undone by the banking crisis) and the German “dismantling” provided the basis for current German economic preeminence in spite of the negative impact of reunification and European fiscal union…..

  12. Shaking the Head says:

    Looking at the pictures, I don’t see many workers there, just the usual elite who can afford to pay hundreds of dollars each for such a banquet because their paychecks are paid for by the workers. No doubt all the workers who are unemployed will be very happy to see their masters, and mistresses, enjoying the high life.

  13. Yada Yada Yada!! says:

    What the BIU are doing now was done way back in time in England. Unions are more sensible now to the current economic times with the BIU being the exception. They are still using stone age labor negotiation tactics.

  14. Considering the present state of affairs the union would have been better served by making a grand announcement that due to the present economic climate in Bermuda that they will take the funds normally allocated for their annual labor day banquet,to be used for their membership of those who have lossed jobs due to job redundancies or job closures.

    The union would have gained more respect in putting their peoples priorities first,gone are the days that we see union leaders with back bone that care more about the roof over its members head and the food on their tables,then the greed that they show by the decisions we have seen in these last 10 years,maybe I am bias but I truly believe the only person I see that still pounds the pavement on behalf of the Bermudian that is unionised is Mr. Raymond Russell and he dont get paid for it so I know its straight from the heart.

    As far as a few of the comments of the guest speaker,Sir we dont disrespect you as a guest in our Islands but you have said absolutely nothing that has not already been said and as far as vile rhetoric,we are not that narrow mminded and would consider it constructive critisism,as far as Ms. Laverne Furbert is concern I dont always agree with her view point on many issues but I do have to agree with her and take issue with the fact about pen names to this web site.

    While it is totally legal to use pen names and the right all who choose to use it,I truly believe we as a people do a dis service first to ourselves and then to the rest of the reading world as this site is global.if your convictions are that great and it should be to any given situation that may arise,why not stand by your word by who you truly are,now we are in total agreement that the owners and management of have all participants names and address on file and if someone filed using false information there is still ways of tracking down the culprit.I say all this to say that there are some very disrespectful comments that are made from time to time from all of us and if we are going to speak what we feel is of any truth be man or woman enough to stand by it and be held accountable by those in whom you reach.

    There you have it Mr. guest speaker,some of us dont like our union for what it is presently allowing to happen to some of its membership but do know the importance of why we can not afford not to have a union also,realizing that it was our fore fathers who gave us the rights that we have,even though it is presently being abused by some who do not give creedence to the struggle they for the photo ups,well I have seen better at a circus.

  15. street wise says:

    … which essentially boils down to BULLYING the Country.

    • Yada Yada Yada says:

      Exactly but not just bullying. But just striking for all the wrong reasons and not being reasonable and coming half way. They seem to think that every employer is swimming in $ and can reach any unreasonable wage demand. The BIU is crazy and out of control. IE. KFC who are do to go to court soon.

  16. Cleancut says:

    I see Cox was in attendance along with Col. Burch. Was Dr. Brown there as well? If so, you would have had the three main people responsible for the downturn of this country in the same room, frightening!

  17. 32n64w says:

    “Vile rhetoric under a cloak of anonymity.”

    Given they pay advertising dollars for banner ads on this site I guess the Department of Tourism feels otherwise.

    While its true there are some posters (thankfully a definite minority) from all sides of the political spectrum who make inappropriate remarks, the vast majority are simply expressing their extreme dissatisfaction with the current administration’s abysmal record of incompetence.

    Those who chose to ignore these concerns and instead blame the messenger contribute to the public’s distrust of the Government and coordinated attempts by PLP mouth pieces to deflect attention from the reality of their underperformance by blaming a handful of armchair pundits wreaks of desperation.

    Perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised at the unoriginal depths the PLP will go to maintain their hold on the Government. After all, it’s not like they can point to a list of accomplishments when they can’t back up their rhetoric (1.5 billion dollar investment in Bermudians) with hard cold facts.

    PLP – Betraying Bermudians since 1998, one no-bid contract at a time.

  18. Shaking the Head says:

    So after the elite have quaffed champagne and enjoyed a great banquet to celebrate Labour Day, tomorrow is the day to celebrate the workers and their struggles. What do they get? Marches in the hot sun followed by burgers, rum, soda and beer. Don’t any of them notice the irony in all this, that the workers pay for the elite to enjoy a banquet, then simple food for themselves? It is also the workers who are seeing job losses, not the people that attended the banquet. Maybe the guest speaker in particular should concentrate on what the day symbolises, rather than be drwan down to being a pawn in a forthcoming election campaign.

  19. Busting My A** Everyday says:

    Yeah how about honoring a dedicated hard worker every year at one of these BS banquets. Show some genuine appreciation to the person who breaks his or her back everyday..