Hashtag: #Unions

Dept Of Labour Addressing Labour Dispute

Dept Of Labour Addressing Labour Dispute

The Department of Labour said they are “actively involved in addressing a labour dispute reported by the Electricity Supply Trade Union [ESTU] involving BELCO, an essential service provider.” A spokesperson said, “This dispute was officially reported to the Acting Manager of Labour Relations on June 10, 2024, and the Department of... Read more of this article

BELCO & Electricity Union Labour Dispute

BELCO & Electricity Union Labour Dispute

[Updated] A “labour dispute exists between BELCO and the Electricity Supply Trade Union,” the official notices stated today [July 18], with the Minister stating that he is “referring the said dispute for settlement to the Employment and Labour Relations Tribunal.” The latest official notices stated, “Notice Of Declaration... Read more of this article

BPSU Hosts Caribbean Association Conference

BPSU Hosts Caribbean Association Conference

The Bermuda Public Services Union [BPSU] said they are “honoured to be the host of the Caribbean Public Services Association [CPSA] 52nd Annual Conference.” A spokesperson said, “The theme of this year’s Conference is “Navigating Challenges by Empowering Workers and Embracing Innovation.” This significant event highlights the... Read more of this article

BUT: “Alarming Shortage Of Substitute Teachers”

BUT: “Alarming Shortage Of Substitute Teachers”

The Teachers Union said they continue to monitor the “alarming shortage of substitute teachers with great apprehension” and said “the Department of Education must make correcting this highly volatile state-of-operations their top priority.” A spokesperson said, “The Executive of the Bermuda Union of Teachers continues to... Read more of this article

B.U.T On ‘Inadequate Substitute Coverage’

B.U.T On ‘Inadequate Substitute Coverage’

The Bermuda Union of Teachers [B.U.T] said they “would like to address ongoing concerns within our educational community regarding teacher workload and substitute coverage.” A spokesperson said, “Our teachers have been working tirelessly throughout the year, frequently stepping in to cover classes due to inadequate substitute coverage.... Read more of this article

BPSU: Recognition Of International Workers’ Day

BPSU: Recognition Of International Workers’ Day

“In recognition of International Workers’ Day, the Bermuda Public Services Union [BPSU] pays tribute to the committed and dedicated workers around the world,” BPSU General Secretary Kevin Grant said. Mr Grant said, “While acknowledging the many victories achieved within the labour movement, the BPSU also reflects on the struggles many have experienced,... Read more of this article

BTUC On 2024 International Worker’s Day

BTUC On 2024 International Worker’s Day

“Today, as we celebrate International Workers’ Day, the Bermuda Trade Union Congress stands in solidarity with workers worldwide, honoring their contributions to society,” the Bermuda Trade Union Congress [BTUC] said. A spokesperson said, “Amidst the current economic challenges facing Bermuda, exacerbated by global uncertainties,... Read more of this article

Trade Union Congress Elects New Executive

Trade Union Congress Elects New Executive

The Bermuda Trade Union Congress [BTUC] recently elected a new Executive, with Timothy Seon elected President, Dean Smith and Selena Fields elected First and Second Vice President, respectively, Audley Quallo elected General Secretary, Thelma Simmons elected Assistant General Secretary, Renee Jones elected Treasurer, and Shakia Smith elected Assistant... Read more of this article

BWI Women Workers Feature Renee Jones

BWI Women Workers Feature Renee Jones

[Written by Patrick Bean] In recognition of contributions made to worldwide trade unionism Bermuda Industrial Union [BIU] Treasurer Renée Jones is featured within the Building and Wood Workers’ International’s [BWI] just released 2024 Women Workers’ Calendar. Jones picture is affixed to the month of December along with a brief personal journey... Read more of this article

Column: Grant On Tripartite Social Dialogue

Column: Grant On Tripartite Social Dialogue

[Opinion column written by BPSU General Secretary Kevin Grant] As we stand on the threshold of a new year, the horizon is painted with ambitious Government initiatives including Education Reform, Universal Health Care, Pension Reform, Tax Reform, Economic Recovery Plan, Economic Development Strategy, and a Global Minimum Corporate Income Tax plan. While... Read more of this article

Minister Speaks At Hotel Housekeepers Meeting

Minister Speaks At Hotel Housekeepers Meeting

Minister of Economy and Labour Jason Hayward joined the Bermuda Industrial Union at the 7th Annual Global Week of Action for Hotel Housekeepers Meeting earlier today [Dec 7]. A Government spokesperson said, “Minister Hayward addressed those in attendance, recognising their dedication and commitment despite, at times, challenging working conditions.... Read more of this article

BPSU Statement On 2023 Throne Speech

BPSU Statement On 2023 Throne Speech

The Bermuda Public Services Union [BPSU] provided feedback on the initiatives in the 2023 Throne Speech, noting the Union ”will continue to advocate for collaborative decision-making, data-driven policies, and measures that enhance the working conditions and overall quality of life for all Bermudians.” A spokesperson said, “Last week,... Read more of this article

BIU Pleased That Govt Approved Fairmont SDO

BIU Pleased That Govt Approved Fairmont SDO

The Bermuda Industrial Union [BIU] said they are “pleased” that the Government approved the SDO for Fairmont Southampton, saying they “look forward to the project beginning and many displaced workers getting back to work.” A spokesperson said, “The BIU is pleased to hear that the Government has approved the SDO for Fairmont... Read more of this article

BIU ‘Seriously Concerned’ Over FAR Increase

BIU ‘Seriously Concerned’ Over FAR Increase

The Bermuda Industrial Union [BIU] said they “have serious concerns about BELCO’s latest increase in the Fuel Adjustment Rate,” stating that “this increase will adversely impact the disposable income of each family in Bermuda” and “the cost of living in Bermuda continues to spiral out of control.” A spokesperson... Read more of this article

Caribbean Public Service & Solidarity Day

Caribbean Public Service & Solidarity Day

The Bermuda Public Services Union [BPSU] and its affiliate, the Caribbean Public Services Association [CPSA], are celebrating the 4th annual Caribbean Public Service and Solidarity Day under the theme “Celebrating Public Officers in These Challenging Times.” A spokesperson said, “The Bermuda Public Services Union [BPSU] stands proudly... Read more of this article

BPSU On Cyber Attack On Government Systems

BPSU On Cyber Attack On Government Systems

The Bermuda Public Services Union [BPSU] expressed its “deep concern” about the cyberattack on the Government’s IT system, noting what “what often gets overlooked is the impact this has on the workers charged with maintaining public services.” The Government was subjected to what was described as a “sophisticated... Read more of this article