Regiment: “Conscription Remains In Effect”

November 7, 2012

The Bermuda Regiment said they have received “numerous calls” regarding the status of conscription and wanted to clarify to the general public that “conscription remains in effect and that failure to show for military duty is an offence.”

During last week’s Throne Speech, the Governor said the Defence Act 1965 will be amended to end conscription, and the “focus of a 21st Century Bermuda Regiment will be on an enhanced maritime role, greater engagement in border control and increased operations with the other uniformed services.”

A Regiment spokesperson said, “The Bermuda Regiment has received numerous calls regarding the status of conscription and therefore wishes to confirm the following facts:

  • Conscription is still in effect; failure to attend military duties (including enlistment) is an offence under the Defence Act 1965.
  • An end to Conscription has NOT yet been established but the Ministry of National Security has committed to provide a timetable in 2013 detailing when Conscription is to be wound up;
  • The Regiment is holding a final Enlistment Night at 6:30pm on 20 November 2012. All members of the public who have been selected for service or anyone who wishes to volunteer for service must report at that time;
  • Failure to show for military duty is an offence under the Defence Act 1965 and offenders will be disciplined accordingly.
  • Government House and the Bermuda Government have committed to conducting a Review of Bermuda’s Security requirements in early 2013; this review will also consider how and when Conscription can be wound up.


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  1. Y-Gurl says:

    This is what happens when the minister try’s to put a false spin on things, people don’t understand the message, add his command of the English language to the equation…….confusion!

    • terry says:

      He no speek henglish.

    • Mad Dawg says:

      Now we’re finding out the difference between an election promise and actual reality.

  2. Pastor Syl Hayward says:

    All you conscriptees, don’t hold your breath. They are not thinking of doing ANYTHING about this until 2013 – note, no mention of what month in 2013, and note, they will only be “providing a timetable” for conscription to be wound up. ‘Timetable’ means setting the date any time in the future they want, including 2020 or later. They have told you nothing they can be held to.

    • Tommy Chong says:

      A Yes! I remember those old hurry up & wait days in the regiment. LOL

  3. Boo says:

    nothing but a bunch of bullies up that regiment.

  4. Keepin' it Real...4Real! says:

    hahahahah …. all u sissies runnin from discipline bottom line!
    they held a carrot over your head and you started to chase a dream…tricks are for kids you silly rabbits…
    there is no money dont u understand that or do you all need to be emailed this information….modernizing an army…please…modernizing and army means less men more machines…the world is in such shambles that there will be moves toward a NEW WORLD ORDER in an attempt to rein in the masses which are becoming increasingly out of control…
    how many of you have heard the saying “What you don’t see won’t hurt you.”
    have you ever hit your head on something that you didn’t see..? well i have and it hurt more than anything that i did see!….my point is we will be entering the Age of Technocracy…you will end up with out a job and that means no money…you will be eventually implanted with and RFID chip (for your health and safety reasons …lmfao}all forms of currency will be just electronic transactions….along with hyper inflation kicking your a$$…when your numbers run out(contents of your bank account that is}…SO DO YOU!!!! the usa..{federal reserve} is printing in excess of 80 BILLION DOLLARS PER MONTH until….and you know what “until” means right..? Party Starts from 8-”until”…What do you think going to happen to the U.S. Dollar?….and how will this affect BERMUDA’s currency…like i told someone here before …the sh!t hit the fan a long time ago but its just slapping you in your face now…which usually means its too late.
    well if you wake up now…you might be able…but i doubt it.

  5. Triangle Drifter says:

    Another of those pre election PLP green pigs rumbling around the taxiway. It occasionally tries to get airborne but, of course, pigs don’t fly.

  6. Rick O'shea says:

    Any young male who thinks these people will be relieving him the hassle of having to serve has to think of one thing only: They will lie and tell you anything to get your vote. PLP are a bunch of liars, cheats and _____. They have lied to us again and again, Don’t believe them under any circumstances.

    Vote for anyone EXCEPT PLP.

    • ReformTheRegiment says:

      Not that I like either the 2/3 parties on the ballot, but what will the OBA or UBP do exactly do to reform the regiment?

      Because it does need to be reformed. I was severely injured in a vehicle accident 6 years ago, resulting in surgery that removed part of my spine. Sensation is unlikely to ever return to my right leg, I will have to walk with a cane for the rest of my life and will always have heavy medical restrictions on my ability to engage in physical activities as simple as bending over, lifting anything over 5 lbs or twisting at the waist. Yet, despite providing pages and pages of medical evidence from doctors and surgeons in both Bermuda and the US on more than one occasion, the retards at the regiment still send me a “report or get arrested” notice every year.

      Similarly a “report or get arrested” letter arrived at my parents’ address every year for a long time for my older brother. He’s married to a North American woman and lives overseas…permanently (in fact he has lived away since he was 12 when my father and his mother got a divorce). The regiment had been made abundantly aware of this fact as well, yet the letters arrived every year until he aged out of the system, you could set your watch by it.

      All this talk from OBA/UPBites about PLP wastefulness (which is true), so I want to see who is going to slim down the regimental budget by, amongst other things, cutting all the wasted many hours, stampage and paper needed to send letters out to cripples and Bermudians living permanently overseas.

      • Tom-e says:

        Sounds like they need a new administrator who can keep the conscripts database up to date. I willing volunteer my services as I’m anal as hell, with a keen eye for detail. I would love to help eliminate this colossal waste of paper and quickly reduce the cost of unnecessary postage stamps. I’m just saying….:-)

  7. James says:

    Just shut it down, save the money sell the land off.
    Stop the _______ at the regt. in one go.
    Start a volunteer force for the very odd hurricane that lands here.
    That is about all they do.

  8. Bounded and Gagged says:

    Everyone opposed to conscription should boycott and not attend regimental duties any longer. If all the youth refused to be drafted and voiced their opposition through the ballot box the politicians that are hungry for power would speed the winding up process much quicker.

    • Rumandcoke says:

      Absolutely agree with Bound and Gagged. Youth need to boycott.
      Has everyone noticed that the age limit has now been raised from age 33 to age 35?

  9. Ironic says:

    Less than a week after essentially ‘promising’ to end conscription, what did the PLP do? They in fact tabled new legislation with the complete opposite effect, INCREASING the age of conscription by 2 years. That anyone believes a thing they say baffles me. If they get any votes from this particular scam, this country will get what it deserves.

    • LOL (original TM*) says:

      You forgot they also uped the fine of skipping out on duties something like $900 – $2,000 imagin that coming out your bounty……………….


  10. Joonya says:

    The PLP are desperate. Communicating this just before an election has its obvious reasons, but just adds more voter frustration as it comes at the same time as the new recruitment process starts. I view this as a sign of a desperate attempt to gobble up potential votes.

  11. Tom-e says:

    Conscription should not end….In my humble opinion, here is why:

    If it can stir one or two young men in the right direction then why fix what is not broke or change what could be a good (the best opportunity) thing for some. Although they may not realise it a first. It is important to note that not every young person (male or female) has parents that set or even provide the best (environment) direction for their offspring. Not every young person has a proper role model setting a good example in his or her lives. I believe if conscription is banned, a lot more young men will fall through the cracks and what we are seeing in our society today can and will become much worse. I strongly agree that majority of those who would really benefit from conscription are young black males – the segment of our society with the least positive influences. If this programme can show (save) one or a few more lives then it is a good thing. Really, the moral fabric of our society is thinning more and more each year. All the good teachings of yesteryear are fading fast. Because we are slowly removing all the positivity of the past, and replacing it with the negativity we see in so many facets of our society today, which will dictate our future. You and the rest of Bermuda know darn well there will be, if at all, a minute group willing to volunteer for the regiment. The make-up of different races and classes coming together in a life skills learning experience will not be there any longer. Conscription forces (no choice, its the law) young men to do something that they don’t think they need, but 7 out of 10 discover the unwilling journey was worth it cause they learned a thing or two, not only about themselves, but also about others who may be unlike themselves. It would also teach them how to work with and alongside people they might have never gotten a chance to get to know. Mutual respect and friendships can be formed from this experience. I’m just saying – There is always two sides to a coin.

    Just My Opinion – Don’t shoot the messenger ;-)