19-Yr-Old Admits Trying To Defraud Betting Shop

January 23, 2013

In Magistrates Court this morning [Jan 23], Aaron Famous, 19, pleaded guilty to two charges of attempting to defraud Seahorses betting shop on 9th December 2012.

The Crown Prosecutor said that Famous had presented a betting slip claiming $972 in winnings, but that the Seahorses clerk involved had detected that the slip had been altered. He had tried to give the impression he bet on a football match between Manchester City and Manchester United.

Accepting his guilty pleas, Senior Magistrate Archie Warner ordered an adjournment to 28th March 2013 when Famous must return for sentencing. Magistrate Warner set bail at $1,000 with a $1,000 surety.

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  1. Mayan says:

    Tsk, tsk…

  2. really... says:

    another famous fiasco.

  3. In The Know says:

    Bermuda really is another world. Either gambling is illegal or it’s not. What loophole allows these betting shops to operate?

    • Malachi says:

      …the same one that allows Crown & Anchor and BINGO!

    • Tee says:

      This is not about that, fool. Its about a kid trying to fckn steal some dough yo!!!!!!!! Get a life and go back to your rock, jealous a$$ people, just damnn

      • Bobthebuilder says:

        He should’ve admitted it in the shop. Less expensive than admitting it to the magistrate. Also you wouldn’t have gotten a criminal record. Fraudster.

    • Common sense isn't so common says:

      I agree. Bermuda has a lot of gambling on the island. Wether it be undercover or obvious. #Does Crown and Anchor ring a bell for one?….

  4. ONION GAL says:

    Very sad & only 19 . . . This is the start for worse things to come, if he doesn’t get help now! And some people want gaming legal for locals, better think again!!!

    • Moojun says:

      Erm, I think the fact that he was in a legal gaming shop proves that gaming for locals is and always has been legal here.

      And by the way, by your logic, if one person attempts to rob a bank does that mean that we should close down all banks because they attract the criminal element?

  5. Tee says:

    That fool thought that it was not a matching copy. Dummy

  6. Alex B says:

    This guy was in my clss, I now see where all his time went he never did his work!

  7. Go Figure says:

    If you all have a look online at statics regarding the increase in crime associated with gambling you will see that it always happens. Theft, prostitution., etc crime and gaming go hand in hand! While your at it also have a look at the crime stats in the Bahamas which were looking to emulate! Just my three cents!

    • Moojun says:

      And yet even without casino gambling (I specify ‘casino’ because clearly Sports gambling, Bingo gambling, Raffle gambling and Crown & Anchor gambling are all legal here) we still seem to be witnessing a dramatic increase in crime in Bermuda. Go figure?

    • Secret Troop says:

      Shops cause shoplifting, is what you’re saying.

  8. backbush says:

    maybe if they stop robing people people would not rob them

  9. Go Figure says:

    @ Moojun Exactly expect a further increase when we are already struggling to deal with the issues we presently have! We have historically made decisions based solely on money….we opened the doors to IB without much thought to the social impacts. Increased rents…. Inflated real estate market etc.