Police: No Reports Of Missing Little Girl
There is a BlackBerry messenger/text message presently making the rounds saying a little girl is missing, which has obviously created grave concern for those receiving it.
Police Media Manager Dwayne Caines said that as of 9.30pm this evening [Jan 1] no one has passed on any word or official communication to the police about a missing person. Mr Caines said: “We are asking the public to refrain from sending unsubstantiated and unconfirmed information around.”
Just because the police do not have information on it does not make it “…unsubstantiated and unconfirmed information…”
I would think that if my little girl was missing, my first call would be to the police NOT BB or text people. College Grad, don’t you know the meaning of “unsubstantiated and unconfirmed”? If the police have no record, then as far as they are concerned it IS unsubstantiated and unconfirmed information duh!!!
@University Grad I agree with @VJ if my child is missing the police will be the first to know when I received the First BB message I was confused to why there was nothing ‘official’ stated about this missing child.
That is so wrong!! For someone with 2 young children…..I want to clobber whoever for making my heart sink for no reason. Children are everything!
This is Bermuda, We’re known for doing things sideways…
Is there a little girl missing or not?
I knew it was a hoax because if it was real the police would have dealt with the matter and the parents would not be sending broadcast to find their child. I am a parent of 3 I’m not worrying about a broadcast if my sons are missing. Bermudians are so gullible or naïve when it comes to bb forwards and text messages.
If it’s on BB it has to be true innit?
I mean,umm,err,I don’t know,yeh,ya know what I mean dun.
I Agree
I always wait until I hear substantial information from the police via the papers or radio or however the information is coming out. I did receive this BBM and I took it with a grain of salt as there are so many FALSE BBM’s going around. ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS wait for official report from the police. I am not a parent but if I were, BBM is not how I would do things. To me that is not good parenting.
After today’s find…I would hope that the BPS take another look at this!
@Truth: I agree. How do we know this was a hoax? Maybe the parent never reported it out of fear (maybe the child wasn’t being properly supervised or something) and the police didn’t follow up. I know from experience that they don’t always follow up on things that they should…