Science Forum To Be Held On Jan 31/Feb 1

January 23, 2013

International speakers join local scientists and educators at the 2013 BIG IDEAS: Bermuda Education Network Science Forum sponsored by KPMG and Sirius Re January 31st and February 1st at the BUEI.

Bermuda teachers have a rare opportunity next week to observe educators from one of the world’s leading science and technology museums. The Science Museum of London, with over 3 million visitors a year and home to some of the most important iconic objects in science, such as Cricks and Watson’s Double Helix and the Apollo 10 Command Module, will be sending two members of their learning department to Bermuda to take part in the BIG IDEAS Science Forum.

The Science Museum’s Shane Craig and Jane Dowden will present hands-on interactive workshops that are designed to give teachers professional development in inquiry-based learning.

“When it comes to hands-on exhibits to engage children in science, The Science Museum’s learning zones are second to none” stated Becky Ausenda, BEN’s Executive Director. “They also have an excellent outreach program which we have persuaded them to extend all the way to Bermuda! We are very lucky to be able to offer this amazing opportunity to Bermuda’s teachers.” she continued.

The Forum will also bring a leading expert on inquiry-based instructional strategies to the island. Dr. Shari Tishman, Director of Project Zero at Harvard Graduate School of Education will deliver a presentation about Active Learning on Thursday, January 31st. Dr. Tishman is a renowned researcher on thinking and understanding as well as museum-based learning.

Additional speakers from local science organizations, healthcare professionals and local schools will also contribute to the exciting line up of 20 different science presentations and workshops.

Open to all educators, the program aims to improve access to high quality professional development opportunities for teachers through exposure to wider scientific experiences.

“This conference is the culmination of months of planning with our member organizations, BIOS, BUEI, BZS and Dolphin Quest and consultation with the Department of Educations science advisor to primary schools. We’re attempting to answer a demand from our schools for fresh ideas about how we teach science, especially in chemistry, physics and students’ understanding of scientific inquiry,” said Karolyn Lack, BEN’s Experiential Learning Director.”

“KPMG is delighted to be associated with the Bermuda Education Network Science Forum and to help provide professional development for all of Bermuda’s science educators,” stated Neil Patterson, Chairman of KPMG in Bermuda. “We hope that the international presenters from the Science Museum and Harvard will inspire the delegates and we congratulate all the participants for their contribution to Bermuda’s education programmes”

Tickets for the event are on sale at Information on the Science Forum and descriptions of all the 20 plus workshops are available for review at The final day to buy tickets is Tuesday, January 29th.

The Bermuda Education Network [BEN] is a registered charity that provides support to Bermuda’s teachers by expanding their access to professional development opportunities both locally and abroad and by providing targeted programs and initiatives that embed professional development in them.

For more information on BEN, the BIG IDEAS Science Forum, the Science Museums visit to Bermuda or other BEN sponsored professional development programs for teachers; please call Tracy Astwood at 505-7935 or

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