American Denies Importing $39K Of Cannabis
29-year-old New Jersey resident Rodney Small pleaded not guilty to two charges in Magistrates Court this morning [Feb 5].
The first charge was that he imported the illegal drug cannabis into Bermuda on 31st January 2013, and the second charged was possessing cannabis with intent to supply.
Crown Prosecutor Susan Mulligan told Senior Magistrate Archie Warner that Small was alleged to have delivered 48 pellets of compressed cannabis that he had, allegedly, ingested.
The drug was said to have a street value of around $39,000.
Senior Magistrate remanded Small into custody and ordered a re-appearance on 19th February 2013. Small was unrepresented but was assisted by Duty Counsel Oonagh Vaucrosson.
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Another bits the dust…………………….!!!! Poor Bermuda!!!! Just legalize it!!!!
All plants created by Mother Earth , not for man to regulate.
One hundred years ago you could buy cocaine, opium and cannabis at the store. Then the drugs companies came along with synthetic cures with unhealthy side effects and pay politicians to make laws to ban the natural substances.
Then big OIL created synthetic materials as with nylon to replace the need for natural rope and sails made of hemp plants.
Many drugs that are prescribed to us are more dangerous than the real thing as they are essentially synthetic creations of the natural substance.
And the big oil companies are still allowed to destroy our environment to replace a natural and already used material.
Go figure.
Sleep tight Bermuda!
We have some real dunces running our legal system here. In order for the amount imported to be anywhere close to $39,000 street value the accused would have to have swallowed close to eight pounds of green. He would have died from gastrointestinal complications before reaching bermuda.
Guys are bringing in high grade ganja, selling for $100 per gram.
28 grams per ounce, 16 ounces per pound = 448 grams x $100=$44,800.00
It’s still a lot to stick up our ass!
$100 PER GRAM!!! You’re sure someone didn’t spray baygon on it cause those $100 per gram people are buggin.
Little advice to the $100 per gram people don’t blaze, “high grade ganja” for a few months. In that time save up the hundreds & occupy yourself with planning a trip to one of the U.S. states where its decriminalized or Canada. If you save up enough from not smoking, “high grade ganja” here you might even be able to afford to go to Netherlands, Portugal, Spain or Denmark. These places have THE REAL HIGH GRADE glistening trichomes on every nugget & it didn’t recently come out of some ones poop shoot neither. The best part is its much less than $100 a gram even in the places where its converted from euros & you won’t be criminally charged if found with a small amount. Make sure if you take my advice you also read up about the place’s laws you’re going to & find out if there’s places where you can go that tolerate blazing.
Why give your hard earned money to a society that prohibit your personal choices but profits from the same personal choices they prohibit?
nah tommy….thats the estimated street value which is set by snitches that get caught, telling the police how much they paid(got robbed) for the miniscule amount they were caught with…probably was just about 2 oz if that …BUT this will continue to happen as long as our system refuses to take the profit out of it…keeping it illegal jus makes the fianciers huge profits and the distributor huge profits , while the consumer pays with thier blood,sweat n tears…but who cares..? so i would say , whoever is against legalization, is making a profit off of it somewhere down the line…IF YOU ARE NOT INVOLVED IN THE DRUG TRADE THEN YOU HAVE NOTHING TO FEAR….OBVIOUSLY those adamantly against anytype of reform to these archaic rules n regulations….SIMPLY HAVE NOT DONE THEIR HOMEWORK.Its jus a mute subject. You know…like what Massa say… um a haffa obey!
i agree, legalize it!
Nope, I think it should be made mandatory. It should be enforced by the police. Anyone seen to be acting aggressive, argumentative, or even taking life too seriously should be told to shut the **** up and smoke one…it’s the law!
what we should do…is sentence him to death and see if his country would come to his rescue…then we can negociate getting our one spliff stop listers off of the usa banned list. this s#!t is utterley ridiculous.
Yep you’re right maybe he should get sentence to death. Then his country might make Bermuda disappear………….!!!!!
Americans have been executed for cannabis in other countries & their government didn’t lift a finger to stop it. Many other countries would do the same including Bermuda.
It’s not the U.S. list thats the problem it’s Bermuda’s laws. The list laws just says any one with a criminal record needs permission from America to come to America. Bermuda’s laws say that cannabis possession is a criminal offense so if you are charged for possession here you get a criminal record.
the article needs clarification.He denies importing it. Was he caught at the airport with it? Did they screen him at hospital for foreign objects in body? ..the article says it was said to have a street value..can we assume its been sold already? something isn’t right…the man must be a complete moron if you deny something being in your body when caught with it.