Fuel Prices Increased Effective February 15th
Yesterday [Feb 27] the Ministry of Finance announced [PDF] that with effect from 15th February 2013, the maximum prices of petroleum products change as follows:-
- Gasoline > +5.3 cents/litre
- Diesel > +6.6 cents/litre
- Kerosene > +7.6 cents/litre
As a consequence the maximum retail prices displayed on the pumps for petroleum products are as follows:-
- Gasoline > 219.90 cents/litre
- Diesel > 197.30 cents/litre
- Kerosene > 170.20 cents/litre
How do gas prices vary so much in other parts of the world but go up way more then they go down in Bermuda? Something is wrong and it must be the Tax in fuel imports! How about a tax break or tax elimination so my belco bill goes down and my gas doesn’t cost as much??
How about turning off the water heater when not needed and tv etc..for the belco bill to go down. Start taking the bus.. pleanty of savings right there!! jeeez, why dont people do something for themselves other than whine,, give me give me give me!!!
First of all before you go making any assumptions I have taken many steps to cut costs! Typical that you would make every Bermudian out to be lazy, just because you care to follow stereo types. I work hard for my money and ask for nothing in return, but when your Fuel surcharge on your belch bill is as much as the cost of your electricity something needs to be done!
Thankyou Dumbfounded . Maybe WOW would be interested to know that, as an example , I’ve only used my water heater on demand for 2 hours a day for 30 years. A gas stove . Energy efficient bulbs and a TV that consumes only 35 watts when turned on. At night there is only the TV and one bulb on until I retire for bed. No heaters in the winter (never) and A/C during the summer months at night only for 6 hours a night. (high efficiency split system) . A friend in the US with a condo 4 times the size of my place who has electric stove and leaves heat or A/C on every day of the year has a utility bill that is half of mine. What else can one do ?
Anyway, this was about the cost of gas I thought. BELCO is another thing alltogether !
Well lets start from a point of being fully informed before we start making assumptions about what we are being charged for and the reason for it being so high – http://www.belco.bm/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=142&Itemid=217!
Fuel adjustment rates are charged on the no. of kWhs you use. Use less electricity get charged less FAR. Simple as that! Its a mechanism to smooth out the volatile cost of buying fuel and passing that cost on to the customer.
I’ve never seen someone from overseas electricity bill before but are they a basic , one line total consumption bill or do they list out , as BELCO now does , consumption , fuel adjustment and now ‘facility charges’ ?
Personally , I think the entire thing is a rig. If BELCO can’t get the permission to up their basic rates by the PCC they can just up the FAR or the new ‘facility charge’ instead.
They need to move into the new Bermuda price structure like the rest of are having to do. Like it or not , this is a new era for us .
So much for reviving the economy..everything is going up ..SIGH
Even though I’ll admit to being the first one to moan about the prices of gas here I thought this month’s increase was going to be a lot worse than it was.
Basically it went up 5 cents a litre. In early February the cost of gas in Edmonton , Canada (where they have more oil than snow flakes)went up from 84 cents to $1.24 per litre !
But there is one thing that I always find curious . When it finally makes it to the broadcast news , why do they do the ‘for comparison’ number conversion to gallons using the US conversion rate ?
We’re a British colony and our gas was always priced in Imperial gallons before we went metric.
Maybe it’s the shock factor . Try converting at the Imperial rate and make sure you’re sitting down !
I guess this will offset the premiers pay cut.
How much of our fuel prices goes to Goverment revenue, I understand Goverment takes as much as almost $5.00 a gallon, is this correct?
You all do realize that this article refers to prices at the gas station pumps, not BELCO, right?? . . . it even says ‘pumps’. I don’t think BELCO buys fuel by the litre. They do it by the barrel. Guess nobody cares about how much it costs to fuel up a car!