BPW Donates To Centre Against Abuse

March 20, 2013

On March 12, 2013 the local branch of The International Federation of Business and Professional Women [BPW] made a donation to The Center after raising funds during their Tag Day/Denim Day .

In January of this year BPW Bermuda hosted their annual tag day to raise funds towards their mission of developing women professionally in Bermuda, whilst giving part proceeds to The Centre Against Abuse, which aims to increase the safety of survivors of domestic abuse. The Center also provide tools and resources to victims to maintain an abuse free life.

L_R: Millissa Butler [BPW President] Laurie Sheil [Centre Director] Patrice Phillips [BPW Vice President]:


BPW Bermuda raised a total of $4000 and said they would like to send a heartfelt thank you to all of those who donated towards this worthy cause, as well as committee members Kim Caines, Dorothy Butterfield, Shannah Butterfield, Katie Partington and Kelley Green.

BPW Bermuda will be hosting their annual Candlelighting Ceremony this Saturday at 6:30pm at the Riddell’s Bay Golf & Country Club where they will present the Woman of the Year and Life Time Achievement awards.

The theme this year is ‘Empowerment to Lead – Raising the Bar’ and the honored guest speaker is Danielle Riviere, Interim Executive Director of The Centre of Philanthropy. Tickets can be purchased for $70 at Panache. For further information please email committee chairperson Patty Flood at bpwabermuda@yahoo.com.

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