CedarBridge Wins KPMG Investment Challenge

May 9, 2013

On May 7, 2013, students from CedarBridge Academy were awarded $14,000 in a double win, taking 1st and 3rd places, while Berkeley Institute placed 2nd in the KPMG Senior School Investment Challenge. In the history of the challenge, this is the first time two teams from the same school placed in the top three.


Launched in 2005 as part of KPMG’s ongoing commitment to education and youth development, the 8th Annual KPMG Senior School Investment Challenge has once again proven to be a big success amongst the senior schools across the island. This challenge involves teams of students managing a virtual portfolio of $50,000 and investing it in the stock market over a six-month period starting from October 2012.

Each team is allowed to invest between 10 and 20 securities, of which at least one must have a primary listing on the Bermuda Stock Exchange. KPMG staff volunteer their time as mentors, advising and assisting the students. At the end of the challenge, the three teams with the highest value portfolios are awarded cash prizes of $10,000, $6,000 and $4,000, respectively, for use by their school.

This year, 14 teams from seven schools participated and the winning schools and students are as follows:

  • First – CedarBridge Academy “Core Investments”: Ethan Rogers and J.D. Symonds;
  • Second – Berkeley Institute “Game Changers”: Dominic Lambe, Guisti Clarke, Arron Lindsay, Raymond Beans; and
  • Third – CedarBridge Academy “Crunch Time Investors”: Matthias Lawrence, Marquis Caines and Jumoke Stovell.

Minister of Education Nalton Brangman presented the awards and praised the students for their successes. Minister Brangman also thanked KPMG and their mentors for freely contributing of their time and talent.

Craig Bridgewater, Managing Director, KPMG, said “the Investment Challenge has returned excellent value yet again, both in the virtual portfolios and in the benefits accruing to the students and their schools.”

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  1. BendEm Like Beckam says:

    Very weel done Cedarbrige and Berkeley

  2. Wow give some negative news and you get blogs up and down the page but here we have fantastic news,So to Mrs Richards and your team I say well done and congradulations.

    I also take this oppurtunity to congradulate The Berkeley Institute also for a job well done.

  3. Congrats says:

    Well done CBA!

  4. Kim Smith says:

    Well done Cedarbridge, and Berkeley. I would like to have read some details about your strategy, picks and results!

  5. JMad says:

    Well done guys!

  6. NikB says:

    Well done to Cedarbridge and Mrs Kalmar Richards. This is history in the making!!! Looking forward to seeing and hearing more. Lets see if this will make the evening news.

  7. BermieGirl says:

    Wow!Congratulations to all the winners. Good New Story, thanks Bernews!

  8. Ann says:


  9. Rastagirl says:

    @ Mr. Santucci. I agree!! Let it be some Court News or something Political you would see dozens of comments.
    Well done Cedarbridge Students, Teachers and Ms. Kalmar Richards!!!!!! Good Going!!!! The Berkeley Institute Students and Teachers!!! Congrats to both schools!!

  10. Shar says:

    Go CBA!! First the Butterfield Student Challenge and now the KPMG Investment Challenge! I am extremely proud of my alma mata and am so glad you are getting positive exposure for once! Keep up the good work “Students of Excellence” and ‘Big Time’ faculty :)

    • Shar says:

      Positive exposure that is LONG overdue because this school really does have a lot to offer its students despite what the public may say or think. Yes CBA has hit some rough spots over the years but in general there is so much more positive things happening there that the media fails to capitalize on the majority of the time. Keep working hard CBA and the rest will follow.

  11. Jim Christopher says:

    Thanks to Craig Bridgewater and KPMG for this on-going challenge programme. I just wish that I had some of those CBA kids investing my money!