DNDC To Start Survey On Adult Drug Use

October 31, 2013

The Department for National Drug Control [DNDC] will be conducting a survey to obtain information on adult drug-use in Bermuda.

The survey will be used to monitor the nature and magnitude of use and abuse of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs in our society; and will evaluate public opinion on a range of drug related issues. Additionally, this data will provide insight into the circumstances and perceived harmfulness of using alcohol, tobacco [cigarettes], and other drugs.

This telephone based survey will be administered during the weeks of November 4th – 17th, 2013. About 1,200 households have been randomly selected to participate in this survey. At this time, only one household member, 16 years or older, will be interviewed.

Questions will cover topics such as: demographics, prevalence of drug experiences, access to drugs, risk of harm, and perceptions of alcohol and marijuana policy. All participant responses will remain confidential and reported only as aggregated data, where no person or his/her information can be recognised.

A spokesperson said, “The DNDC believes that it is possible for Bermuda to contain, and subsequently reduce, the demand for alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs; however, a total community effort, and nothing less, is required. The community’s honest feedback will help to inform policy and decision-making and assist in directing resources to relevant and needed programmes. The Department for National Drug Control urges selected households and household members to participate when called upon.

“You are advised to contact the Department for National Drug Control at 294-9702 or e-mail dndc@gov.bm, if you have any questions regarding this survey.”

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  1. William says:

    to me there would be too much divergence for any of the information to be useful,
    folks could in mass deny to be spoken to at all much less questioned .
    folks might speak to subjects they know scant of only regurgitating what they have been taught some may even be coached by the questions on giving answers that “They ” want to hear.
    there simply is no rationale to do such a “Study” much less pay for it with tax payers funds.
    if the people in government cannot grow up and do their job then they should be sent home.