Legal Loophole: No Disqualification For DUI

October 9, 2013

A 36-year-old man who admitted driving while impaired avoided being disqualified from driving due to a legal loophole.

Appearing in Magistrates Court this morning [Oct 9], Denton Santucci pleaded guilty to driving whilst impaired in April 2013, was fined $1500, and given time to pay.

Crown Prosecutor Nicole Smith asked Magistrate Khamisi Tokunbo if he was also going to disqualify Mr Santucci from driving, and the Magistrate replied: “No. Look at the date of the offence.”

In April 2013, the mandatory disqualification did not apply as there had been an error in drafting the legislation. The law has since been amended.

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Comments (6)

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  1. Jim Jones says:

    I don’t get it. It may not have been mandatory but can’t the judge still impose a discretionary disqualification?

    PS – any Santucci? Any relation? baaaaa

  2. Ghost Rider says:

    Friends and Family!

  3. spectaters corner says:

    Merrr Merrr .Its funny how people in general just dont like to see others get a real life break.

  4. Esther Y says:

    There should be no breaks for DUI !

  5. tricks are for kids.... says:

    The title of the article speaks for itself; “LEGAL LOOPHOLE…..”

  6. typical says:

    Lets hope next time he is DUI he didn’t kill one of your relatives. Once a drunk driver always a drunk driver, they never stop.