Minister Gibbons Joining Delegation In New York

October 13, 2013

Minister of Economic Development Dr. Grant Gibbons will joining a Bermuda delegation in New York to promote Bermuda as a leading jurisdiction for investment fund business.

“The visit is strategically timed to follow the recent announcement of amendments to the Investment Funds Act of 2006 which will simplify the process to register funds in Bermuda”, a spokesperson said.

“It will include several business development meetings with New York law firms, auditors, prime brokers and investment advisers.

“It will be highlighted by a reception hosted by the Bermuda Business Development Corporation [BBDC], in cooperation with the Government of Bermuda and the BBDC Asset Management Focus Group. The reception will be held on Tuesday, October 15th at the Peninsula Hotel in New York.

“The Minister and BBDC CEO Stephen Lund will address attendees and provide insight on Bermuda’s position as the intelligent jurisdiction of choice for asset management business.”

The Bermuda delegation includes Dr Gibbons, Ministry of Economic Development Permanent Secretary and BBDC Board Member, Ross Webber, BBDC CEO Stephen Lund, as well as senior representatives of local law firms, fund administrators and advisors.

Dr Gibbons said: “The Government, in close collaboration with industry and the BMA, recently modernized our Investment Funds Act to streamline the launch of investment funds in Bermuda. I am confident that these changes will advance our position as a leading international financial centre and a preferred location for those funds that are seeking a pristine quality jurisdiction.

“This trip to New York is an important part of this Government’s efforts to bring much needed investment and jobs to our local economy and I look forward to taking this critical step that can lead to a resurgence in this business which has long been a staple of Bermuda’s international business portfolio.”

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  1. Family Man says:

    Only a single government minister and a single senior civil servant are going?

    How refreshing.

    • Raymond Ray says:

      Indeed, an both are extremely competent in seeing their goals attained…

      • Black Soil says:

        Better than the PLP crew who went to see the space shuttle blast off one last time. One last time. How ironic.

  2. Robert says:

    Not just a single govt minister, but your true leader. Sounds to me the right man is going.

    • Michael says:

      Oh snap.

    • jt says:

      Robert – your true leader too (don’t ya love it)!
      But what about Dunkley and Richards? Wait, maybe they actually function as a team…that would be a novel approach after the last administrations.

      • Robert says:

        Oh please, the man is but a puppet plain an simple !

        • Sandy Bottom says:

          I thought you said he was the “true leader”. Now he’s a “puppet”? Can’t be both, can he? Perhaps you should work out what lie you want to make up, and stick to it.

        • jt says:

          Even if true I could less. I’m more interested in what they accomplish for us in the next 4 years.
          Under Brown the entire PLP and Bermuda citizens were puppets. Cox was like a marionette with half its strings cut.

  3. Nuffin but da Truth says:

    What NO Bodyguards or Limo parade?

  4. JAWS says:

    Only the dumb government ministers take their whole civil servant team. Good luck on the trip Dr. Gibbons you have my full support.

  5. somuchless says:

    Gibbons, just being back some people who wana do business on-island cause stuff like this will lead to jobs.

  6. Stop Complaining for 1 sec says:

    @ JAWS
    To me it looks like they ALL taking turns to wreck up some airmiles

  7. Hurricane says:

    @Robert……”your true leader”, very profound. Forget about the so-called Minister of Finance, this is the “true leader”. SMH

    • Richard says:

      And this why I say that these politician need to stop taken us for granted with these shell games I thought I was the only one that realized from day one he was the main man in charge and I still think they would have won with as the head of the election

  8. navin johnson says:

    Gee do we really need this trip after the Mayor of Hamilton and his team went to New York not long ago to develop business for Bermuda? How could Mr. Gibbons possibly compare to the Corporation delegation? Why take a small group to New York, the business capital of the world, when you can take an entourage to Columbia for 10 days to develop business? Just a difference in philosophy I suppose….

  9. Kiskadee says:

    At least we have an intelligent person going who will know what he is talking about .

  10. Suzie Quattro says:

    Looks like no deputy mayors are going too. That should help.

  11. Moonbeam says:

    Minister Gibbons is certainly the right man to represent Bermuda when it comes to business. Thank you for your service Grant.

  12. Sensible thinker says:

    More good work to try and bring us back from the disaster we were in.