47 Yr Old Charged: Unlawful Carnal Knowledge
A 47-year-old man was remanded into custody today [Dec 9] after appearing in Magistrates Court on charges alleging unlawful carnal knowledge of a 13-year-old girl.
The man — who cannot legally be named at this stage of the proceedings — was charged with multiple counts alleging unlawful carnal knowledge and unlawful sexual acts with the 13 year old girl.
Because the charges are indictable and can only be tried in the Supreme Court, the man was not required to enter a plea.
Senior Magistrate Archie Warner remanded him in custody, and he will return for Mention on 23rd December 2013.
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Poor Bastid (referring to the ‘Man’) WTF were you thinking Bie?!!!????
yeah…he definitely needs help…something is not right…so do we euthanize him..?
He’s gonna have a white Christmas.
The dog…..
If guilty, Chop his b@lls off! That is so disgusting!
And if found guilty lets have name, picture & address.
……. SICK.
if convicted dig a hole in the ground feet first in the hole tie his hands behind his back and bury him up to his shoulders see how long his weapon lasts
NA this is getting out of hand. Every week its some guy allegedly touching off a little girl or little boy. Convicted pedo’s need to be put on blast so our kids can be safe. OBA/PLP need to come to an agreement please we must protect our children. They say it will be hard for the pedo to get a job who cares about them what about our children. OBA/PLP DO SOMETHING
If found guilty I’m hoping the address will be Westgate
i agree with Triangle Drifter!!!
Beyond disgusting! What is this world coming to that grown a** men allegedly chasing after under age girls, how would you feel if that were ya grandchild?!
Hope he don’t last no more than a day at West gate … Wtf that nasty!
Shark Food!
what a retard, he is old enough to be her father and some. if guilty, dont give him any breaks.
no wonder we have so many lesbians in Bermuda ,Bermudian men are sick !!!!!!
Lesbian are out there because that’s what they like n want to do…
yeah right, Bermudian women would rather date guys who have 3 and 4 children and don’t take care of them and then go and have another baby for them and wonder why they don’t take care of the “new” child. Bermudian women would rather date men who can’t hold a decent conversation to save their life, but has a nice car and lives home with mommy and dates numerous women at a time… point to note, that fact that some men are just sick, doesn’t lead to women being gay.. cheesh
boi u jus got a whole lotta angry women even more angry
LOLLLLLL bermudian bies stay living with their Mamas!!! And got 5 baby mamas on the side.
Ratchet the lot of them!
Tina being a lesbian is a personal choice! Not all Bermudian men are pedos geez……while I understand how serious this matter is you can’t blame all Bermudian men based on the actions of one!
Castration is the only thing that will work on sick perverted individuals!!!!!! If this was my daughter he allegedly did this too, castration would be the least of his problems!!!!!
Castration does nothing to curb a pedophile’s urges to sexually abuse a child. The only way to protect children from the convicted monsters is to imprison them forever.
Or “put them down” save the Tax paying public some money!
Tina, as a Bermudian man I find your comment offensive. This is disgusting and it is not limited to Bermudian men.
Any chance we have made any progress with a sex offenders register? No… I figured as much. I have made enquiries into where those discussions are but, unsurprisingly, got no response to my emails. Awfully sad… especially when we claim to care for these young people being sexually assaulted! I guess the reality is that no one cares enough.
OMG! This nasty behaviour seems to be occurring more and more often here in Bermuda. WHY?? Because we are not doing what we must do to protect our children! Our Government MUST implement a sex offenders register NOW! The power to make this happen does lie with us.. lets quit all the complaining and make it happen. Ultimately, the goal should be to protect our children. I want to know who these perverts are NOW! Come on Bermuda, lets get up off our arses and make this happen.. OBA will have to listen to us. I want to know who these perverts are!!!!!! I feel like screaming. We live in 2013, yet our so called civilized island, can’t produce a sex offenders register.. this is simply not good enough we need this fixed now Bermuda
@Whoa – this nasty behaviour has been occurring for a long time not only in Bermuda, but all over the world. The young people today (and some adults who do not wish to keep family secrets to save face)are just more bold in coming forward (thankfully). Back in my day you were too scared to talk fearing the repercussions and thinking that somehow it was your fault. My hope is that we here in Bermuda can come to some effective resolve (I.e. – sex offenders register, heavy penalties) that will save our innocent children from being subject to such emotional and physical trauma.
A sexy registry in a small community would cause all sorts of problem to individuals, families and neighborhood once made public. Known offenders would effectively be ostracized right out of our community hence giving no chance for rehabilitation and possibly relocating to commit the crimes somewhere else. Disrupting yet another child’s life….We can make laws to kill innocent animals but we cannot affect any credible laws to deter this behavior or punishment strict enough that bring victims and their families a sense of justice served. I say skip the court and all sense of civil society with these alleged offenders and let the fathers or mothers of the victim have fifteen minutes of alone time with them and what happens happens. Give these alleged self gratifying deviants over to the families of victims to exact the justice they deserve. This may cause these individuals to think twice before allegedly interrupting a child’s life.
This is getting out of control and if the courts don’t get it under control people are going to start taking matters into their own hands. The next offender may not make it to the court room. Coming from a mother of a pre-teen!!
Silence Do Good in response to your comment “registry in a small community would cause all sorts of problem to individuals, families and neighbourhood once made public ”
This is exactly what is needed, then these paedophiles would be deterred from committing such acts. Wouldn’t you agree? The way the law currently stands, it offers protection for these perpetrators. Good Grief, why are we protecting them????? Your reason is not a good enough one. It was their choice to perform the act, so they must face the consequences. Its simply unacceptable from a society that is so called “civilized”. Your points are well taken, but far more emphasis needs to be placed on protecting our children as opposed to protecting paedophiles and this is the message that needs to be driven home. Its really simple.. let us know who the paedophiles are and if they insist on the behaviour, then let them be ostracized.