Man Arrested At Lindo’s Market After Scuffle

February 6, 2014

An incident that took place at Lindo’s Market in Devonshire yesterday [Feb 5] lead to the arrest of one man following suspicious behavior within the market.

According to a statement from police, “Around 6.00pm on Wednesday, February 5, police officers responded to a reported incident at Lindo’s Market in Devonshire.

“It appears that staff members were alerted to a 41-year-old Southampton man acting suspiciously around female shoppers. The suspect was confronted by a male store manager outside the premises and arrested by police after a brief altercation with that manager. There were no reported injuries.

“Inquiries into this incident are ongoing and any witnesses, particularly persons that were at Lindo’s Market around 6.00pm Wednesday, are encouraged to contact the Hamilton Criminal Investigation Unit at 247-1744.”

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  1. Man Charged With Intruding On Teen’s Privacy | | February 10, 2014
  1. WasThere says:

    He’s a freak. Please tell me what excitement one gets looking up females skirts with a mirror??? Boy get a life, or a computer, better still go buy some magazines. Should have purchased some cause you gonna need them where you end up.

  2. Sick B says:

    cut off its ba***