Premier Cannonier Comments On New York Trip

February 3, 2014

[Updated with more photos] Premier Craig Cannonier recently lead a trip to New York during the week of January 27, 2014, which included meetings with the UK Trade and Investment office, Consulate of Mexico, Consulate of India, editorial board meetings with Bloomberg and the Financial Times as well as with Norwegian Cruise Lines executives during the launch of their new cruise ship, the “Getaway.”

Meetings with the consulates and media included the Overseas Representative from the Washington, DC office and focused specifically on advancing business, cultural and social relationships that could result in the development of memorandums of understanding and treaties to support business development and travel.

Former Mayor of New York Michael Bloomberg and Premier Cannonier:

Mr Bloomberg

The discussions also included the possibility of developing bi-lateral government trade and cultural missions that would bring government and business leaders to Bermuda and send Bermudian government and business leaders to other countries to help expand dialogue, enhance mutual understanding and foster one-to-one business relationships.

Commenting on the strategy and the meetings in New York City, the Premier said, “When I came into office, I was very skeptical of the need for a London or Washington, DC office, but over that past year it has become clear that Bermuda needs to build relationships, friendships and partnerships with governments and their leaders around the world. We need leadership on the ground to do this.

Dr. Derrick Binns, Premier Cannonier, Deputy Consul General, Mexico Marcela Celorio, Overseas Representative from Government of Bermuda Washington Office Cheryl Packwood, Juan Carlos Rodriguez Munoz, Consul for Legal Affairs:


“We cannot simply sit at home and expect that the rest of the world understands our role in the global economy and wants to do business with us. Jump-starting our international business development efforts and reinvigorating our economy and creating jobs will require more than just the private sector marketing Bermuda to its potential clients and customers.

“It can be aided, enhanced and improved by building government-to-government relationships that will advance public policy initiatives, drive trade and foreign direct investment and create travel and cultural ties.

Cheryl Packwood, Premier Cannonier, Consul General of India, New York Dnyaneshwar M. Mulay:


“We have more than 40 tax information exchange agreements and we have made significant progress in ensuring that we are transparent and have real regulatory strength that enhances our respect around the world. Those agreements are just the building blocks to advance deeper international business relationships.

“Our efforts in New York this past week have real and tangible follow-up actions that are being taken. They are just the beginning and there are a series of meetings that are happening this week in follow-up to my trip.

“I have made it clear that the number one priority is getting our economy moving and creating jobs for Bermudians. The Bermuda government, the business development agency, the international business community must all work together to get this done.”

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Comments (35)

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  1. Greed Killed Bermuda says:

    Everytime this man opens his mouth, we should all be worried.

    I’m not sure he understands a thing. Cannonier, newsflash, Bermuda is not independent, we can’t make treaties with anyone!

    So sad how over his head he is.

    • Clive Spate says:

      Where did he say “treaties”?

      He didn’t! You made it up and then mocked him for it.

      Two paces into Jobsons Cove would be over your head!

      • Greed Killed Bermuda says:

        Guess you have a reading problem….

        “that could result in the development of memorandums of understanding and treaties to support business development and travel.”

        I see TREATIES!

        You don’t need 2 paces mate.

        • Clive Spate says:

          Again, he never said treaties. Paragraph two is not a quote.

          • LaVerne Furbert says:

            Bernews has copied and pasted the statement from the Cabinet Office in its entirety. That is a quote from the statement sent out by the Premier’s Press Secretary.

        • whatever says:

          That wasn’t a Cannonquote! That was just part of the story by Bernews.

          • Intrigued says:

            DO you really think Bernews just made that up??? Or do you think – as is likely, it was part of the full release?

          • Question says:

            Silly rabbit:

            If you knew anything about the media and press, then you would understand that Bernews did not write this article – - – The Premier’s Press Secretary wrote this article as a press release. That means it is “his words” as he had to approve it before it was released – - – not a direct quote, no – but it is what his camp meant.


    • Unbelievebale says:

      I’m pretty sure we can make some limited treaties with other countries. Why has the Ministry of Finance been signing so many “treaties” with so many other countries these last 4 years or so?

    • OpenMind1609 says:


      If Bermuda fails, we ALL go down together. Lets try a little kumbaya for the sake of our children and their children please?

      My hand is out in Bermudian brotherhood for anyone who wants to hold it.

      • Hmmmmm says:

        “Kumbaya” requires honesty. What is this “we all go down together” BS? Some of us have been down forever and so it’s “welcome to our world”. There wasn’t a single “kumbaya moment” from 1998-2012 and NOW you want one? I don’t think so. Why did things have to hit rock bottom for the personal attacks and trashing of reputations to be labelled unecessary and ill-advised? Keep that Kumbaya for another day AFTER there’s some honesty from this government about their wrongs in Opposition.

        • inna says:

          Firstly the OBA is a new party, so were never in Opposition. Secondly, tell me, since you have been “down” for so long, why do you now just decide to poke your head up talking about personal attacks and thrashing reputations? By the sounds of it my friend, YOU should have been singing Kumbaya a long time ago, especially during that illustrious 14 year period you mention!

          • Hmmmmm says:

            1. We are not friends so don’t use that term; I have enough of those.
            2. The OBA was formed in 2011 and was from its formation through to the evening of 17th December 2012, the Official Opposition.
            3. The OBA in Opposition was all about personal attacks and accusations of corruption.
            4. Kumbaya is what they/you want, not us angry “Islanders” – now go ponder where that term came from and why it matters today.

            • inna says:

              LOL WOW you really are at the bottom of your rock pile! Wish you all the best bredren!

  2. Jus' Askin' says:

    And of these 40 Tax Information Exchange Agreements, how many were done by the past administration?

  3. more than enough says:

    ‘series of meetings’ sound familiar?

  4. Rambling truths.... says:

    Bloomberg doesn’t seem to be on the same level as Cannonier in that fit picture …..

  5. Hmmmmm says:

    I have read this thing 9 times looking for the apology. How can this guy and his people say with straight faces that they NOW see the value of the London and DC Offices?! After calling the offices a waste of money, an ego trip and uncessary for 5 years, only NOW do they see the value?! The Premier should apologize to his predecessor who was responsible for this vision on behalf of himself and his stank a** supporters who railed against this every chance they got. This is the absolute height of hypocrisy. Adding insult to injury is the Premier’s meeting with an Indian representative. WTF is that about……has the OBA abandoned all sense of connection with their Opposition days and the stuff that energized their people to vote solidly for them?! This duplicity is just appalling and the fact that the media nor the supposed watchdog OBA supporters will call him out on it is equally sickening.

    • Yahoo says:

      Exactly. After years of grand standing and saying these offices are a waste of money (and they are), now they are ok? Is it because Cannonier can now have his own Washington and New York boondoggles on the public purse?

      • Suzie Quattro says:

        Can you give us some examples of this “years of grandstanding” that you think happened?

        • Hmmmmm says:

          It is so funny what you people choose to remember. Do your own research on your own Government’s positions and you will find that they all had something negative to say about these offices and their usefulness.

          • Suzie Quattro says:

            It’s so funny that you people make accusations that you can’t back up. You’re full of s***.

        • Yahoo says:

          You are very delusional. Get your head out of the sand…

    • JustAskin2 says:

      You should read in another media where the Premier is saying that overseas trips by OBA government are necessary because they foster good relationships, blah, blah blah.

      Remember when they blasted PLP for doing the same thing?

      Interesting turnaround now that they are in power. :)

  6. clearasmud says:

    What the Premier did not say was that he was sceptical because these offices were initiated by the previous government because clearly he did not know what they did! Now that he knows what they are for he is supportive!

    • Yahoo says:

      Just shows the OBA’s ineptitude and political game playing then. They were criticizing these offices because they didn’t take the time to understand what was going on there? Nice work.

      • Suzie Quattro says:

        Let’s see the examples of “years of grandstanding”. Links, or it never happened.

  7. watching says:

    yada yada yada…has he spoken to the people yet? can we get him on a talk show unfiltered? can he speak without a written press statement to follow? will he storm out of the press conference again when challenged?
    this guy is a joke.

  8. Better Bermuda says:

    I guess its just coincidence he was there over superbowl weekend….