Somerset Primary School Celebrates Career Day

February 14, 2014

Minister of National Security Michael Dunkley and the Commissioner of Education Dr. Edmond Heatley yesterday [Feb 13] visited and spoke with the students at Somerset Primary School as part of their Career Day. The focus of the career day was businesses that use trucks to conduct their work.

Somerset Primary School Counselor, Shannalee Aberdeen explained, “We wanted the students to meet with business owners and community workers who use trucks in their careers. The presenters were asked to speak to the students about how they use literacy, mathematics, and sound work ethics in their career. In addition, the students were treated to a tour of their trucks.”

Commissioner Heatley is pictured with Mike Jones, Plant Manager, Chico Babon, Technical Quality Supervisor, Roderick Newman, Senior Maintenance and School Counselor, Shannalee Aberdeen


Business and services that supplied trucks were James Water Services, Peter Bromby, Bermuda Cablevision, Bermuda Telephone Company, Bermuda Gas & Utility Company, Sousa’s Landscape Company, Bermuda Police Service and Bermuda Fire Service.

Minister Dunkley, Commissioner Heatley, Angela Edwards, Deputy Principal, and Sergeant David Malpas, Bermuda Fire Services, Students: Jaden Kowchuk, India Bascome and Ricardo Tucker.


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