Day Care Allowance Applications Now Available

August 9, 2023

Applications for the new child day care allowance system — which ranges from $500 to $900 per month per child for families whose annual gross household income is under $130,000 — are now available for collection from the Department of Financial Assistance.

Day Care Allowance Applications Now Available Aug 9 2023

“Protecting early childhood education is vital for individuals’ lifelong well-being and the sustainability of our economy”, said Minister of Economy and Labour Jason Hayward, “And so, as promised in the Speech from the Throne to expand the pool of persons eligible for the Child Day Care Allowance benefit, I am happy to advise that applications for the new and improved child day care allowance are now available for collection from the Department of Financial Assistance.”

A Government spokesperson said, “The public will recall Minister Hayward’s announcement in the House of Assembly advising that as part of Financial Assistance Reform, the Child Day Care Allowance Amendment Regulations 2023 will increase the value of awards and expand the pool of persons eligible for benefits by introducing a new tiered, financial award system for child day care services with eligibility based on annual gross household income.

“Scheduled to commence on 1st October 2023, the income categories and maximum monthly allowance that may be granted to an eligible child are as follows:

  • Category 1: Anyone with an annual gross household income of $65,000 or less may qualify for a maximum monthly allowance of $900 per child.
  • Category 2: Anyone with an annual gross household income of $65,001 up to $97,000 may be eligible for a maximum monthly allowance of $700 per child.
  • Category 3: Anyone whose annual gross household income is $97,001 up to $130,000 may be eligible for a maximum monthly allowance of $500 per child.

“Reforming the award structure will help households cope with rising day care costs and minimize the risk of families deciding between child day care services and employment. This additional support is paramount to supporting households and ensuring children are on a developmental continuum from the earliest years.”

Minister Hayward continued, “Ensuring families have access to childcare is critical as it allows children to develop the social, emotional, and cognitive skills required for success at the primary school level and beyond.”

The spokesperson said, “This increased benefit complements the duty-free concessions recently extended to day care facilities, and the two initiatives demonstrate the Government’s commitment to improving quality and access to day care for Bermuda’s families.

“Persons interested in applying for the Child Daycare Allowance can pick up an application package from the Department of Financial Assistance, 1st-floor Global House, during office hours.”

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  1. puzzled says:

    Best of luck.
    Where I moved to 3/4 of the people earn less than $40,000.

  2. maddog says:

    ……and I say it again. Can we please invest in financial and family planning services in order to enable people to plan properly for families. It’s like you are rewarding people for having more children that they can’t afford! We see it all around us, spending money on unneeded and unnecessary material things instead of saving for their families future or educational needs. You are just encouraging the irresponsibility and enabling this behaviour. More money in the pocket to go buy some $300 pair of sneakers / get my nails done / take a shopping trip.

    Long term, this is not helping our community and it’s my taxpayers money that you are using. If you are not in a position to provide for a child yourself, then don’t have one! Your poor choices should not become my responsibility.

    • Joe Bloggs says:

      Apparently the “fornicate in the bushes” mentality lives on.

    • iyiyi says:

      I Never forgot years ago a certain establishment having a mothers day function actually advertised a prize for the youngest mother … i guess that says it all about our culture .

  3. Was a Bermudian says:

    PLP still trying to buy votes while the island goes financially into oblivion. Who is going to pay this money back it is not FREE.