Endurance Introduces Network Security Offering
Endurance Specialty Holdings Ltd., a Bermuda-based specialty provider of property and casualty insurance and reinsurance, has enhanced its Endurance Premier Professional product with Endurance Breach Assist, a network security and privacy offering.
The company said, “Endurance Breach Assist provides insureds with comprehensive coverage in the event of a data breach, including self-funded access to tools and resources to prepare for and respond to breach events.
“The new offering by Endurance Pro is targeted for middle market clients with a focus on retail, healthcare, financial institutions and professional services firms. Endurance Pro delivers industry leading specialty E&O and related products to a wide array of professional classes.
“Endurance Breach Assist coverage is offered outside the Endurance Premier Professional policy limit and can be denominated by either dollar amount or by number of affected individuals. Coverage includes:
- Breach Assist legal counsel, with no deductible or self-insured retention;
- Forensic investigation, legal advice and public relations expense;
- Communications to regulatory agencies and customers;
- Call centers to handle customer inquiries; and
- Credit monitoring and restoration services.
“Breach Assist legal counsel is accessible via a dedicated hotline to assist in developing an action plan and engaging an appropriate team of experts to direct and perform the above response activities.”
Douglas Worman, Chief Executive Officer, U.S. Insurance commented, “The launch of this new cyber liability product demonstrates Endurance’s commitment to this developing risk area. Our dedicated team, which includes a number of industry leaders in this space, expects to introduce additional innovative solutions to meet the evolving network security and privacy needs of the market.”
Brad Gow, Senior Vice President, Endurance Pro, added “With the rapid adoption of new technologies and new state and federal regulations, risk managers are seeking a comprehensive turnkey response for a potential data breach.
“Beyond insurance coverage, Endurance Breach Assist is an efficient and effective mechanism to mobilize industry leading technical resources in the event of an incident. The team is available to respond immediately, and will manage the event to minimize government fines and the erosion of customer goodwill.”
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