Video: Sunday Jan 5th “Good News” Spotlight

January 5, 2025 | 4 Comments

News that the island’s first baby of 2025 was born, the H&H Gombey troupe performed in Hamilton, and Sandys Rotary Club donated to three local charities were all some of the positive news stories from the past week.

GN cover Bermuda January 5 2025

In additional good news, Eva Frazzoni was nominated for Player of the Year, sailor Rockal Evans claimed victory in the MHYC Twilight Series, Blake Montgomery scored twice in a London Knights win, and footballer Andrew Armstrong was named in the Top Drawer Soccer Top 100 Freshmen list.

Other good news stories included David Patrick and his LSU Tigers teammates notching a victory over Mississippi, Antonio Pierce’s Raiders defeating the Saints, and four lucky winners taking home bikes in the Terceira Giveaway

We also posted various community photo galleries, including coverage of the H&H Gombeys performing in Hamilton.

In an effort to highlight some of positive news happening in our community, we supplement our standard morning and evening email newsletters with a special Sunday “Good News” email newsletter edition, and also produce a highlight video and article which strictly focuses on the positive news about Bermuda and Bermudians from the past week. You can sign up to have the free newsletter delivered via email here, and/or access the links below.

For more positive coverage, you can also visit other websites in the Bernews Network; showcases uplifting Bermuda news and the tourism genre, offers free Bermuda themed Facebook covers and phone wallpapers; and you can view over 250 ‘Good News’ summary videos spanning back to 2017 here on Bernews.TV.

Links to some of the ‘good news’ from the past week are below:

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  1. PAC MAN says:


    It would apear that this inflation is not going away any time soon, sitting on a silk pillow or doing nothing is not going to help by
    doing nothing .

    Our only option is doing something.

    Where does it all start? Business has a board of directors who have only one goal in mind, it is your money better defined as their profits and it is not you the general public who are /is at the top of their sympathy list, as you read this ,the directors are reading this also, they want to make more from you and you want save money from them , this is by simply by reducing their profit the big business ones are :-
    BANKS .



    More idears. welcome here !

    FIX : If I am asking you to save and make sacrifice so must ! save also i i can do it so can you . I want 20 % no lsss.

    BANK: makes money from fees and interest rates
    FIX. Pay off you loans and credit card debt , and stop borowing money, that will bring the interest rates down and the cost in fees to borrow money .

    Get the Bank to pay you more return on you investment with the it is called THE NOW ACCOUBT relatibg to your current account credit balance .. you to day get nothing from the ank on that account . Banks need to reduce their profits . aLL been done before

    INSURANCE: is your and their combined risk business , the higher the risk the more it cost you in premiums you are already sharing the risk with them they try to reduce their risk you claim will be lower costing you less. become your own insure
    1) Reduce their risk there by reducing your premium and risk with a higher shared risk for both parties .

    POWER and GAS COMPANY : their rates are controlled by the cost of fuel to power their generator you only have one option.
    FIX: Use less power
    How do you do that well its called sacrifice
    you are going to get by with doin with out
    1) Cook on stove top only, the oven must stay off.
    2) eat more cold foods better for you salads an corn flakes
    3) do not eat in Restaurants
    4) turn off ****** or unplug plug in water heater only use once a week alternative turn the heat level down that is a dageriouse operation. using a heater with high. 240 VOLTS voltage
    THIS EXERCISE Use an electrician only or an experienced professional person. ONLY

    FIX :
    1) Limit the use of your car to save fuel.
    2) SHARE A RIDE WITH A FRIEND every body saves gas use alternate cars

    1) Inflate tires up by 3 p.s.i above recommended in winter onl
    2) Get rid if your lead foot .
    3) Do no overtake it is no longer safe any more .
    4) leave home early do not speed to save the trafic court fine
    5) Do not tail gate to save of bodyshop repairs and your lungs from dirt

    EXERCISE ***** IS HEALTHY LIVING wear 3 layers of warm clothing
    FIX : 1) REF Doctor advice .
    2) Slow / Medium 20 minute walk 210 out & 10 minutes back wear white an black clothing .
    3 ) Walk with a friend.

    FIX: 1) Turn off TV that does not present educational programs
    2)SAVE AIR FAIR by watching travelprograms

    Limit food consumption place food on smaller plated
    1) Make a STRICT food store standard shipping list makes a second shoppin list for special ocasinos then sadd to it daily.
    2) Stop eating comfort foods and snacks.
    3) Eat plain foors comtaing more local vegetables.
    4) Do not eat in restaurants at $60.oo per plate
    5) Eat foods with more natrutional traditional value
    6) Drink more water.
    7 ) stay off the SALT
    8 ) Quit smoking

    This is a heart felt request to our Govermnment
    FIX 1) If was do all the Mr Pac Man request recommends we can now ask you to debate the reduction in taxes and the also relates to the reduction in services as fr DUTY TCD and lAND TAX .
    THE GOVERNMENT have offered us a FAIRER Bermuda is that now too much to ask?

    • Joe Bloggs says:

      “THE GOVERNMENT have offered us a FAIRER Bermuda is that now too much to ask?”

      A “fairer Bermuda” means the PLP Government taking money from me and giving it to someone who has not worked for their money. How is that fair?

  2. PAC MAN says:

    Mr Joe Bloggs

    I am asking BERMUDA to join in the struggle . that’s all !

    As you often quote me, I carefully said “FAIRER BERMUDA” my thoughts were as i can not expect you to be a mind reader ,never the less my thought were as you like numbers %%% were with those who take unreasonable trickle down profit from their customers who suported the big business in the past .

    We did that !.
    Government got a little chink in its armour from me on taxes however some received with some small concessions not all.


    Mr JOE i want this ” inflation disease/ pandemic ” what ever we can call it to go away “.

    What the position here is ,we have done nothing to deserve inflation and the more to come if we let it

    I want Every one to be ready for the next recession

    Where are this countries reserves ?

    I want everybody to be part of unfortunate the problem and not be ~~~~~~~~~~. the problem .

    if we do not plug the hole in the ship it will surley sink .

    COME ON. this is not going to be FOR EVER !

    I almost said i beg , I am saving that word till next week .

    I want everybody to fight the fight for crying out loud , and win.

    We here can not keep going on under this scrouge. Strong words, are well ment !

    Donald Trump thinks he can, but he can not walk on water or part the. red sea .

    Bermuda is a modern day noah ark with a hole in it.

    The state of ” Fair ” is for who it has to be for in cluding the needy that could be debatable , but should we?
    how do we know that the needy will share his food , they do that .

    Do we know an unfortunate person whe we see one ?

    Many can and do mis the hardship boat if to be be used for many situations other that of which I have listed above by aslik the public to comply because it affect the giver with helping hand and the receiver who has falen into unfortunate circumstances.

    Make you wonder who is next?

    it is un fair when money is given for other than charitable reasons. ” DO UN TO OTHERS ” as ……..

    The scourge of any society is HUNGER.

    • Joe Bloggs says:

      “we have done nothing to deserve inflation and the more to come if we let it ”

      But our Government keeps telling us that our inflation rate is lower than that of Canada, the U.K. and the U.S. Whilst most economists would consider our inflation rate impossible in light of the fact that we import more than 90% of all goods from one of those 3 countries, I am going to say be grateful that our Government can defy generally accepted economic theory and keep the cost of living here low.

      “Where are this countries reserves ?”

      We have $3.75 billion or so in current account debt and another $4 billion or so in unfunded public sector pension liabilities. We have no reserves and that has been the case for 2 decades or more.

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