Bermuda Stock Exchange Report: April 16 2014
Today [Apr 16] saw a volume of 21,000 shares trade on the Bermuda Stock Exchange, valued at $44,762.00 BD.
20,000 of those shares were traded by Bank of N.T. Butterfield, which closed at $1.99 per share, even on the day.
The other 1,000 shares were traded by Argus Group Holdings Ltd, which closed at $4.83, also even on the day.
The BSX closed at 1,416.87, remaining even with yesterday’s close. There were 0 advances, 0 declines, and 73 remained unchanged.
The full report from the BSX is available here [PDF].
I beg to differ …this exchange …and it’s success would be pertinent to Bermudas people if indeed it harkened to a time that it actually did.I first require a politician with the fortitude to legislate medicine and insurance to relate to the adverage Bermudian…at the present insurance rates …and medicine …are priced at executive level and are NOT attainable to the adverage Bermudian!Our representatives have allowed both to raise their fees to be at executive levels…we are talking about either rich politicians or the people they pander to …rich executives and such….they do not regulate either to be effectual to peoples wage spectrums respectively.There should be %tages…in relation to income!Most of us cannot afford executive level pricing for either medicine…or insurance!….nor group insurance to self propriatorship!…
There needs to be congruence to income!….Also importation is weighted against the individual!How the HELL can it be correct that a manbringing in a pair or shoes have to pay duty or importation costs (non regulated),as a mass or quantative importer orbuisness…another incongruous fee…unlawful and non representative of general public need…..Govt……ship….or get off the pot!