MP Addresses “Significant Misrepresentations”

June 13, 2014

Opposition MP Walton Brown today [June 13] delivered a Personal Explanation in the House of Assembly, addressing what he called “significant misrepresentations” by Minister of Finance Bob Richards.

Mr. Brown said, “The Hon member commented that my company had received a contract from the Bermuda government for $770,000. This does not have one scintilla of truth behind it.

“This clearly was made up since the member later indicated the figure he cited was a sum of a number of contracts over a period of years.

“In fact, my work with the Bermuda government spans a 24 year period,” added Mr. Brown.

Excerpt of the original exchange on June 6th:

Mr. Brown added, “Robust debate is the hallmark of the parliamentary system. We have wide latitude, under your guidance, to expound on our arguments and to articulate our positions.

“What must not be allowed is for members to present false information without consequence and to manipulate such information to denigrate one of our fellow members.”

Mr. Brown’s full statement is below:

At the June 6 2014 Parliamentary session during the debate on the Elections Committee report, the Hon Finance Minister made a number of comments regarding contracts I have held with the Bermuda government. In light of his significant misrepresentations in this respect I am compelled to respond to bring clarity where darkness has clearly descended.

The Hon member commented that my company had received a contract from the Bermuda government for $770,000. This does not have one scintilla of truth behind it. When challenged on this, the Hon member retorted, and I quote, “I have access to civil servants…this information is authoritative…I’m not making this stuff up.”

Mr Speaker, this clearly was made up since the member later indicated the figure he cited was a sum of a number of contracts over a period of years. In fact, my work with the Bermuda government spans a 24 year period.

The Hon member cited my contracts with the Bermuda government as part of his argument about “insiders” during the debate on disclosure of interest by candidates. In describing me as an “insider” during the PLP’s tenure in office the Hon member is inferring unfair if not improper access to government contracts.

Mr Speaker, my contractual relationship with the Bermuda government began in 1989, when I was hired as a consultant by the National Alcohol and Drug Agency to re-write an indecipherable report by an American consultant.

You will note, Mr Speaker, this was some nine years before the PLP became the government. My work with the Bermuda government continued under the years of the United Bermuda Party in the 1990s.

Not one of these contracts was put out to tender. The Hon Minister for Finance will have this information at his disposal because he has, in his words “access to civil servants.” The honourable member will also know that I was clearly not an insider during the UBP years.

My relationship with the Bermuda government continued, intermittently, under the PLP government, and even extended to the OBA term of office when I undertook a survey for the Tourism Board.
Again, the honourable member will know this.

Mr Speaker, robust debate is the hallmark of the parliamentary system. We have wide latitude, under your guidance, to expound on our arguments and to articulate our positions. What must not be allowed is for members to present false information without consequence and to manipulate such information to denigrate one of our fellow members.

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Comments (41)

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  1. 32n64w says:

    So in the interest of robust debate and transparency why has Mr. Brown not produced a summary of all amounts paid to him?

    • Ian says:

      If Bob is making the allegations why would you not place that onus on him to do so?

      • Redo says:

        Not his job. He isnt the one who needs to explain.

        • Ian says:

          On the contrary, his need to explain/disclose his commercial interests is EXACTLY what this is about.

          • Speak Truth says:

            Mr Richards forgot to also list the contracts he has had for over 10 yrears and more. His contracts far exceed what Brown received. Oh he also overlooked the other contracts held by other OBA MPs Selective Memory shall we say!

            Please get on with providing jobs and stop this silly deflecting OBA. Also what are folks in tourists getting paid?

      • Keepin' it Real!...4Real! says:

        i wonder why the finance ministers, who should know or at least have access to where every single dollar is spent offically by a govt. to me its a no brainer, allegations being made with out documentation..? why? if only paper shredders could talk.

  2. ThisIshCrazy says:

    We all know Bob Richards is a fool!

    • trulytruly says:

      I think what you meant to say is Bob Richards is no fool.

  3. somuchless says:

    And this is the PLP that’s speaking. Let’s be real. Haha

  4. Hmmm says:

    Have you or have you not benefitted from Govt contracts to an amount above half a million dollars ?

    • Ian says:

      And it he said yes without explaining how, what case would have been made. OBA/UBR’s are so desperate at times…

  5. Misinterpretations?…..dat bye has papers bye!…..he is single handedly fixing what you byes messed up!……anfrankly….I for one absolutely aand unequivicably approve of him….dat man is a national hero!I will personally request the Atican bestow Sainthood apon him….in fact I woul be supprised if he doesn’t achieve OBE…..SILLY NIT!

  6. Atican:Vatican….hell ….aliens will probably make first contact with Bermuda and ask to speak to him….just to se who the great man who sought to correct what the plp was hell bent on doing!

  7. nuffin but the truth says:

    ….. ‘to re-write an indecipherable report’

    hmmmm… indecipherable = impossible to read or understand

    I smell bull****!

  8. aceboy says:

    What must not be allowed is for members to present false information without consequence and to manipulate such information to denigrate one of our fellow members.

    So, which party was bribed at the last election and please produce the signed affidavits you claim exist?

  9. Mr. Brown….if your going through hell,keep going.

  10. It is not enough that we do our best;-sometimes we must do what is required.

  11. De man who moves mountains begins by carrying away small stones.

  12. Ms. Poli Tician says:


  13. coolieh says:

    Again, I say the PLP continues to be misguided (no educated person can miss this)!

    The biggest elephant in the room is unemployment and the deficit/debt. Yet, all they can dream up is SCANDALS that DO NOT help to move us forward or the average person.

    PLEASE GET TO WORK OBA/PLP on ensuring our survival!

    Based on their 18 months (sorry 15 years) track record, as far as I’m concerned, let the PLP remain the opposition for many more years until we’re back on our feet!

    Silly Season Continues!

  14. shutthemdown says:

    well ffs,

    If it is over 20 years time even you oba/ubp folks cant call that A contract.

    Just would be easier not to give the impression that it is from 1 contract.

  15. A govt. That robs Peater to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul…

  16. …and reality continues to ruin his life…

  17. Build a Better Bermuda says:

    Mr. Brown let’s debate this, please present Bermuda with the figures of the contracts spinning the 24 years. how much was each contract, what dates did each contract run, was there a difference in the amount of the contracts during the UBP years vs. the PLP years? This is all in the interest of the declaration for MP’s openness, transparency and accountability, so you shouldn’t have an issue publicly producing this for Bermudians.

    • clearasmud says:

      Why not ask all MPs to disclose because Bob has gotten far more than Walton

    • Rhonda Neil says:

      Build a better bermud what a joke, the Oba spent half a night arguing their right not to disclose the 10 million Bob’s com. had received and people sre going after 700k.again what jokers a
      and fools we the public are.

  18. Terry says:

    Operation Pressure Cooker:- Part 4.

    Attack anything that may discredit any member or associate.

    Part 4 C-Subsection 19; Mr Bean (driving his Mini) will attack Top Dog Dunkley over not disclosing the difference between Chocolate Milk and why it is darker.

    Part 5 is gonna be the skillah………………………………

    • Evie says:

      hahahahaha If you listen to the HOA it was also revealed that Bob’s contract the one he didn’t report his interest in was over a million$$$ SMDH they all be lining their pockets pay attention we all fall short

  19. Riley B King says:

    Brown admits he did have government contracts to an amount of $770,000.
    So where were the “significant misrepresentations”?

  20. James herald says:

    Mr Brown has been slinging mud at the OBA for quite a while now. It is gratifying to see him be the target for once, and for him to be issuing blanket denials.

    What goes around eh Walton?

    The fact that you had to issue a denial is a victory for OBA.

  21. Rick Rock says:

    How can he on one hand “say there was not a scintilla of truth”, and then go on the tell us that he has benefited from government contracts for over two decades?

    • Evie says:

      You people are funny it’s obvious from the comments you didn’t listen to the HOA SMDH I think all MPs should tell Bermuda how they all have benefited from government contracts I think we would all be left speechless hahahahaha

  22. Ian says:

    Its truly spectacular how, without fail, scores of OBAUBP supporters can witness their representatives looking like complete morons in the House and still have the gaul to go on the attack against the PLP… Good doggies!!

    • Ms. Poli Tician says:


      woof, woof!

    • James Herald says:

      To be perfectly honest, what else do you expect Ian? There are also people out there who defend the PLP no matter what or haven’t you noticed? Even their very worst and most damaging actions seem to get endlessly defended by PLP koolaid drinkers.

      It is a statistical fact that 50% of the population is below average intelligence.

      It would seem to be the most logical reason PLP got voted in.

  23. Keepin' it Real!...4Real! says:

    whats the issue here…UBP paid him for 12 years n the PLP paid him for 12 years…i guess that’s a 24 year span…whos’s paying him now ..?

  24. Gotham says:

    I do wish both sides of the House would stop p#$$y-footing around the issue of what to do with MPs who are not current with their taxes. (Personally I think they should be publicly flogged for their shamelessness). Incidentally, this is not a partisan post; I suspect a few spongers will be revealed from both sides.

  25. James Herald says:

    Walton B is becoming a consistent moaner like so many before him. There will be a time soon when people will bypass whatever he writes because they will automatically assume that it is useless drivel.

    They will be correct. He is tomorrow’s Eva Hodgson.