Police Service Dismisses Superintendent
The Bermuda Police Service [BPS] confirmed that “following a disciplinary hearing, a Police Superintendent has been dismissed from the service without notice.”
A police spokesperson said, “The dismissal comes after a panel found the officer guilty of conduct that was deemed incompatible with the high standards of integrity required for continued service within the BPS.”
Darrin Simons, Commissioner of Police stated, “This decision, while difficult, reflects our unwavering commitment to maintaining the highest standards of integrity within the Bermuda Police Service. We recognize that public trust is paramount in our ability to serve and protect effectively.”
A police spokesperson added, “This action underscores the BPS’s dedication to holding all officers, regardless of rank or length of service, to the same high standards of professional conduct.
“The service remains committed to its mission of making Bermuda safer through professional, transparent, and accountable policing. No further comment will be made.”
This is public records, what did the officer do and who is he?
Put in your PATI request
This is public records, what did the officer do and who is he/she?
They need to be named as the tax payers have rights also. Will their termination affect convictions? Can appeals be made? When will they be named? Commission Simons we demand that you comment/elaborate more!
We the public need to know! It is not enough to inform us of their suspension! Justice for all!
Hilarious!!! The word used in the story is DISMISSED (fired, terminated, given the boot), not suspended.
You clearly understood the above message though. Didn’t you?
Hilarious is having an effect on causing laughter from others who share in your wit. Think twice
Is this event a of breach of acountability and credibility as proclaimed in the above mision statement ?
Serious matters are entitled to three disaplanary warnings ,which aparantly been dealt with by and in a disipilary action committee proceedings , resulting in dismissal , was that fair ?
The private sector usually takes the easy way out by a breach of formal procedure by asking for the resignation,
Is that fair?
The above report and mision statement to the public speaks in terms of vague generalities , aparently in order to save face, where the facts of the obvious seriouse matter appear to be plainly glossed over .
Is that what we are to expect in the future by the apparant lack of prosacution and defence when dealing with situations ?
Hiding or with holding information joins in the acuser in an embarasing situation .
Our laws proclaim that every human being is entitled to a day in court and is deemed to be inosent until proven guilty by jury of their peers in a court of law.
Can’t just throw people who have their rights of fair and just due process under the bus .
We are not gods .