Photos & Video: Blue Marlin Donated For Study

July 14, 2014

A Blue Marlin donated by the Billfish Tournament to the Ocean Vet team for research was hoisted for delivery to the Spanish Point Boat Club on July 11, with the 573 pound fish requiring a team of workers and several pieces of equipment to get it loaded and moved.

Once the fish arrived at its destination, the Ocean Vet team dissected the fish, with footage taken for the upcoming television series and samples sent for further study intended to aid in the preservation of the Blue Marlin.

An Ocean Vet representative said, “Samples are being sent all over the world for study and collaboration with other research projects to help ensure the conservation of this special species.

“It is important to understand the relationship between sports fishing and conservation of this species. Sports fishing represents less than 1 percent of the entire blue marlin take around the world. The majority of all the competitions are catch and release, with only a handful that allow fish over 500lb to be killed for the prize.”

“Ocean Vet will broadcast all over the planet to millions of people early next year. This particular episode will show millions of people just how significant and important these animals are.

“We achieve this by allowing the audience to travel inside this fish on a journey that reveals what makes the animal such a formidable predator, how it has evolved to become one of the fastest fish in the ocean and how its internal organs are structured to help assist in this animals fight for survival.

“Educating many people who know very little about blue marlin is one of the strongest was to help protect this species and many others now and in the future. Many people both young and old will learn how remarkable they are empowering organizations with support to fight the real threat of long lining!

“We want to stress that Ocean Vet did not kill any Marlin however, we are reluctant to pass off the opportunity of showing the world about this magnificent species in a bid to help increase awareness and therefore protection in the future.”

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  1. truth be told says:

    you guys preach about wanting to protect the Blue Marlin and here you are out butchering one up,you are no different to the illegal Japanese Whalers.
    You are so full of $#i@ !!!!!

    • GTA says:

      This was donated via the fishing tournament, not caught specifically to be dissected for research. Comparing this to illegal Japanese Whaling is completely and utterly moronic.

    • Thomas Mahoney says:

      It was already dead…

      • truth be told says:

        and it should NOT have been dead!
        When the Oceans die,we die!

        • MeanHighWaterSprings says:

          Sometimes you have to sacrifice so others may live…

          To better understand the inner working of the species, you have to literally get inside one. How do you think doctors know so much about the anatomy of humans, dogs, cats, frogs, whales etc… ??

          Instead of going out and catching another marlin and killing it, they were donated this fish for RESEARCH.

          You can do Marlin steaks.. pretty much it. The rest goes back to local fisherman for bait.

          • pwndwg says:

            Marlin meat is pretty bad for you. Very high in mercury and other toxins, because they are top of the food chain and long-lived.

    • really? says:

      Yes, it’s not a catch and release fishery when a marlin is killed in the process. I’m sure a lot of marlin die after being released as they are more stressed out and more susceptible to predation.

  2. New Guy Cadet Simons in Charge of Offshore Fishing says:

    This is terrible. Study them while they are alive in the ocean. Threatened fish and you senselessly kill one to “donate”. I only do sustainable fishing. I fish for mackerel and pieces of ocean plastic. As the BBIRYC member in charge of offshore fishing and sustainability, I will try to combat the senseless fiahing of these great species.

    • #bermylivin says:

      Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

  3. Release Me says:

    This may sound unlikely to the less informed, but Sports Fishing and it’s lobbying plays a huge part in the preservation of billfish which otherwise may end up being killed by longlines and gillnets. There is a huge industry centered around billfishing, the vast majority of which are released in good condition.

  4. pwndwg says:

    Why is it that there is no protection given to marlin during their breeding season? Allowing them to be stressed and possibly killed when they come to Bermuda to breed is barbaric and unsustainably stupid. Why don’t we encourage hundreds of people to catch and release rockfish in their spawning aggregations and kills a few of the largest ones for a photo ops and bragging rights? There’d be big money in it. People would come from around the world and we’d make millions. I like to fish and I release anything that I don’t intend to eat. There’s no excuse for deliberately killing marlin. Catch and release using >80 class tackle is the only acceptable way to fish for them, preferably outside of their breeding season.

    • Bingo says:

      The reason Bermuda is one of the few remaining “hotspots” for Blue Marlin sportfishing is because they spawn near here – lots of females full of eggs are found. These heavy females are “granders” for the fishermen. The populations in the Caribbean have been drastically reduced, so fishermen come to Bermuda now (Hawaii is another place that hasn’t been overfished for marlin yet). I’m not sure whether marlin have a specific breeding season though.

  5. Just saying says:

    So where did get your info about marlin coming here to breed ? If you don’t want to kill fish don’t put sharp sh– in their food

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