Weather Forecast For Sunday August 10
Sunday, August 10 is expected to see mostly cloudy skies with thunderstorms in the morning and the chance of thunderstorms in the afternoon, with the high to be near 26°C/79°F and the low to be near 24°C/75°F, according to Weather Underground.
Winds are expected to be from the NE at 10 to 20 km/h. The relative humidity is expected to be near 76%.
Sunrise will be at 6.39am and sunset will be at 8.08pm.
High tide will be at 8.35am and 9.05pm, while low tide will be at 2.34am and 2.42pm.
The hourly forecast for the day, as provided by Weather Underground, can be found here, and the 6-day forecast, also from Weather Underground, is below.
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With rain and thunder predicted for the whole week, I guess we will have no garbage collection, thereby creating a state of emergency.
Too bad about the ban of overtime, trying to blame it on the Unions.
Please can we get this trash cleaned up.