Gordon: Double Standard For Rastas, Hebrews
Cannabis activist Alan Gordon says an “unconstitutional double standard has occurred, in that the Crown is prosecuting Black Rastafarian and atheist cannabis defendants, despite turning a deliberately blind eye to a Gordon’s own Hebrew religious large-scale cultivation and Christian medical-religious distribution of the plant.”
Mr. Gordon says that in a medical religious context, he “cultivated over 80 plants this year, approximating 10 pounds of finished cannabis,” and “distributed it with the Bermuda Police Services’ full prior knowledge.”
Mr. Gordon alleged that the Public Safety Ministry was also told ahead of time, and “yet no apparent action was taken by either agency to effectively stop the growth and distribution of the cannabis before it found its way into the community.”
“When the Ministry and Police opted not to interfere with my attempt to make Hebrew Biblical medicinal anointing oil [from the recipe in Exodus 30:23] this past grow season, they did so because they assumed Parliament would bring reform so quickly that dealing with it was not worth the trouble and expense,” said Mr. Gordon. “But how is prosecuting Black Rastafarians in the public interest, if prosecuting me isn’t?”
“In the Court of Appeal judgment in The Crown v Shiloh Smith, a local Rastafarian High Priest, was told that the Crown may not grant religious rights to one person, group or sect, and not others.
“Nonetheless, the authorities did not see fit this year to prosecute a major grow and distribution operation carried out in the name of religion when it was undertaken by a vociferous white legal scholar from a mainstream faith instead of by Rastafarian back-to-nature farmers feeding families.
“This shows that civil servants, law enforcement officers, and other key authorities are tired of wasting time fighting ganja growers, especially in medical contexts where nobody wants to play the cruel Pharisee,” said Mr. Gordon.
The activist, however, who not long ago topped his law school Criminology class’ 2012 exam scores, says he is “deeply troubled by the fact that mercy was shown to him, but not to Black Rastas.”
“This just shows how unconscious racial and cultural biases affect law enforcement,” says Mr. Gordon.
“I certainly expect to see some lawyers making Constitutional applications for these Rastafarian Defendants under Supreme Court Rule 113, as soon as they snap out of the illusion that the authorities will never allow it”, Mr. Gordon says, adding “since the authorities already have allowed it — at least for a short-haired white guy.”
Mr. Gordon says all religious cannabis users are his spiritual brethren, whether Rasta, Hindu Shivite, or any other faith.
“I was raised to walk side by side with the men of my community, and if someone tries to hold back my brethren but not me, it’s not OK for me to just keep walking, staring ahead and pretending nothing happened”, says Mr. Gordon. “If I did that, where would I be? — I’d be walking all alone.”
Towards the goal of helping Rastafarian defendants, Mr. Gordon says he has prepared an affidavit with supporting documentary evidence that his “large crop and distribution was consciously allowed by authorities without interference.”
In response, Commissioner of Police Mr. Michael Desilva said, “The suggestion from Mr. Alan Gordon that the BPS has condoned his actions with cannabis is completely misguided.
“Mr. Gordon wrote to me in February of this year stating his intention to apply to the Courts for permission to grow cannabis. He did not indicate to the police at the time, or any time after, that he was actually growing or “ferrying” cannabis. A Court Order granting his request was never forthcoming, presumably because one was not granted.
“I will not be drawn into the cannabis debate – legalisation, decriminalisation or status quo. As I have already said publicly, this is a matter for the country’s policy makers, not the police.
“But what I will point out is that, in the meantime, cultivation, possession and supply of cannabis remain prohibited in Bermuda by the Misuse of Drugs Act.
“The BPS is obliged by law to take enforcement action against any person who is suspected on reasonable grounds to have committed any of these offences. It is not a defence to say, “They didn’t tell me I couldn’t do it,” added Commissioner DeSilva.
In response, Mr. Gordon said, ”The Public Safety Ministry was told where and when and how much I would plant. They either told the police [so the police knew], or else that Ministry [which is in charge of ‘special purpose’ permits] opted not to tell the police of this massive ‘crime’, and so gave implied permission by deciding a fight on religious grounds wasn’t in the public interest.
“S 5 of the Constitution says no law may stop religious practice unless it is reasonably required in the public interest [safety, health, order or morality].
“Not even the Ministry thinks it is necessary in those public interests — or they would have told the Police of my specific plans to grow 10 pounds in my yard at a certain date and distribute it,” added Mr. Gordon.
Talk about changing a story to suit yourself, give me a break Gordon !!!!!!!!!
This guy is crazy.
Hope they lock him up just for his sheer arrogance.
He’s certainly discredited himself and his entire argument. Poor Mr Gordon, he’s actually hindered the cause by his own arrogance. My guess is he didn’t join any religion for its spiritual benefit. My guess is he joined any religion that would allow him to smoke herb. What a sleezebag.
The world is Black the world is white, open your eyes and see the light.
The world is grey, except to extremists.
My mates would have gone to jail for this. Alan Gordon is a baked banana. Why does he get a free pass when my black cousins have a wrap sheet???
@Black Soil – it is Rap Sheet.
The police didn’t know that he was activly growing, he told them he was applying for a license to grow.
He hasn’t indicated exactly who he told at the ministry either. Perhaps they thought he was a sandwich short of a picnic , if anyone actually saw it.
They should have passed that info along to the police.
Of course, this is us taking Alan’s word for it !!!! I have some doubts about his integrity following other articles and actions.
so im an extremist because i see in living color?…poor you in your dull grey world…you’re all alike…lol
OK rainbow guy.
wow, lots of hate you have
I completely believe Mr. Gordon that the BPS knew what he was doing. By the Commissioner’s own admission, he doesn’t want to be drawn into the debate, and by taking enforcement action against Mr. Gordon that is exactly what will happen. It is MUCH easier for the police to lay low and bid their time until the “policy makers” make a decision.
Mr. Gordon seems to want to be forcing their hand by making this very brave public statement. It will be quite interesting to see what happens next.
The Commissioner stated that Gordon wrote to him to state that he applying to the Courts for permission to grow and not the fact that he was starting a grow-op. Two different scenarios. Police have better things to do with their times to deal with a self absorbed individual who screams and demands.
This guy isn’t a hero or a revolutionary. He seems to be a mediocre lawyer with grand ambitions of self grandeur.
And this is coming from someone who also believes that our weed laws need to be reformed for the 21st century. Wonder if he would have tried all this nonsense in his own country?
Ha, if he was a black man from” baca town” his butt would be in jail, no doult abount it. Desilva and dunkley would’ve been crowing about this 10lbs of weed they took off of the streets thus saving countless young black men from the scurge of marijuana. Leaving Mr. Gordon alone, he is only emphasizing the equalities and injustices that are part and parcel of this our ” new and changed bermuda” !!!!
If Alan Gordon is growing plants without permission, then arrest the guy and treat him like my black cousins!!! Otherwise this govt is wacked!!!!
They can’t do anything unless they have the plants as evidence. You know they be gone. Why didn’t he call the police and report plants in his yard that he was growing?
Why sent a note or letter to a govt office?
Perhaps the govt worker should be fired for not reporting it….that is an angle that should be followed up on. We can then see any letter.
“new and changed WORLD”…
“Mr. Gordon wrote to me in February of this year stating his intention to apply to the Courts for permission to grow cannabis. He did not indicate to the police at the time, or any time after, that he was actually growing or “ferrying” cannabis. A Court Order granting his request was never forthcoming, presumably because one was not granted.”
Reading is key.
If he was so sure of their leniency then why didn’t he tell the Commissioner when he was growing and where? He just wrote some obscure letter to state he was seekign permission from the Courts to grow. If the Polic had acted upon that February letter then some would say they overstepped their boundaries and that we live in a police state.
He is a coward that wouldn’t pull this stunt in his own country.
God made herb for men’s health. But Babylon prefer men to have liquor so that he can drown his sorrows until his death…
I’m no Rasta Mon – but I love the comments made – thats because I was a Bar Tender and watched many a Men and Women fall from
the officialy accepted pioson [ Acholic Beverages ]- saved many from driving drunk and many from killing someone due to drunk driving by simply cutting them off – I was cursed and Threatened at many times.– same reaction as a person who can’t get his drug fix!
But on the same side of the coin Govt. has never officialy called Tabacco Cigarettes a drug.– just take away a regular smokers
Cigarettes and see how he gets shaken,Miserable,uptight and some cases sick just like any other user of illegal Drugs.
Beer bottles and Cigarette Butts also make up 20% of out litter problem too.
Sombody out there in Govt.La La Land has to figure this out one day.
Send him back to HIS country all ready
Im guessing by “country” you mean Somerset. He is just as Bermudian as you and i!
My Bad
no. please, just no. I could go look it up to see how many states have legalized it for medical use and two states have legalized it for recreational as well (hint: the only two teams to make it to the 2014 superbowl). the federal government is now considering legalizing two types for medical use. Berkley, CA has a requirement that distribution centres provide free medical cannabis to low income users which have cost growers into the BILLIONS. a WELFARE POT SYSTEM??? now I’ve seen it all. we have enough activists and liberals/socialists running around here, not to mention one of the highest unemployment rates ever under this joker of a president. before anyone accuses me of racism, he’s half white. no, there’s nothing for mr Gordon to do over here. you Bermudians may keep him!
A misleading website address. The story title is below.,..
Medical marijuana laws may reduce painkiller overdoses
Ganja, Collie, Reffa, Pot etc. are all Marijuana and a mind alter drug / narcotic. Of course, many consumers will come up with 101 reasons why / how to justify smoking Herbs but it is without any doubt a narcotic that hinders an individuals judgement; whether it be sight, decision making or whatever…If not, then explain to everyone, “what is a high”?
Typo: and a mind altering drug etc.
The same as a drunk less the beligerence and violence. Most of the time anyway. Everyones differnent i guess
Cigarettes is just as bad but unfortunately there legal. and unfortunately everywhere I go the air is filled
with Cigarette Smoke while the ground you walk on is marred by Cigarette butts – Cigarettes are also responsible for many serious health problems.
So between Weed or Cigarettes I don’t know which one is worse!
I think smoking anything is inherently bad for the lungs.
Ingesting weed is a whole other story.
Cigarettes are “just s bad”? They KILL millions every year and sicken many more and spliff “butts” are biodegradable, but in your mind you can’t figure out which is worse? Consult any 2year old they will help you figure it out.
first of all prove how many ppl have died from weed, then tell me how many from cigarettes. smdh its a known fact no one has ever died from weed yet. the worst thing is, as people of bermuda we carry propaganda and don’t care who we hurt without knowing the facts. People must learn that we all aren’t meant to do the same things. It time we think for ourselves and become individuals for once.
What exactly is your point? Do you feel its wrong for a person to be high? Do you feel its okay for people to be buzzed on alcohol like they are all if Bermuda every day?
Well, while alcohol is consumed by individuals, the direct effect is only upon themselves. Weed can have a second hand smoke effect. Where does consideration of kids and others go with this promotion? Cigarettes, while legal, aren’t exactly looked highly upon anymore. I won’t tackle addiction issues with this post, but each and every one of these need to consider the social problems of usage.
Alcohol is worse mate. Ten fold. But that little piece pf paper that says its LEGAL makes everyone forget. So i guess that makes it ok. Smh. I dont even know why this guy is even trying to push this in bermuda. We r too closed minded a people to even consider it. Look how we treat gays here. Hes wasting his time. Better to just do what u want and hope u dont get caught. If he thinks dunkley or anyone else in gov is ever going to allow it hes smoking alot more than just weed. Lol.
Alchohol really is no worse than marajuana or cigarettes, what it comes down to is comsumption. All 3 are bad for you if abused. I would add though, that cigarettes are more likely to still produce negative health effects even if used minimally, while minimal use of some types of alchohol actually have some health benefits as does marajuana, depending on the strain you are using, how you are taking it and what you are taking it for. How you take marajuana will also effect your ability to function, as with alchohol, while cigarettes aren’t likely to do so. Operating a vehicle under the influence of marajuana is just as bad as with alcohol, but unlike alchohol, it only really takes one dose of marajuana, while most people can still drive after one or two glasses of alchohol.
Alcohol KILLS, cigarettes KILL, ganja does not. I would challenge you or anyone, to a driving under the influence of herb vs alcohol on a closed area, any day and I will smoke 1 dose to your drink, you will lose. Your misguided idea that someone can drink “some” liquor and still drive is endorsed by the moronic legislators who allow an across the board level, 0.8, Try http://www.aa.org, sounds like you are crying out for help. Your welcome.
All kill when abused, you are as likely to get lung cancer from excessive smoking of marajuana, as you from cigarettes, cigarettes will just kill you faster. And someone driving under the influence if either marajuana or alcohol are impaired and become a danger to others as well as themselves. The fact that on the average person, it will take marajuana less time and amount to effect a person than alcohol is based on the fact that when you smoke marajuana, it is absorbed through your lungs directly into you blood stream and straight up to you brain. With alcohol, as it goes through your digestive track, it is broken down and the path way between there to your blood stream and to your brain is far more diluted and less efficient. So yes, for the average person, a single joint will impair near immediately, while a single beer will not. However, given that you seem to be so emboldened to declare that a single joint doesn’t impact you, this tells us that your body has developed a strong tolerance to THC, the kind of tolerance that comes from excessive use, so as you were so kind to recommend me to AA, I will return the favour and recommend you to Turning Point at http://www.bermudahospitals.bm/substance-abuse/overview.asp
Remember, the first step to helping yourself is admitting you have a problem. Namaste
okok @ build a better bermuda gooooo find it and post u can abuse the living crap outta weed and the most harm you will cause is to your fridge or snack cabinet so please maam/sir find where just one case i repeat just one case where weed has killed and furthermore @sage never stated about smoking it in the above comment but is correct i unfortunately partake in all 3 ; drunk is awful compared to smoking weed you cant go off of what you read about weed downing it if you havent tried it or had a bad expierence while trying it if you understand what i mean like if some miserable people was to take a draw id bet youd be able to watch the stick fall out their @**
@long time, as you requested, please find the attached link for the Royal College of Psychology
I have very little conflict with what you say, except that it is quite possible to abuse marajuana. It would not be in the same fashion as a substance like alcohol, but it is possible to abuse it like any other substance, and that abuse will have long reaching consequences.
I also do not find being drunk any worse than being high off MJ, in the rare times that if choose to get drunk, I am in fact a happy drunk, it is the after effects that are the b!*<¥. I have also repeated several times, that the way you take marajuana will vary the effects you get and what the long term risks are. Smoking is possibly one of the worst ways health wise, but best way high wise. Simply, there is more than enough modern science out there on marajuana to show that it has it's dangers, and is certainly capable of killing you in one form or another, and it is dangerous ego or pride or hubris, to deny that it can't. Abusing it, as with any substance, just destroys any possible health benefits it can offer.
The very nature of marajuana makes it very hard to create a road side sobriety test, most tests will just show the presence of THC metabolytes in the body, but more elaborate testing can show produce a rough estimate as to when it was consume by their concentration
Stop lying, herb does not, has not and will not KILL, ever, no matter how many times you regurgitate your BS.
@ Sage , so if someone decides to smoke herb there is NO CHANCE whatsoever that after doing it for many ,many years they still have zero chances of developing mouth, throat or lung cancer , just to name a few ?
Take a deep breath and just answer the question without letting your obviously emotional bias get in the way , please.
Other countries are enacting legislation to allow for testing and prosecution for driving under the influence of marijuana. This is following deaths caused by drivers under the influence of MJ.
You’re welcome.
Show me one case of smoking herb causing lung cancer, and deaths caused by driving under the influence of ganja, not having tested for metabolytes which certainly don’t prove causation. Alcohol killed 3 million in 2013, look it up.
Reported studys have shown there is a higher rate of lung cancer at an earlier age in patients who smoke cigarettes and also smoke marajuana, then there are in patients who just smoked cigarettes.
Also, a report from as far back as 1993 showed that of 40,000 road deaths in the US, 400 could be attributed to marajuana impairment.
You asked, I supplied, your welcome, though I still don’t think you are capable of actually admitting that marajuana use and abuse can kill.
Because it doesn’t, “reported studies” from where the “National Enquirer”? Try researching Dr, Donald Tashkin’s research on cannabis use and lung cancer which concluded that people who smoked ganja had less chance of lung cancer than those who smoked nothing, and even noted a protective effect. As for your 1993 “report” which shows 1% of road deaths “could be” attributed to cannabis use (cell phone stats?) means nothing since cannabis remains detectable up to a month after ingestion, long after any impairment could be of any effect.Even peanuts and plastic pen caps kill, herb doesn’t.Try again.
@ sage, if you are going to use someone research to validate your argument, you may want to read it more carefully. 20 year research project from 1985 – 2005 showed that, indeed, marajuana did not impair lung function in the moderate to low user. He also stated the average user smoked between 2 – 3 joints a month, when compared to the average cigarette smoker that was 8 cigs a day. Frankly I have never stated anything bad about casual use, everything I have takes about on this page, relates to abuse, and a heavy user will smoke anywhere between 2 – 3 joints a day. It is as possible to abuse marajuana as it any other substance, and through that abuse, there are multiple ways it can kill you, most of them not being immediately.
As for testing in road death situations, the very nature of marajuana makes it very hard to create a road side sobriety test, and most drugs tests will just show the presence of THC metabolytes in the body, but more elaborate testing can produce a rough estimate as to when it was consume by their concentration. It is the expense of these tests that make them inhibitive for traffic offence testing, but usable to determine cause of death in a road fatality event, so when they say the there are 400 confirmed road deaths where the victim was under the influence of marajuana, they would be quite sure and you only asked for one. Modern science has found more than enough evidence of the dangers that marajuana abuse can bring, particularly through smoking, try to keep up.
In 2011, 641 accidents in the UK were attributed to drivers under the influence of drugs. It included 49 deaths. Stats like this are what lead to a law change and roadside police testing equipment for cannabis.
Herb ain’t a drug, and how much should be allowed before you are “intoxicated”? I bet you will say “zero tolerance” yet we tolerate half- hot drivers legally endorsed up to 0.8.
Herb ain’t a drug? Yeah whatever.
If you drive under the influence of it you can kill people.
So much for your theories about how “it can’t hurt anyone”.
Your argument is absurd as it is illegal consume cannabis even in the privacy of your own home.
What i do in the PRIVACY of my own home is simply that, private!
I wont say anything about what you and your girlfriend might do in the, again, PRIVACY, of your own home, but I bet you dont want to talk about that one do you?
So if you kill someone in your house that’s private too is it…
Thank you as I couldn’t even bother to respond as its like talking to my 2 year old.
The notion there is no direct effect of alcohol consumption is just silly. Drink driving and violent behavior towards others are just two direct effects of alcohol on others besides the consumer.
If we want to start listing all the things in the world that have second hand consequences lets look at bigger things in life such as pollution.
The point being made is the non-equality of the prosecution regarding the useage of this plant. Like it or not we are not allowed to cherry-pick what we turn a blind eye to.
At least Mr. Gordon stands by what he believes in and is willing to put skin in the game. Kudos to him.
Its a narcotic because they label it as that. In the 50s they realized that had to classify all drugs on s level. Once they figured out big businesses can’t make money off of weed they classified it as a drug just as powerful as heroin. Really? And let cigarettes, coffee and alcohol (which they make billions from) fall into the harmless drug category when they knew for weed was far less harmful. Them they created the war on drugs.
What you and many don’t know is that it was a war on people (black people to be specific) and not drugs!
So there is no money in it. Why do folks come on here claiming legalizing it because of its financial benefit for Bermuda?
I meant government’s at the time couldn’t make money off of it. Now because of what is happening in Colorado and that state taxing stores that sell weed it might change everything.
If you want to nit pick at wording go ahead, at least weed is making headway in its medicinal use which actually benefits many patients with different issues. The more we talk about is use, the more research done on its use with non bias minds, the more the truth will eventually come out that is not harmful and will benefit the normal person.
So “Big business” couldn’t make money off in in the 1950′s, so it was banned, but Big business can today, and that’s why it was banned in 1950′s, but is OK today? Why is it different ?
….and as for you saying it was a war on black people. Please explain.
You arguments are defeating themselves. It’s not nit- picking.
No dingbat, regular people should be allowed to make money, big business should be barred.
How about irregular people or small or medium sized business ?
Who are “regular people”? How would I know someone is “regular”?
lmao your stupid real talk id send you my whole A plus apa formatted and cited essay on that topic alone lol like really?? you clearly havent done any research on the topic like your argument is over point blank regardless of anything you have to say do your research before you try and drop knowledge
wtf? in the 50′s it was illegal before 1937 it’s was used for just about everything we needed and farmer were making a living from it and just look at history, what happen in usa in those 30′s to 40′s?
hmmm what are you talking about it’s a commodity how can all other commodity comes with a price set by the market and you would say this one won’t
no it’s not named marijuana it’s name is cannabis and before 1937 we called it hemp only fools don’t know that but if smoking or abusing a drug is so bad why do you lot never go after big pharma when all their drugs are abused by million everyday and people die from this drug abuse but no pharma ceo go to jail for their drug dealing
Because as the producers, they warn against the abuse and provide strict usage instructions. Pharmaceuticals do this because people have gone after them for their drugs’ negative impacts if they haven’t been warned. How many drug dealer or producers tell people, “only smoke one joint a day, don’t operate a vehicle while under it’s influence, call me if you have any adverse reactions or seek medical help informing them what you have taken, how much and where you got it?”
Please if you are going to try and justify decriminalization and legalization, and demonization of the pharmaceutical industry, come up with a better argument, these issue are far too important to try and flog a floppy statement at.
so by you saying that if you label and put warning on cannabis we would not go jail
Once you get it legalized and get it from a licensed and regulated supplier, it probably would work, course that would be dependant on the regulations in place as well. The regulation on the pharmaceutical industry have come about from years of law suits and advocacy.
so there no abuse going on in the pharmaceutical distribution end of the business bulls*** there is all kind of abuse and deaths so how dose no one go to jail for that drug trade
Simple, you answered it yourself, drug abuse, they are abusing them, using outside of the recommended protocols. In fact, most abusers of perscription drugs aren’t even perscribed them, but buy them from dealers off the street like any other illegal drug. You cannot hold a company responsible for what happens when someone uses their product outside of the companies defined protocols. That is why they define the protocols, to establish the boundaries of their liability.
yet when someone get drunk at a bar and leaves get in to an accident we will hold a bar tender or owner responsible but when someone dies from big pharma drugs it all good there’s a label on it what a wonderful world we live in
Every 19 minutes someone dies from pharmaceuticals.
Please see me response to pabear’s above, expanded answer, drug abuse, suicide or failure to follow the prescription protocol, account for almost the entirety of that statistic. A small portion might be accounted for from an undeclared/unknown allergy too.
Poor attempt to justify deaths by prescription drugs. PS, 0 deaths in 5000+ years of use of ganja by humans.
Hemp and Marijuana are two different things. They are both Cannabis plants, but one of them has a lot more THC that the other. Ill let you figure which one is which.
well i figure you don’t have a clue how can a plant name cannabis and one thc level is different from the other now it’s a new or different plant that’s bullshit cannabis is hemp it’s marijuana it’s called by thousands of different name but there is only 3 types of cannabis indica sativa and ruderlis so when you figure something out call me
You are quite correct in this statement, hemp though is seldom used as the name for the plant itself, but instead is used to define the fibres and what they produce, typically taken from the stalk and stem material.
I have a nephew in Denver who suffered severe migraines. Nothing medically worked. It was suggested he smoke weed. Hasn’t suffered a migraine since. That’s been 4 yrs now. It can help a lot of pain struck people if monitored and not abused.
“but it is without any doubt a narcotic ”
no, it isn’t a narcotic. google is your friend, educate yourself for a change instead of spewing your nonsense while sipping your wine.
@ Raymond Ray: How do you make that “Marijuana is a narcotic”? heroin, morphine, and pethidine are narcotics.. Marijuana doesn’t numb you, if anything it opens the mind and makes one more conscious of what their doing. A murderer, rapist or even a thief would not smoke or eat the best of herbs because the herb once ingested you start thinking of you consequences and your guilt. Marijuana is a all round healing herb for the body and mind. I personally don’t smoke it but I do cook with it in many ways…
This is a herb that will make a bad man turn himself inside out, thats why its call conscious food. Wicked men cannot and will not smoke or eat Marijuana.
Now go back and look up why Marijuana was made illegal in the first place. It stated that the white men were afraid of losing their women to men of color, who at that time was very much a more conscious man.
If you’ve never used herb, I don’t want to hear anyones hoopla about what they think it does to the body or mind. Go and inhale a big chalice or try baking with the finest of greens then come and blog about your experiences with herb.
Have a blessed day
Charles Manson was a regular Marajuana user, so you may wan to rethink your whole statement there.
Ah yes children, that’s right, if you smoke that devil weed you will form a cult and order serial killings, guaranteed! Alcohol, on the other hand, is perfectly acceptable (Charles never touched the stuff) and although we are well aware you kiddies start hitting the sauce (in your homes) as early as seven, we recommend you follow “THE LAW” and start at eighteen because science proves the brain continues to develop until 25 yrs and we can more easily mislead, pull the wool over the eyes of and deceive those who have the better part of a decade to stunt their brain development on a substance everyone knows full well is harmful, hell we will give you a car license the same day you get your drinking license and you can buy liquor on a sunday at a gas station to boot, nothing untoward about that. To show how seriously we take this matter we will make carding mandatory if requested. Be safe now and make sure to practice “responsible alcohol behavior”.
Chronic migraines are among some of the conditions that can is has been documented to be an effective treatment for, though if it is to be used as a long term treatment, I would recommend switching to an alternative form of intake to smoking. Vaporizing systems are equally good, but produce less carcinogenic smoke or some shops produce pills, though the later is not as effecient.
Damn, this comment was meant @C sept 10 2:14pm
You can’t comment on my post, cat got your tongue?
We must not use the scriptures for our own personal gain. Revelation 22 v18-19
@ N.Blake Somner: And why shouldn’t we use the book of life for our own personal gain? You just did.
Sounds like Gordon should spend some time at MAWI! Who is this character anyway and where is his country of origin.
Yes – best send him packing back home to …….. Bermuda….
Actually, I think he’s American, married to a Bermudian.
“In the Court of Appeal judgment in The Crown v Shiloh Smith, a local Rastafarian High Priest, was told that the Crown may not grant religious rights to one person, group or sect, and not others.”
So can Gordon provide the Court ruling which granted him to cultivate and distribute based on his application?
If not, then his argument is once again based on lies. Meaning that if the Court did not grant Shioh Smith permission based on religous beliefs and they also didn’t grant Gordon permission based on his religous application then the Court was fair in their rulings.
Excatly…. it’d be like a priest making his own wine and passing it around every Sunday.
As long as it’s not in a Gosling Black Seal bottle
Someone, is looking to make themselves a Martyr and if he keep this up i’m sure the Commissioner will duly oblige.
I would like to know how he became–Hebrew religious?!!!!!NO such thing!!!Hebrew(language spoken )Israelites (chosen elect of God)…The bible was authorized, by King James so that the “true” lost tribes of Israel would know their history which He (King James) realized were becoming a scattered people in the four corners of the earth!, and although under a covenant would continuously be persecuted, for the disobedience of our ancestors who did not follow Gods commandments which were written unto the children of Israel…Not the heathens!Gods chosen continue to be disobedient in not following the commandments whilst the heathen continually gather, against the chosen Elect of God..Until the fulfillment of THE LAW!
@ mj: What is the fulfillment of the law you speak of?
Wow, I cannot quite find the time to say how far off you are there, but will address 2 glaring points
1 – Hebrew is indeed a language, spoken by the the Hebrews/Israelites, so there is the Hebrew religion or Judaism as it is more modernity known
2 – King James did not authorize the bible, he authorized a bible for the Church of England in the early 1600′s, the bible was originally authorized by the Council of Nicaea to solidify Christianity’s separation from Judaism in the 3rd century
Your attempt to redefine history to justify your own anti-semitism is quite obvious, and discredits your own arguments
Every man has a right to defend himself and his reality
So much for your theory Serious.
“and his reality”?
Look within.
The guy is out to lunch – without a picnic!
Government and the police enforcing their powers with racial bias?? Nothing new here at all, yet some attack the messenger and fail to even slightly address the point he is making,, ho hum..
This guy has done a huge amount to undermine any legitimate attempts to reform marijuana laws with his antics.
Until the law is changed apply it equally and if he has actually grown then throw him in jail.
Bet there is no evidence, of the magnitude he boasted, in his yard today !!!
and pots bra pots or google hydroponics or rock garrdens simple stuff he coulda had it there you you not even seen it “if” hidden correct
ay onion i really think what he is tryin to say why havent i been arrested yet im telling u what i did and to what extent where is my punishment and im not tryna disagree wit you in anyway but think about what you said or how u said it
For this man to tell our Premier that people are dying because herb is illegal in Bda is absurd. Mr.Gordon are you a doctor? Have you ever been to medical school? Have you ever prcatised medicine in a real hospital? You should be lucky our Premier takes the high road cause he could have easily embarrassed you on TV everyone that has talked to you on TV has taken it easy on you. Show us your medical degrees next time you are TV please. Show us your medical papers and all the schools you attended. How many doctors , real doctors will stand by you in your conversation? Just another weed head blabbering on.
well done Mr. Gordon for exposing the double standard that exists on the island towards people of colour, a different way of life, and economic class. prohibition has never worked anywhere, we will overcome
There isn’t a double standard unless the Court ruled in favor of Mr. Gordon’s religous application to allow him to cultivate and distribute weed.
Notice how he doesn’t state if he even applied to the Court for permission as he stated in the Februaury letter to the Police Commissioner? Why is that?
Now if he applied on religous grounds and was permitted by the Courts to grow and distribute then you would have a case to claim double standards. So until he can prove that his application was approved while Shiloh Smith’s was denied on the same grounds then you alledge racism and the lot.
But if the Court denied both applications then there can be no claims that one is favored over the other. I have a gut feeling that a) he didn’t bother to apply to the courts because he knew what the outcome would be or b) his application was denied and he wilfully won’t disclose that fact as it would be a hindrance to his argument presented above (which changes on a weekly basis it seems).
the only reason they would ever legalize it is if they can absolutely control it ,,if they cant control it, then it wont happen,
they see dollar signs,and they have no concern about any heath benefits or religion,
certain races of people in power have a historic track record of destroying things they cant be in control of,
You mean the races of people that comprise the PLP (i.e. black) that did nothing on this subject during their 14 years in power?
Or the races of people (i.e. diverse) of this Government who has commissioned the initial review via the CRC with the intention of updating our archaic laws on this subject?
Who is “they”?
Hmm, is that really hard to figure out? One would assume since he is talking about legalization which would in involve a change or amendment to the law that “they” is the individuals that can change or amend the law regarding cannabis.
that’s another subject onion
that’s why we have countries NOW before used to be kingdoms, control commerce its’ over 6000 yrs old..
Humans have never been free, just controlled benefits depending where you live.
Everyone has an opinion but the Law is the Law
This guy is a one-track pony. What’s his day job, anyway?
While I strongly believe that cannabis should be legal in Bermuda, I have to say that Mr. Gordon appears to consistently undermine the cause by virtue of his barrack room lawyer-esque arguments and half-baked (no pun intended!) theories. I’m not sure what the answer is, but I cannot believe that Mr. Gordon’s approach is it. It really says something when you’re irritating and turning-off people who actually agree with your overall aim, and having discussed the issue of legalisation with a number of people, I can assure you that I’m hardly alone in feeling this way. Some people just can’t help but to over-egg the pudding, I guess.
I am a high priest of the United Unitarian Church which espouses the holy use of opium. I was anointed by my brother in law, who runs the church out of his garage. Therefore, I think I am allowed to cultivate and distribute opium and heroin. For religious purposes, wink wink.
high priest shiloh = just another religious nut case,
None of the above comments seem to actually address Mr. Gordon’s point.
If some random “high priest” sent a letter to the government and the Police Commissioner that they intended to grow 10 pounds of weed, and then they followed through with it.
Mr. Gordon is saying that random “high priest” would be in the news. Where as he(Mr. Gordon), basically got away with it.
That is the double standard regardless of the law, the opinions, anything else. The true test would be if he attempts this again.
Mr Gordon has described section 8 of the Constitution wrongly.
First, he calls it section 5. That’s the wrong provision.
But second, he says that “no law may stop religious practice”. Actually, it says
“Except with his consent, no person shall be hindered in the enjoyment of his freedom of conscience, and for the purposes of this section the said freedom includes freedom of thought and of religion, freedom to change his religion or belief and freedom, either alone or in community with others, and both in public or in private, to manifest and propagate his religion or belief in worship, teaching, practice and observance”
Enjoyment of freedom of conscience is not the same as an unlimited right to enjoy religious practice.
If freedom of religious practice was allowed, then some folks may be poligamists and move to have multiple spouses
Currently you can be free to think you should have multiple spouses
rasta are confused about their religion and halie salassie,,
And you are more confused about spelling, punctuation and making sense! “Dem say Rasta confused, dem no know wha fe do, dem say Selassie is last, when only Jah Jah gets the last laugh, so Rasta don’t get foolish and let the newsmen words fool you, Rasta just you laugh, off a de Babylon dem…” Max Romeo.
I imagine Mr. Williams sees it very differently than Mr. Gordon.
haha.. I think what it all boils down to was that Mr. Gordon was trying to prove a point…. and guess what IT WAS PROVEN… it who you are, what color you are, where your from in the _______________ island. How many others are doing under handed things with BPS, Prosecution, etc. knowledge… quite interesting to know.
@ Paul… I am of no true religion because religion causes to many grief upon people’s lives…. BUT .. how dare you condemn religious believers and who they believe in as being confused…. ??? Serious? Perhaps you are confused about YOUR life. That was a very crude comment to make… low blow without doubt.
What a fascinating discussion.
Please note that those persons who have been deliberately insulting (but from the comfort of their desks) are on the “anti-” side.
This suggests that hateful or mean people are, well, I dont know how to say this, but. . .
If pot is available medically growers could produce and supply pot that doesn’t have hrmful ingredients innit….addictive substances are sprinkled on to it now to suppy needfor them…then one day they pull that back and say we don’t have that but here trythis instead…..if the medium is no more….then addicts will deminish…….when you see bi polar mood swings that is the additive making them desperate for more…..organic pot is lovely…it is also the only antiinflamitory that doesn’t give you heartburn…
It doesn’t damage your liver either….
If it doesn’t adversely effect others…there is no good reason to say no….there is reasonable…and un reasonable……saying no and choosing for me is unreasonable….you do you…and I’ll do me…
I don’t want my airline pilot going into a shop, buying his weed then flying me anywhere. Leave it like it is.
Just as your airline pilot isn’t allowed to be drink nor will he be allowed to be high. This should really just be common sense to all of you. If someone is not allowed to be drunk at their job they certainly will not be allowed to be high at their job.
Just as your airline pilot isn’t allowed to be drunk nor will he be allowed to be high. This should really just be common sense to all of you. If someone is not allowed to be drunk at their job they certainly will not be allowed to be high at their job.
Yes, where they have drinks in the pilots lounge or show up hungover, that is fine. Simply buying weed would not effect a pilots flying abilities, and even smoking it would be less dangerous than alcohol.
We refused to be what you wanted us to be
We are what we are and that’s the way it’s going to be
If you don’t know
You can’t educate us for no equal opportunity
Talkin’ bout my freedom
People freedom and liberty
We been trodding on your wine press much too long
Rebel rebel…
Babylon system is the vampire
Falling empire
Sucking the blood of the sufferer
We been trodding on yuh wine press much too long
The hon. Robert Nesta Marley O.B.E.
Any of you anti smoke campaigners heard about the smoke up being advertised right here on bernews… its called ‘Indulge’ it promotes the smoking of tobacco and drinking alcohol.
It is bieng advertised as a luxury…an oppurtunity to enjoy the finer things in life.
Talk about dressing up a terd…
I suggest that the anti smoking crowd rally up and get this dealt with, or are they focused solely on fighting ppl who smoke a much less harmful plant material? Which is also a much safer intoxicant than alcohol
If you recall…it was Moses told pharoe “Let my people go”.
..Hebrew doctors are very good for the most part…and homeopathic drugs and herbs are all throughout pharmaceuticals…nothing new there .critically ill patients…to the patient that needs a better anti inflammatory,to calm stress levels ……any standard…but look carefully Hebrews do selfless things…it is called Mitsva…I have to check the spelling…