Police Advise Using Middle Rd Due To Delays
[Updated] Police are asking the public to be patient, and to use Middle Road where possible, as two oversized port-a-cabins are being transported from the hospital site in Paget to Morgans Point in Southampton via the South Shore today [Sept 6].
Police Media Manager Dwayne Caines said, “Police are asking the public to be patient as two oversized port-a-cabins are being transported from the hospital site to Southampton via the South Shore.
“This has caused considerable traffic delays in the area, and we are advising the motoring public to use Middle Road where possible. As of 1.20pm, the container was in the area of Warwick Long Bay, and another port-a-cabin will be making its way west as soon as the first one has reached its destination.
“Police would like to apologize to anyone who has been inconvenienced in the process,” added Mr. Caines.
Update 2.38pm: A police spokesperson said, “Motorists are advised that currently portable offices are being moved from outside King Edward VII Memorial Hospital to Morgan’s Point primarily along South Road, apparently by tractor trailer. As a result, significant traffic delays have been reported along that section of South Road.
“Therefore it is recommended that road users traveling to the western parishes from the central area use Middle Road instead. In addition, the motoring public is encouraged to exercise extra caution if they encounter the portable offices in transit.”
Update 7.47pm: A police spokesperson said, “Please note that the movement of portable offices from the hospital site to Morgan’s Point continues this evening. Motorists are still advised to use Middle Road instead where possible and to exercise extra caution if they encounter the portable offices in transit.”
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- Weekend Reports, Photos, Videos, Links & More | Bernews.com | September 8, 2014
Why would Mr. Canines apologize for any inconvenience caused? It is the contractors hired to build the hospital who should apologize as they are the ones who are actually causing the delays and not the BPS…. Sheesh…..
Why is this not being done in the early morning. Traffic backed up from Port Royal past White Hill Field right now!!
This is ridiculous! I saw the first trailer at Johnny Barnes roundabout at 10am and after over three hours it was still only at Warwick Long Bay?!!
Maybe some ADVANCE NOTICE might have been sensible?!! Or how about moving these earlier in the morning rather than during the prime times of the day?!!
God forbid that anyone needed emergency services during that time. Must have completely thrown the bus service off too…
You had one day of delays calm yourself
If you had the right trailer it wouldn’t be a big deal…
So what is the wright trailer?SMFH!!!!!
Step deck or an RGN/DGN would keep the load lower and more stable. Hope that helps there super trucker.
this should have been done early on a Sunday morning when there is hardly any traffic.
Should have read Mr. Caines….
Where is everyone.
No b****ing nor moaning.
No why OBA allowed this on a Saturday.
Where is Raymond Ray and his solutions.
Where is Mr. Burt speaking about another OBA ploy to shut down traffic and slow things down for people trying to grab their Ipod and Kumputer. Roads works were delayed due to this transport via road/s of portable (potties) .
Nothing like a chain saw from Sousa’s Landscaping ….cut them in half….
Ewart Brown is behind this.
Has to be………………………….
Terry you got all worked up and forgot to say Shalom lol
What a nightmare. They were travelling together, and I am sure there were three, not two.This slow moving convoy should have taken place in the very early hours of the morning when traffic was low, between 4am and 6am. It should also have entailed a Police escort. I witnessed several very close calls between east bound traffic and motorcyclists who impatiently overtook the long line of traffic. It also created havoc with the bus schedule as traffic was at a virtual standstill between Barnes Corner and Morgans Point. Saturday is a busy day on the roads in Bermuda, some let’s put the thinking caps on before making another decision like this. Also, No Advance Notice!
If these dumb shmucks had any bit of sense, they wouldve warned the public BEFOREHAND. Not as its happening.
It took me an hour to get to Southampton by bus.
Are they reusing these offices? Or they just disposing of them?
Probably should’ve dismantled them maybe?
F@@@ yards.
Load onto trailer
Drive to Hamilton docks
Load onto barge
Ferry to Morgan’s Point
No traffic delays
No inconveniences
Probably would’ve costed the same in fuel, equipment and man hours
@Micro. Did not see your post when I posted. We are on the same page.
@d. “If these dumb shmucks had any bit of sense, they wouldve warned the public BEFOREHAND. Not as its happening.” = Could not agree more. Pathetic civil service and sooo many of them !
maybe their barge was already in USE at another job!
It is 8 24 pm and this is still happening. Traffic stopped at somerset fire station. Been here for 45 min. This should have been done at midnight.
Why was this not trucked from the Hospital to the docks and floated across on Correia’s big barge? Someone must have issued a permit considering there was a police escort. Bermuda is another world by incompetence.
Go sleep Terry, ya boring
just reached home half hour ago after leaving somerset to southampton, last two are through and other small trucks, coming out of somerset gridlocked for at least fourty minutes!Care, caution, curteous was the order of the evening…Phew!!! so glad i made it home and it wasn’t delay due to accident.
Warning the puiblic in advance??? Yeah, right. Who would pay attention to the notification? How many looky looks went to see & became part of the problem?
These were not your usual loads. They are wider than a Bermuda road lane & probably 40′ long, plus the tractor head.
How many have the slightest clue of what it takes to drive such a large vehicle in tight quarters of a Bermuda road? Lets also not forget the height limits & the utility lines that had to be lifted along the way.
Can never please people..
Want a new hospital, gets built, people complain its too expensive.
Want progress up Morgans Point, people complain when progress is being made.
Want new development at Fairmont, well you need a barge for that, cant be in two places at once.
Want the companies to work at 3 am – 6am, how are they supposed to see the overhead cables to lift over the port-a-cabins.
Correct trailers? We live in Bermuda, large trailers are few and far between.
Advanced notice? Read bernews, listen to the radio, or read the newspaper.
you could not have said it better PC…spoiled little bermudians with their entitlement spoons in their mouths…jus sickening.
Thank you for having some sense
I would guess they attempted to do this during daylight hours – just imagine how upset people would be if cable was shut off because the cable line was pulled down by one of these things. Was advance notice given? If it was not, it should been in the papers and on the airwaves. It is human nature to complain so I would be willing to bet if they had used the barge – people would be complaining about how traffic into Hamilton was held up, etc. You can only please some people some of the time, you can never please all people all the time.
I’m sure no matter what time of day or night this took place..someone would have had an issue with it…
The good thing is that it is over and done with and now we can move on….
I blame de plp!
(someone had to post that!)
Dont mind me, im just here for the comments. (Eats Popcorn)
Why Morgan’s Point? I suspect it’s getting ready for the next big project which maybe the new hotel.
In addition to no advance notification of disruptions to traffic, there was also no warning of the rerouting of the No.7 bus over the weekend. Surely it would be simple enough to have signs in the hospital bus stops on Point Finger Road and at the bus terminal over the preceding week advising of the change in service. I saw several elderly people as well as hospital staff waiting at the stops, not knowing that the buses were being diverted on Saturday and Sunday. I also agree with those who suggest that it would have made more sense to transport the buildings in the early hours of the morning, as is the practice in many other countries.
As of 11:30 am Sunday morning, they are still being transported. So may want to detour from South Shore.
People please stop complaining. Not matter when this job had to be done it was going to cause traffic issues. It is a slow moving process due to the guys making sure no electrical wires are pulled down.
We have become such a group of complainers. Everyone wants to be going at such a fast pace. SLOW DOWN and see that progress is being made. One large construction job is almost complete and things are being put in place to start at Morgan’s Point. More jobs and money toward the economy. Have a bit of patience and enjoy the scenery.
Re locating that foreign worker housing are we.
Anyone get delayed because of the police moving their Motorhome a few days ago?
Those will be used at Morgan’s point for site offices..and as that job will be 4 or 5 times the hospital job, yep there will be a lot more of these…hopefully when they arive go straght to Morgan’s point. And stand by if we get the Amaricas cup as there will be building all over Morgan’s point and Dock yard. .and guest workers galore…
Again, why would the BPS apologize?? They didn’t cause the problem!! Has nothing to do with Mr. Desilva being busy or not…… The BPS is so quick to apologize for just doing their job that they are even apologizing for something that they didn’t cause!!
Hmmmmm, so sorry. The BPS is right to apologize as they were clearly contracted to build the new hospital, it was their portacabins, etc, etc. Just because they are ESCORTING these wide loads doesn’t mean they should apologize! Ask yourself this, did the contractors pay for the BPS to provide an escort or did we as tax payers pay for BPS to dedicate resources to this instead of doing ‘normal’ police work???
You have missed what I said originally… Slowly now.. Why would Dwayne Caines of The Bermuda Police Service apologize for any inconvenience caused… You talk about Island Construction and BCM etc… Exactly!!! They should be apologizing NOT the BPS… Wake up.. You really miss the point…