‘Delta Pantry’ Food Bank Helps Those In Need

October 8, 2014

The ladies of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated Bermuda Alumnae Chapter have launched, “The Delta Pantry”, a food-hamper assistance programme.

The Delta Pantry was established to assist struggling families who, despite being employed, are still finding it challenging to provide the basic necessities for their families.

A spokesperson said, “Through the organisation’s community research, they have determined there are existing programmes that assist those who are considered to be ‘low-income’ and those who are Seniors.

“In today’s economy, the Deltas have recognized that there are many people across the socio-economic levels that have empty cupboards. These are individuals that maintain a full or part-time job, have children in the home under the age of 18, receive no Government assistance, and are struggling to feed their children or make ends meet.


“Since its establishment in September 2013, the Deltas have distributed several hampers to families in need. In partnership with various other community organizations who donate food and other items, the Delta Pantry maintains a bank of non-perishable items that range from can goods, pastas, paper products, cereals, jams, jellies, juice boxes, trash bags, toilet paper, paper towel and the like.

“Some organizations have even donated fresh produce and necessities like milk, bread, etc. Their goal is to collect enough supplies to provide two hampers per month.


Cindy Weeks, Chair of the Pantry and 1st VP of the Bermuda Alumnae Chapter said, “As a community driven organization that was built on the principles of service, we continuously strive to identity those areas of economic and social concern that could use our help and this is one of them.

“It is our hope that the Pantry will grow into an independent programme that can effectively provide relief for the hundreds of families who are struggling.”


One mother who wishes to remain anonymous expressed her gratitude, “This was a godsend. I literally had no food in the cupboards and wondered what I would give the children for breakfast.”

Roxanne Christopher, President of the Bermuda Alumnae Chapter said, “This programme is evidence of the phenomenal women who are members of this organization.

“They have a genuine selfless desire to help our community and I am proud to work with them in developing The Delta Pantry. Our goal is to deliver two hampers per month and we welcome anyone to recommend families who fit the criteria.”


To recommend a recipient for The Delta Pantry or to make a donation, please contact Cindy Weeks at cndweeks@gmail.com or call 535-9639.

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  1. Terrylynn Millard says:


  2. eye in the sky says:

    Park all large cars out of sight!

    (Truth hurts).

  3. iBleedRED says:

    Oo-oop Sorors! phenomenal and outstanding women indeed!

  4. City Style says:

    Nice Sorors!!! Keep up the excellent work.

    Sending you all some love from the UK! Oo-oop