New Webpage: Premier’s Messages, Statements

April 2, 2015

The Government has launched a new webpage — — which includes the Premier’s Ministerial Statements, press releases, press statements, National Addresses, special messages, social media links and more.

In highlighting the page, Premier Michael Dunkley said, “The aim of the webpage is to provide an opportunity for people to follow the progress of the Premier, the Government and in particular the Cabinet Office and the Ministry of National Security of which I have responsibility.

“In an age where everything is becoming more and more digital and people have unlimited access to technology, I believe this is a very efficient way of ensuring that residents are kept abreast of what their Premier is doing on behalf of the people. I want to encourage people to visit the page and feel free to reach out and contact me.”

Screenshot of the webpage

primiers website screenshot

A spokesperson added, “Visitors to the page will be able to review the Premier’s Ministerial Statements, press releases, press statements, National Addresses, special messages and greetings.

“There are also links to other departments within Government. The webpage is also linked to the Premier’s social media platforms, including FaceBook, Twitter and Instagram. The creation and design of the website was done within Government.”

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  1. sufferingfromwithdrawal says:

    One thing aboht dunk, he surly likes be cheesing for de camrea.

    • Raymond Ray says:

      Granted, he certainly does have a great smile :-) But in all honesty, I believe he is one of the better leaders we’ve ever had.
      We all can see from his “history” and not “his-story” Premier Michael H. Dunkley has much to offer Bermuda and its citizens…Of course not everyone will agree with me but that’s just the way I see things…

      • Coffee says:

        Can’t be anything worse than failing eyesight !