Canada Goose Spotted Around The Island

June 17, 2015

An unusual visitor recently made its way to Bermuda, with a Canada Goose reportedly sighted at various locations around the island.

A post on the Bermuda Audubon Society Facebook page said, “Another species of wildfowl that is unusual in the summer, Canada Goose. This bird has been reported from various locations around the island. Today it was at Belmont GC.”

Canada’s Ducks Unlimited website says, “The spectacle of Canada geese as they honk their way across the sky in ā€œVā€ formation confirms the shift in seasons. Among the first to arrive north in spring, they are among the last to leave as winter returns.

“Although they are named for Canada, Canada geese are found all over North America at various times of the year. In the summer, Canada geese make their homes throughout most of Canada, Alaska and the northern United States. Some northern populations even make the trip over to Greenland!

“In the winter, most Canada geese seek warmer climates. While many do winter in southern Canada, most make their way to the mid and southern United States. Some even go the extra mile and fly all the way to northern Mexico.”

Photos by Andrew Dobson:



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  1. Say What? says:

    He’s beautiful. Spread the word on how nice Bermuda is, Mr. Goose!

  2. BDE says:

    Quick, send it on its way. They are a pest everywhere else in the world.