Trail Of Our People To Celebrate 20 Honourees

July 22, 2015

The Department of Community and Cultural Affairs will celebrate 20 honourees at the official programme to commemorate Emancipation Day 2015 at the Ruth Seaton James Centre on Sunday [July 26] commencing at 7 p.m.

The Trail of Our People: Passing the Torch programme will pay homage to community heroes from Warwick and Smith’s Parish.


Heather Whalen, Director of Community and Cultural Affairs, said, “We are honouring people from Warwick and Smith’s Parishes that have made meaningful and significant contributions to their respective communities.

“Last year we focused on families from Southampton and Hamilton parishes. This year, our focus will be on individuals and organizations that have, despite challenging and extenuating circumstances, shaped and supported their local communities; and by so doing have made lasting contributions to their respective communities.”

This year’s community heroes are: John Barritt Sr; Lady Blackman [aka Dr. Norma Astwood]; Eugene Blakeney; Clarence O. Darrell; Mallory Darrell; Dr. George Burt and Mrs Gloria McPhee; Nurse Caro Spencer-Wilson; Dr. Thomas Stowe; The Talbot Brothers; Major Albert Benjamin; Nurse Iris Davis; Francis Harvey Edmondson; Julia Lightbourne; Herbert Simons; Adele Tucker; Martin T. Wilson; Cobb’s Hill Methodist Church; Pembroke Hamilton Club; Warwick Workman’s Club.

Families of the honorees are encouraged to attend and admission is open to the public.

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  1. Onion Juice says:

    Our Trail has been tainted by Surrogates.